Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community. Platforms targeted by trolls can include the comment sections of YouTube, forums, or chat rooms.

Trolls often use inflammatory messages to provoke emotional responses out of people, disrupting otherwise civil discussion. Trolling can occur anywhere that has an open area where people can freely post their thoughts and opinions.

Another way to spot a troll is by their persistence. When trolls sense that they’re getting an emotional response out of someone, they usually won’t stop until they’ve gotten their victim sufficiently riled up.

Trolls are also known for their outlandish and outrageous claims. They will often make ridiculous statements about the subject at hand, again with the expectation that they will get an emotional response out of people. Trolls won’t necessarily believe the outrageous claims they make, but their goal is to convince you that they do believe it.

ETA - this is not directed to trubandloki, just replying inline
ETAx2 - as I thought the additional information was specifically appropriate

  1. Contributory negligence isn’t a thing in NJ. It was replaced by modified comparative negligence. You would know this if you had been paying attention.
  2. Remember the pies and manure piles and other lovely drawings that people made for you. Those answer all the questions.





literally, since when?

you’ve shown no curiosity on the legal issues. Well, except to argue the incorrect meaning of concepts so as to cast them in a light favorable to the plaintiff.


Well I think it’s good news that TODAY, you want to focus on discussing the legal aspects of the civil case, and you are not looking for either recognition or conflict with other posters on the forum.

But then…only 6 minutes later, you followed this post up with another post…

Sigh. We are going to have to work harder at developing an effective marine mammal training program for you, I think. Some sea lions just take a little longer to train than others, I guess.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


@CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 PLEASE take your discussions over to YT and Law and Crime. We here are REALLY sick of the continuous back and forth and back and forth. Give us all a break. There are unlimited new posters on those sites who you could debate the merits of the K Klan with.


Letter briefs are extremely common in NJ. Always thought it was weird.


Especially once it is explained to them in detail that a false report was filed with SS (which resulted in the CPS investigation), and particularly the fact that an SS lifetime ban ends MB’s ability to earn a living in his chosen field.


That’s a wonderful idea! Fresh meat so to speak. They may even find one or two kindred spirits there!


Clicker training is regularly used with marine mammals.


Since always. Since my first posts.

Did you ever respond on your assessment as to whether CE might come into play?

My position, as a non lawyer, is that it’s probably complicated and therefore not clear whether or not CE will come into play.

I also don’t think CE is a vital issue, because even without CE, I think it’s a no brainer that MB shot LK.

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Again and again and again and again and again.

Try reading all the answers you have already been given.




It’s like a dog that absolutely cannot be housebroken, no matter how many different methods you try, no matter how many times you try to “explain” things to it. The danged pooch is still going to lift its leg on the couch.




Here’s what I don’t get, VHM.

You seem to be OK with someone, in this case unforgettable, baiting and taunting me, but not with me responding.

Could you perhaps train your cohorts not to jab and taunt?

Obviously I can ignore the taunts, and often do, but why am I the jerk for responding to a taunt?

What do you recommend I do? Respond, not respond, flag?

Oh for heaven’s sake - lighten up. Stoop away?? Seriously?

“Fixed that for you” is a common type of post (that you seem to be completely unaware of) on endless forums across the internet whether the discussion is about kumquats or velociraptors… it does not change your meaning as your original post is still there for all to see. Can you still see it? Yes.

It is just another poster disagreeing with you and having an opinion - that is allowed - and not worth the lame “juvenile posting tactic” insult. That insult could be applied to many posts here that have an air of superiority and spin in constant sneering circles.

I do think that the YT forums might be more fun for some - the moderating is extremely light and anything goes. Literally, anything. Some of the sh-stuff LK has posted there has been… well, vintage raging LK. Posting there as well as here might be enlightening for those who think this forum is problematic…


More especially, since LK contacted SS initiated to state/insinuate (although I personally think she said it “out loud”) that MB was ‘bullying, bodyshaming HER’, and when SS said they were an organization to protect minors, SUDDENLY there were ‘minors IN DANGER’ which caused SS to call CPS.

I don’t think the jury will be happy about this Very Clear Attempt to provide false information, manipulate a protective agency, and ruin a person, Just 'Cause.

(Sorry about the long run-on sentence.)


You got that right!


there’s a medical (human) website I frequent that has a puzzle called “wordectomy” which is a redacted piece about some disease or condition.
I try it every morning while swilling coffee and attempting to wake up.

This morning, the condition was “amnesia” and it mentioned the sub-category:

“Anterograde amnesia is the inability to transfer new information from the short-term store into the long-term store. People with anterograde amnesia cannot remember things for long periods of time.”

Sounds kinda familiar here.


Kumquats are yummy!