Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

It’s unbelievably sad.



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Yeah, the one I’m thinking of, there’s an actual employee or doctor or someone like that included as a plaintiff, because of the hazardous work conditions, due to all of the stuff happening. I can’t find it right now, but sooner or later, the name will come to me.


Wait, THAT’s the part of the trial transcript GAS send the judge?? Really? Well. Yeah, GAS, that was great. Probably not what I would have chosen, but then, really, what part of Lauren’s testimony is going to put her in a better light than that?


Makes it pretty apparent why he doesn’t want to have her answer questions like that under oath, again, doesn’t it?


Thanks very much! And thanks for posting that article.

I can sort of see why Taylor might be inclined to err on the side of caution if he sees cases like that every day.

But it also sounds like that guy is miles and miles and miles away from MB’s situation in just about every possible way. Which is why every case is supposed to be decided on its own individual merits, I would imagine.


There are certainly people out there who are currently dangerous and need to be confined but you are right that MB’s situation is very different.


If they weren’t buddies, would Jonathan Kanarek have felt confident that sending an ex parte note to the judge would be A-OK?

I doubt even a Google U attorney would do THAT unless there was a prior social connection to rely upon.


Yes. That is the one that I was thinking of


It’s kind of bugging me because I know it’s not this one or that class action, settled one! It will come to me though. Probably at about 2 am.


I went to LO’s FB page and then here go fund me and updates she mentioned it…anywhooo

The settlement agreement

US District Court
District of New Jersey

Civil action

Case number 2:18-cv-17303

It is a 54 page settlement agreement

Is this the one?


Yes, that’s this one in the PDF I linked here:

Sooner or later I’ll remember the other one…


I thought the Greystone report said he should be released but Taylor overruled the report based on hearsay from someone who did not have the authority to work on the report.


I think Ann Klein did say that but unfortunately it wasn’t followed.


I’ve been a mostly silent observer since the start of this unbelievable, can’t make this stuff up, tragedy. The kicker that sent MB over the edge is the report to DYFS and it doesn’t make one bit of difference that it wasn’t a direct report, but one through SS by LK. LK is directly responsible for the false claim of abuse and that is very much frowned upon by society and she will have to bear the consequences of that. There are no excuses to justify this false claim no matter how some spin it. Then you add all the other things that were done that is just not normal behavior, illegally recording private conversations, ignoring barn rules, calling the inspector forcing MB and family out of their home, ninja-ing, confronting MB in a rage by his truck days prior to the incident, friending MHG’s kids (wowza), searching for where her kids live (unbelievable). The drug abuse in combination with some obvious anti- social, mental health issues, I just can’t see how anyone can justify her behavior. If her supporters acknowledged this anti social behavior and supported LK getting the mental health help she desperately needs, these threads would be going in a different direction. There is really no justification for her behavior, all frowned upon by societal norms. It is very sad she got shot, something she will have to live with the rest of her life. It is very sad she will not learn from this and that her supporters are only enabling this behavior by not acknowledging that she is in the wrong. Sorry for the lengthy post, the friend requesting MHG’s kids sent me over the edge. There is really no justifying any of her behavior period. Spin away, it makes no difference to me except for the fact that it is still enabling her anti social behavior.


That was from Ann Klein. The psychiatrist said he should be released. Judge T sent him to Greystone instead, based on hearsay from someone who wasn’t even present at the hearing to testify or be questioned. (From the GFM updates).


So very wrong :frowning:


I wish I could like your post more than once.

Don’t be a stranger


That seems like a reasonable theory.

Although wasn’t that ex parte communication to the judge in the civil matter? Not Taylor? (As far as we know, anyway.)

But this whole K clan has demonstrated such a propensity to do so many unreasonable things that I think it’s really almost impossible to tell.

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Supposedly the K’s sent a bunch of stuff to Anne Klein and Taylor before the first Krol hearing, i am pretty sure I remember that being talked about