Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Re. Mr. Tashis’ statement. IIRC, isn’t there some sort of order that LK cannot disparage MHG?

Soooooo much has been covered in these threads I may not be remembering correctly.


These texts are very interesting.

I must say though that people under duress often cook up the wildest fantasies about law suits and revenge and what not which are not on any planet viable. It’s a form of law adjacent shit talk.

So I think whatever plan Kklan had here was delusional but the existence of this transcript shows they were willing to put a bit of energy into harassment and were all quite far down a BSC rabbit hole. Also that they were deliberately stirring the pot in multiple ways.


And enjoying it. All culminating in Finish the Bastard.


I remember seeing or hearing that too, but I personally have no knowledge what that entails and if it was something that happened before or after that date of the encounter with Mr Tarshis.


The fact she was planning a lawsuit isn’t news. She posted about it quite a few times, if my memory serves. And of course, as @ekat points out, there is the questions asked during the criminal trial.

What I find interesting, and ludicrous, is that it appears it seems to be based on MB not riding the horses? And that one of them lost fitness because LK was a no-show and not riding him? Is that what others gleaned?

  1. I thought there were no written contracts, so wouldn’t it be a he said/she said, thus very difficult to prove a breach of contract occurred?

  2. in my world, even when in full training board, you don’t get to no-show and expect your horse to be ridden. Schedules are set in advance, and by not showing up, you’re expecting those schedules to be changed during the workday, or even at the end of it. Does she seriously think her measly $5k (which we all know wouldn’t pay for full training board on two, much less 4-5 horses at any other show barn in the area, Olympian or not) means she gets to not show up and MB (or JH) has to hop on? Hilarious!!

That’s what I am reading. She was told her pattern of behavior was the problem with one of her horses’ fitness and she went scorched earth.

Oh, and then she decided to include others in frivolous litigation because she gleaned from her indisputably illegal recordings that they were involved in conversations about getting rid of her to “make them lawyer up” - thus not only implying she was planning ANOTHER LAWSUIT, but essentially planning to blackmail them. What a peach.

Anyways, carry on.


Yes. My head scratcher was why did she need someone else to ask through a lawyer what times MB was training her horse so she could go watch? She was, in theory, living on the farm, in the same house, and her horse was .25-.5 of a mile away, for the purposes of being able to be there at a moment’s notice/all day/ etc….

Just go to the barn and be present….


Why not just show up for your friggin’ lessons if you were such a die hard dressage rider and want-to-be Olympic competitor???

What was stopping her? She lived on the property and could not show up for lessons!


I am not sure she is so innocent. By this time she should know that a lot of bad stuff happened. But if I were giving her advice I would say that it would be both a smart and a healthy thing to distance herself as much as she can. She should get her own lawyer, one that she finds for herself with the primary criteria the he or (preferably) she has no previous association with JK or LK. And do everything this lawyer advises immediately and without discussion with anyone else. It would be a plus it the firm she hires also has a good divorce attorney on staff. If she made a decision to make a life for herself completely without JK and have firm boundaries and only structured contact with LK (for example lunch in a restaurant) it would seem constructive.


When was mcpo given those tapes… before MB showed up at the police department asking to speak with a supervisor?


Did I read that she asked/texted her dad (maybe) to clarify what they were suing for?

Maybe all of this was instigated and totally handled by her dad—all of it.


Exactly how it struck me


I’m still wondering if that was just what she was saying she was going to tell MHG, JH, etc…to intimidate them, and not an action she really took.


Well, someone out there knows the truth about that….and MDF did testify to Lauren Kanarek putting out at least one of her conversations as if she had been there…


Exhibit I - at the top of the page (so last part of the exchange)

It appears to me that the incoming text is to Lauren and she is being chided for not planting a BUG by the dumpster and that it was promised to be done by today (5 August 2019).

ETA the date, time and text

8/5/2019 6:17:14 PM (UTC+0) You NEEDED to plant a bug BY THE DUMPSTER
8/5/2019 6:17:25 PM (UTC+0) YOU SAID YOU’D DO THST (sic) TODAY

Even if it was Lauren directing someone else, the word “bug” strongly suggests knowingly committing an illegal act.


Perhaps it was because Daughter Dearest was unhappy that she wasn’t getting MB’s undivided attention, and when she is unhappy, she makes life miserable for JK and KK. So Daddy decided to try to placate her by threatening MB with a lawsuit (i.e., bullying and intimidating) - assuming he would acquiesce to their demands and start paying more attention to Daughter so JK didn’t have to worry about her going off the deep end. Unfortunately for them, MB wasn’t inclined to knuckle under to the wants of a low level amateur rider who didn’t have enough initiative and self-motivation to make it to lessons. So apparently encouraged and aided and abetted by Daddy, she decided to go scorched earth on MB.

It’s that old rejection thing, you know, that narcissistic personalities cannot tolerate. “How dare you reject ME? Don’t you know that I am the very Crown of Creation?” :roll_eyes:



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Maybe she didn’t get it done the day before because Rob Goodwin/Superman/Jim E Stark hadn’t laundered her ninja outfit.

But yes, “Bug” does imply surreptitious, likely illegal, recording device.


I was wondering the same thing. Was that merely going to be a ruse to intimidate MHG, JH, MB by telling them that the police had a tape they were currently “buffering” (?).


Sounds plausible


And she claims they took care of the one horse religiously, so were in the barn to see the schedule or ask someone.
I know, so pedestrian…