Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Read the texts, because clearly you have not. They knew they were being evicted, they used the word evicted. The process was started. I know it has been explained to you several times, but there is a process. Go read the texts… it is right there in their own words, the words of Jonathan Kanarek, Lauren Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin, talking about the eviction.


How does the fact, yes it is a FACT, that the house was supposed to be EMPTY fit into your story?

Let us go with your theory that Michael did take the gun there. To HIS house that was supposed to have no one in it, except maybe that dog that bites.

Do not leave out those bits…I mean, I know that they do not work with your theory, but they are pretty darn important bits, don’t you think? And if you are going to preach at us and pretend to be like Kirby, all high and mighty, best to include actual FACTS.

Please tell us your thoughts on an almost 40yo drug addict and her laundry man friend requesting two minor children while posting vile things about their mother on the same social media platform? Do not leave out the part where Safe Sport does not allow that…
I am looking forward to how you try to make that OK.


Maybe you should try it some time.


This is always an interesting question in the context of the civil suit and the counter suit.

Which one of these people actually had a career? Which one can demonstrate loss of income? Which one even had an income to lose?

Time will tell what the jury in the civil trial will make of the situation.


Who knows… I would guess the constant threats by Lauren Kanarek and her family that they are going to sue SS might have something to do with it.


Which posters would that be?


This is what Lauren Shay Kanarek said under oath. I doubt she has perfect recall (neither do I - not throwing shade on her for it) AND I suspect she made Robert Goodwin sound more reasonable & respectful than he came across during the trial - that is human nature.

I am willing to bet Michael did not come in antagonistically and spoiling for a fight. He just wanted them off of his property and nowhere near his business.

Rob did testify that Lauren was inside and couldn’t hear their discussion. Unless, of course, she had electronic listening devices elsewhere. Or did Rob have his phone recording this conversation too?


Perhaps that is a question that should be asked directly of SafeSport/USEF. You have every right to communicate with SS and ask them why they have dragged their feet on the large file against Lauren Shay Kanarek. I have their direct numbers if anyone needs them.

Edited to add some posters here believe the only incident that has been reported to SS regarding the Princess is the Barisone incident. There are YEARS of previous reports against her. If SS were to say the reports weren’t within their mandate to handle, USEF could easily ban her. The simple fact she continues to attack others on SM should indicate to SS/USEF this hyena has not changed her spots.



MANY of us have questions and commentary we could offer when it comes to her ‘career,’ but if we do, it will not be good for the continuation of the thread. Comments about Lollypop’s ‘career’ seem to REALLY agitate people behind the scenes. Posts are quickly flagged, and the mods quickly react. Which makes me wonder if angry emails or phone calls get made…


Bottomline… Lollypop brought a civil suit, and as part of it… she actually asked for damages related to lost earnings…

Guess what? That means Bilinkas, Deininger, and Silver can all GRILL her during her deposition about her ‘career.’ Daddio on the Patio and Mamapop won’t be able to make angry phone calls and shut that down. Nope.

Given how incredibly sensitive Lollypop and her loyal supporters have been when it comes to any discussion of her career on the COTH threads…

I have a feeling the deposition is going to really suck for her.



I’m sure the attorneys will ask LK lots and lots of questions about her earnings history during her upcoming deposition, since she asked for related damages in her complaint.

I guess she can choose to answer “I don’t remember” to all the questions about her work history and earnings history… but that information will be part of the record and can be presented at trial.

And the jury will likely think, “Hmmmm. This is shady. Where does the money for the horses and the hobby come from?”


I don’t recall this


I believe the American public is becoming fed up with shysters, liars, grifters, takers, egomaniacs, and pure evil within our society running rampant. The Murdough trial and verdict has captured the attention of people. I can’t imagine when the juries hear the entire story and history of the Kanarek family behavior, they will look kindly on the actions and manipulations that continue to this day.

I am surprised MB hasn’t added Jonathan Kanarek to his suit since it is clear he co-conspired to destroy him.


I forgot to respond to this comment yesterday, but want to bring it back up for discussion today.

How does this whole “using suboxone for ten years straight” thing work when it comes to medical insurance? I understand that it’s possible to find a doctor who will prescribe this way… but what about insurance companies? Will they pay for this? I would think they might challenge it after a certain point.

Also… aren’t patients supposed to be in some sort of substance abuse counseling if they are on an addiction related medication like suboxone? If that’s the case… has she been in substance abuse counseling for the last ten years? Is her insurance paying for that as well?

I guess it’s possible once she deviated from typical course of treatment guidelines, she has paid for the counseling and suboxone out of pocket for years and years. But… that seems like it would be quite pricey over the long run. Which brings us back to money questions.

Oh well. It’s all very puzzling to me. But… given the nature of the lawsuit that LK brought, I guess ALL the details related to her longtime use of suboxone will be disclosed to MBs attorneys and Silver at some point further along in discovery. Because it’s all part of LKs medical history and relevant to her claims of pain and suffering, etc.


It occurred to me overnight what an ironic move that was on the part of GAS to include that transcript from the criminal trial in his latest filing. I am sure he thinks it will convince the judge to grant his request that LK not be questioned during her deposition on her provocative behavior in the weeks leading up to the shooting. And who knows, perhaps it will.

But if Weaver reads even a smattering of it, it will give him insight into the kind of person LK is and how culpable she was regarding the deteriorating situation at HH. It remains to be seen if that insight carries over into his future rulings regarding depositions, subpoenas for discovery, and even into the courtroom should this thing ever make it to trial.

And I am giggling at the thought that perhaps GAS included the transcript as a quiet protest against being “constrained” by his client. :laughing:


I watched part of that trial when Murdaugh himself testified. His demeanor was actually pretty compelling on the stand. I found that chilling… because the evidence clearly indicated that he was a calculated liar about a ton of stuff. But wow… if you didn’t know, you wouldn’t have known.

I don’t think LK is as good of a witness.


Good question! And certainly another instance where their stories did not match up.


How truly ironic that it was a video that put the nail in Murdough’s coffin. If only that pesky video RG told Heymer he had would surface somewhere.


Mr. VHM and I are planning on watching the Netflix special on the Murdaugh murders soon. He doesn’t normally get into true crime stuff the way I do… but this case is so crazy. It’s such a complicated series of interlinked events and overall situation… and we didn’t follow news on it until recently. it seems like the only way to begin to wrap your head around it is with a good, comprehensive documentary or podcast


The Netflix 3 part documentary was chilling, especially at the end when Alex asked Buster if he’d heard anything about a Netflix documentary! The show showed how manipulative the Murdoughs were to get their way and protect their legacy.



It is not as if they were at the time one big happy boarding family where it was taco Tuesday every week and they went tack shopping every third Saturday