Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit



Thanks, ekat.

LK was also posting subtle but pathological threats such as “the queen must be sacrificed,” which makes searching for her children’s location while infiltrating their SM far more problematic and totally unacceptable.

But I’m sure that CH is right and that LK/RG friending or “liking” MHG’s children’s SM post or searching their location wasn’t at all to be unsettling towards MHG and was done out of sheer kindness. LK has proven to be so kind as it is, especially towards MHG. Why on earth would anyone think LK or RG would do anything criminal or malicious? It’s not like they have an extensive history of said behavior. It’s not like LK carried out a campaign to ruin people’s lives. /sarcasm



I find it disturbing that a 40 something year old man is searching for a young child’s location, not even a child that is family or even a close friend - but of an enemy. I can not get over the absurd suggestion that RG searching for their location or LK/RG interacting with very young children on FB was anything but nefarious. To attempt to normalize the behavior absolutely blows my mind.


Yes, she sure was! She had made threatening posts on FB, including something to the effect of having multiple personalities and not being responsible for what they do.

She had made threatening “sacrifice the queen” posts, she had snuck around in the dark like a ninja, she had fed RC’s horse when asked not to, she had shown up after barn hours to where MB, MH, and the children were living, made illegal recordings of private conversations behind closed doors, called the building inspectors, and went at MB and backed him up against his truck… then they were trying to “friend” the children on SM… all PRIOR to making a claim to SS about CHILD ABUSE and having CPS show up.

I would have been terrified of what kind of person I was dealing with at that point. Especially considering the known drug addiction and the fact that they were in touch with Girl Joey and possibly others about her past behavior.


What a nightmare. And we think the two obsessive incessant whacked out posters here are a nightmare, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have LK and RG living in my house.


Let’s not forget posts about guns


RG testified to choking out MB twice. Aka…strangling him, twice.


Plus, it seems very possible that the gun/bullets FB posts were in response to something she had recorded the boy saying….


What a mess. I am certain we have no idea what it was like for them.


I personally believe the recent rants by the Ks have been inspired by certain horse related social events they’ve attended - I believe they are realizing for certain the reputation they’ve made and how limited LK’s opportunities in the dressage world have become. I think that’s the only real justice MB will get in this sad situation.


I think her best bet is another discipline. People tend not to intertwine between certain sports. Reiners probably wouldn’t care less about dressage drama for instance. In AQHA a western pleasure queen would be Belle of the ball and dressage wouldn’t matter either.


This is certainly true.


Which makes me wonder why LK has not been banned by Safe Sport. MB’s current situation should have no bearing on a case against LK. LK violated Safe Sport rules. Why was she not banned immediately upon release of that information?


Exactly. Banned, and if they wanted to leave it ambiguous as to the permanency until and investigation, fine, but banned initially because of using SS as a weapon, or whatever rule it is that this broke. Its against children. I mean, everyone else gets banned for breaking SS rules, and is allowed an investigation, I believe, why not Lauren Kanarek?


Which two posters would that be? I can think of several obsessive incessant whacked out posters who haven’t skipped a day in the last 3.5 years, rarely discuss the trial, just say absolutely disgusting things about a shooting victim and her family, other posters who disagree, announcing when there has been an attempt to dox anyone here so no one will miss it, formenting violence against people, denigrating LK’s gun shot wounds as compared to their own injuries from gun shot wounds and various forms of cancer. When they aren’t posting horrendous things here, they move on to obsessively and incessantly trash other people in other threads.


What would SafeSport’s grounds be for banning someone who reported a dangerous man and was shot by the same? Yes, attempting to friend the two children on SM is chilling and clearly against the rules. If SafeSport knows that happens then what is the standard protocol for friending minors without parental consent? Banned and lose a career for that? Given a warning? Have to take SafeSport training over again? Banned for a limited time?

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You are still up? Oh good I can go back to sleep as I know you will admonish everyone to stick to the facts.


What career?



wow…did she really try to friend them on social media? Safe Sport aside that is just sick.
HH you really don’t see what she does to people? I would take out a restraining order, screw SS.