Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Most likely, in my opinion.


And I wouldn’t be shocked if that wasn’t KKs preference to seem or be in the dark.


I truly don’t know what to think of Kirby Bryant Kanarek. With her arrest record, I wonder if she isn’t play acting the innocent, ignorant of the conspiracy, unwitting participant.


So have the police ever said that they had recordings before the incident? Sorry to be hung up on this fact it’s just fascinating that they were plotting…with the police no less.


This is something I have been pondering as well.

Lets assume that tapes were turned over to MCPO or they were given access to the account where they were being stored, shouldnt they have then been turned over to Schelhorn who should have included them in all documents subpoena’d by SGF/MB (I cant remember who pursued that). Wouldnt that be the expected chain of custody?

So from the filings we know that they have not made it to the final destiny in the above scenario.

Lets assume something else, the frantic trip to HH the morning after the shooting by RG and JK to check on the horses, included just enough time to remove the devices. However technical forensics from the phones/ipad should be able to figure out the account where the recordings were stored. Does anyone remember what the chain of custody has been on those phones?


There is a claim in the Barisone police lawsuit that in response to a 911 call on 8/3/19 Lauren Lanarek told them that she had been recording. It further claims that the police consulted with MCPO. No one told Michael or anyone else. That police report wasn’t filed until after the shooting, 8/8/2019. Suspicious!

Since this text is from 8/5/2019, then maybe this text is talking about a different recording.


The police never said much of anything anywhere at anytime, did they?

We know a couple of them changed their stories from the initial hearing to the trial. It also seemed to take days for them to file their reports of the incident, and then those reports left out pertinent information they had in their notes! All police departments of any size have higher standards and procedures than this place!

With the information in this latest filing, one could wonder if JK didn’t manipulate the completion of their final reports! Again, it is quite suspicious to me the Kanareks didn’t sue the police for all that was not done according to procedures that would have 100% proved what happened that day!

  • finger prints from all
  • GSR from all
  • video recording from the eaves of the house
  • securing RG immediately
  • pat down RG immediately
  • securing the full cartridge
  • properly recording where all the phones were found
  • search of all vehicles
  • search of the bushes and small pond

There certainly was a substantial number of cops on the scene within minutes.


So…the since the civil trial is all about what happened….can’t the police be called to asked about those police reports and videos and etc?


I would think so! You and I both watched the hearing and noted the discrepancies and clear issues.

But if they committed perjury during the criminal trial, they would do so again in a civil trial.


WOW! You all have been busy little beavers today.

Thank you Moderator 1 and ekat!!!


Yes, if they say they didn’t get/see any video….who will the jury believe? LK in text or the police on the stand? Conundrum……


I can not imagine how it looks like anything but that to anyone.


I wish there was an investigative reporter looking into all of this. If there is and they came on this forum, we could help them pick out a cool horse theme title for their book.


I can not imagine the police would admit this even if it was true. Not this police department.


What am I missing? These texts mention getting MB “to settle”. Settle what?


^^^yeah, what she asked.


I think they had a lawsuit planned before the shooting. From what I gather from the texts posted, LK was on the warpath because, among other things, she believed she wasn’t getting the training from MB she’d come to expect. LK wanted to make sure MB’s lawyer understood why they were suing MB… so perhaps he’d encourage MB to settle/pay out $$$.

(Is that right? Did I read the texts correctly? Or am I misinterpreting them?)


This. Plus this is backed up by the idea that early on Lauren Kanarek ranted quite a bit about contracts being broken….and contract law being involved…

None of which, even if true, justify any of the actions taken by Lauren Kanarek.


It sure appears that way. Mr Bilinkas asked Lauren about it during the criminal trial. He asked something like, were you planning on suing Michael Barisone for $200,000 before the shooting and her answer was, no, not for that amount.

He also asked Rob about it, who basically said Lauren would have to answer that.

So, we didn’t find out WHY during the criminal trial. And, these texts aren’t very explicit. But I’m going to go out on a limb and guess there are more texts that provide clarity as to their plan. We may learn about them later.


Yeah, in the early threads she kept saying it was all about money, lots of money that Barisone owed her and she was going to get it. You know, in the early threads back when it was she was double tapped, point blank, center point, bled out, airlifted, covered in blood all, while she was just reading her book.