Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Oh, Lauren Kanarek bragged all over YT that she was sending the transcripts and the audios (you know, the ones requested from Kirby Kanarek that still haven’t been produced). That even made it into Mr Deininger’s last pleading,


I seem to remember it being talked about as well, but I think the source of the talk was LK, and possibly Seeker, plus maybe a couple of their minions. All sources who have shown themselves to be pretty darn unreliable when it comes to factual statements in this matter.

I believe they also claimed that they would be attending the hearing in person, and providing victim impact statements in the court room, even though our legal eagle types on the BB have assured us that is not at all a thing at a Krol hearing.

So I think it’s important to differentiate between things that were talked about, and things that were talked about by reliable sources.

By the same token, I think we need to be careful about making statements that are conjecture and sarcasm without clearly delineating them as such.

Particularly after we have scolded some of the minions so much for basically doing the same thing with their “theories” and “movies in their heads.”


This whole post is great, but the excerpt above is really important. The people on here who support LK while ignoring any discussion of the breathtakingly awful behaviour she displays (and has her whole life) do her more harm - much more harm - than good. One almost feels sorry for her that she has no one in her life or online who cares enough to show the kind of tough love needed to right a situation like this. And she never has, it appears. And that’s tragic, honestly.

And, yes, that even includes parents. A parent should always love their child, but also know when that tips over into enabling and even aiding and abetting (e.g., JK). A friend should support and encourage, but know when to tell a friend, hold up, you are not okay here. Even a disinterested party who, for example, jumps on unpopular causes online or has a policy to always support a certain type of person (e.g., gunshot victims) should also have the intellectual honesty and capability to recognise the very real pathology in a complex situation, acknowledge it, and openly and repeatedly condemn it when it is revealed.

I could understand someone taking an anti-gun violence stance. That’s me, too.

I cannot and never will accept someone who cannot or will not immediately, openly, and unequivocally condemn in the strongest and clearest possible terms behaviour like friending and searching for MHG’s minor children. If you cannot address that head on, I cannot give any credit at all to anything else you have to say on the matter.

There are standards of behaviour in a society for a reason. If you show me over and over again that you condone repeated and outrageous violations of those standards, then you show me a character so lacking in integrity, intelligence, and common decency that my only legitimate response is to walk away/block/ignore you.

Life is too short to interact with that kind of person and, for me, to do so (esp IRL) would amount to compromising my own personal integrity, and that’s a non-starter.


Yikes, that would s very troubling to read.


OK, but if you follow that train of thought back up the line a station or two, why would anyone care that much about someone who seems to have treated everyone terribly her whole life, as you say?

With the exception of maybe the parents, who also seem to have some major issues, based on their extensive criminal arrest records, their behavior here on the BB, their very damning texts that have come out in the legal documents, etc., etc.


Yet, Michael Barisone is the monster. Uh-huh.


Short answer: no one reasonable would care that much about someone who seems to have treated everyone terribly her whole life.

But I still find it sad that no one does. What a wasted life esp as so very much was given to her from the word go. I find it sad that anyone would have no one who cares enough about them to expect and even demand the best from them. Just thinking about that - that no one close has any expectations that she will be a better person (and that they go so far as to excuse, enable, and even engage in the behaviour with her) - is simply terribly, terribly sad to me.


Makes one wonder how the other two daughters turned out relatively normal, or are they? Nature vs nurture is interesting in this family.


I think her parents are proud of her behavior.


Been trying to tell y’all he shouldn’t have had any trouble evicting her under the disorderly conduct emergency 3 day eviction. He would have done that at the first of the odd behavior months before if he had been ok at the time. He even had Tarshis and the retired LE/barefoot trimmer telling him to do so.

Glad y’all are finally realizing her behavior would have easily justified that eviction.

No one deserves to be shot, though.

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Oh for god’s sake, stop with the “y’all” already.


I think that’s always a very interesting thing to ponder.

You can have different members of the same family go in completely opposite directions, or sink far below expectations, or far exceed their circumstances. It’s really kind of crazy when you think about it.

By the same token, I always have to laugh a little bit at people who breed horses and think they can predict exactly what they’re going to get. Look at any family with multiple siblings, even from the same set of parents, and see how different they are a lot of the time.


No minors deserve to be harassed on social media and stalked by a pathological dressage amateur.


Once again:



No one deserves to be driven insane by three conspiring individuals hellbent to Finish the Bastard. You can’t have it both ways! All the delightful, innocent, lovely, young, half-bronze dressage wannabe had to do was leave. But she didn’t do that did she? Instead she and her daddy and whatever RG is, doubled down and ratchet upped the attack. We know that is okay and acceptable behavior to you and CH. You’ve proven it time and time again. We’re (g) sick of it. The Kanereks are despicable people. Period. End of story. You are a fool to defend any of them and you know it. You simply like to stir the pot.


That’s fantastic.

I keep seeing pictures of Flaco the owl in Central Park that look like the person with the camera had to be sitting right next to him in the tree. But I think they’re actually using zoom lenses. I hope.

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Wrong. He shouldn’t have had any problem with he or MH telling her to leave at all.

Emergency evictions are not the NORM. They are what you do as a last ditch effort for highly problematic people exhibiting criminal behavior who won’t otherwise leave. Emergency evictions are what you do when it would be dangerous to take the time to do a regular longer process eviction. And the longer process eviction is also not the norm. Those evictions are also for problem tenants.

But Emergency evictions are what you do when there is a substantial risk if the tenant stayed. It’s not normal for an occupant to need to get that notice to leave.

She shouldn’t have had any problem leaving.

Don’t mistake this term of DISORDERLY to equate to the type of tenant who is inconvenient like one who plays music too loud or who keeps on parking in your spot or is sloppy with the garbage cans.

No, this disorderly is meant to describe alarming behavior. Behavior which causes others to be greatly concerned for their safety and it must be justified in order to get those papers signed. These evictions don’t go through the normal process. They are expedited and weighted in their seriousness.


That is such a simplistic answer however I wonder if the tables were turned and it was you who was systematically being emotionally and mentally abused, one vile action building on another, until you were forced from your home and finally accused of child abuse, you may not be thinking clearly by then. It’s easy to play Monday morning quarterback in a sanctimonious way but none of us experienced the devastation MB did. Your response holds no weight with me.


So sanctamonious and marginalizing. You sound as amoral as Seeker1. What an awful thing to post.