I am noticing a certain stench of desperation in the air lately, with a couple regular posters here as well as the appearance of certain parental units.
They are becoming nastier and nastier.
Wonder what has them in such a panic???
The looming civil trial?
The fact that all the nastiness involved with the KKlan will be on full display for all the world to see?
The fact that most people see a plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD” as something ugly and nefarious, and that anyone who proposes such a thing is someone you do not want in your barn, as a training customer or in your world?
The fact that Lollypop has become persona non grata in the dressage world as the result of her plans to take down the queen and “FINISH THE BASTARD”?
The reality that all actions have consequences?
I love the smell of desperation in the morning!