Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Yeah I didn’t figure y’all would like that last sentence “no one deserves to be shot.”

That’s the crux of the difference.

I beg to differ.

If someone is trying to kill me, that person most definitely deserves to be shot, in my opinion.


No one likes your attitude. Being a smart alec about what happened doesn’t win you any prizes.


Well. I kind of have to agree with that. No one was trying to kill MB though. Even after he shot LK and RG had him in a choke hold, he made sure not to kill him.

Yes I know that saying MB should have evicted her instead of shooting her is your idea of defending her.

:joy: You do have a sense of humor.

So you were there? You were an eyewitness to the events? Or you’ve seen the video that RG told the police about when they arrived?

If not, you don’t know what happened that day any more than the rest of us do.


Sorry, I was about 600 posts behind when I made that comment. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think that is a great statement. I’ve seen you say that to everyone, especially those with ungrounded theories that don’t fit MB took the gun from RC, MB retrieved it from the safe (oops hearsay evidence as it was Dr Simring’s testimony that MB told him that), MB drove away in the direction of the farm house. MB was being held by RG and LK was shot twice on the ground.

Thank you!

You and CH have defended everything the Kanareks have done or deflected and argued about what they factually said and did. You both have twisted logic and facts that you can’t face into a barrage of posts demanding proof or further explanation or as others have said, post your sanctimonious Google knowledge that doesn’t apply in your efforts to apparently impress the Kanareks. There is no other logical explanation for your constant defense, if you are not acquainted with them, than to believe you are trying to garner favor from them in some way. You’ve done yourself no favors by posting your diatribes here. You are simply an instigator, just like the Kanareks.



So now that you’ve admitted the plain unvarnished truth that you don’t know what happened there that day, you’re finally going to stop pretending that you do, correct?


I hope you know I said that with tongue in cheek, I might have sounded adamant, sorry"!


I never said I know. I discuss the testimony. RC said he took her gun. Dr Simring said MBtold him he took it from the safe. LE testified a mystery box of 9 mm ammo was opened and lying in the floor outside the open safe. LE testified that they going RG holding MB and Lakshot twice, the gun that RC testified was hers was under MB and that they found an extra magazine in his pocket when he was read his rights, the gun and magazine were placed in Officer Fellini’s car, then MB said things like “I need to wake up.” “Is this a dream.” “I’m sorry.” “They came to take the children.””I had a good life.”

I believe the jury got it right with NGRI that the prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB shot LK twice, an act that would otherwise be a crime, except the defense met the burden of proof that MB was insane at the time. Then there were the two imperfect witnesses and the ear witness but their testimony was pretty close on the basics, MB was there, he shot LK, 2-3 shots were fired, LE found two shells which fit the ear witness hearing two bangs.

You seem so desperate to sound cogent. Your comments are irrelavent.


Saying she deserved to get evicted is not a defense. I guess though compared to your devotion to their destruction for your own personal reasons, it may seem that way in comparison.


2:36:59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lSnUX9IQSQ&t=9469s

“What does he not remember? Getting the gun, loading the gun, driving to where Lauren was, initially hiding the gun under his shirt, asking Goodwin to get Lauren, Lauren comes out. He said to her “are we going to resolve this or do we go to war?” and then he shot her, twice. And then he has no memory for anything else until he said he wakes up at the hospital with a big light on him and people were touching his arm and his head injury.” … if he doesn’t remember getting the gun and shooting her, did he forget that he thought she was going to kill him?"

Years ago, when my family and myself were in an ICU waiting room, a mother and daughter came in to wait to see their husband/father. They said that he had been in an accident with a moose and he remembers nothing about the accident, just woke up in the hospital.


Since a couple of people here repeat themselves endlessly all the time, I’m going to take a page out of their book for once.

So you were there? You were an eyewitness to the events? Or you’ve seen the video that RG told the police about when they arrived?

If not, you don’t know what happened that day any more than the rest of us do.


Maybe some people get paid by the repeated word.


That would certainly make the most sense.


Even better than your last comment. Thank you!