Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I think you two are talking about two different points of the same general thing.


Yes, thank you. I agree there were recordings blasted on social media, based on Mary DeFranco’s testimony.

I am not convinced (yet) that LK actually gave said recordings to the police. I’m wondering if she was saying that she was going to bluff them by saying that.


This is such a tangled mess. It’s like puzzle pieces that are all the same color and same shape. It will be interesting to find out how this all went down. I don’t think it looks good for the K’s.

So bizarre


That’s it, no matter how the pieces finally fit, it doesn’t look good for the KKlan


I really hope that if this actually goes to trial that it is televised. I do so want to see Mr D and Mr S and hopefully Mr B weave this together.

Can you imagine being in their office with all this documentation laying all over the place…there must be repeated utterances of WTF and Who does this?

I wonder if the ABC stores close by have run out of Scotch and Bourbon?


I think they were claiming that (a) the amount owed to Rob for his “work” exceeded what they were paying in training board, and (b) that at least one of the horses was losing condition due to inactivity. And the text is clarifying they can’t claim both that the horse was in full training yet also not being ridden.

Didn’t she post about suing MB before the shooting, and wasn’t the magical $150k number in her heard part of that fantasy?


I would pay to see Mr B question her again in a different courtroom where he can really ask about her actions.


As someone who lives 55 minutes (on Sunday mornings at 6am) and up to 2 hours from my barn… THIS. If I could walk down a driveway and get on my horse, you’d have to physically restrain me from riding every day of the year. My main deterrent from riding is my commute.


Me too!


I agree, but it seems apparent that she was a no show and that her claim was responding to a claim that she didn’t show up. The inactivity was of her making. I have ridden with Olympians and I have been in full service barns. I have never been in a situation where I could just not show up and expect my horse to get exercise. It isn’t a reasonable expectation.

And yes, she did post before the shooting about a lawsuit. I cannot recall the details.


Me too


Right…they had to wrap the one horse’s legs. But that was in the evening. Training and riding of horses happened in the mornings and afternoons.


Isn’t it strange they had to wrap a horse in full training board?

ETA: In my experience, full training board comes with full service.


That’s what I got out of it. I also seem to recall LK ranting about how MB had received an insurance check and owed RG $50K but the posts specifying how much seem to have disappeared when LK went on her delete and deny trip once the threads were moved to the new board.


It was twice daily wrapping and unwrapping, every twelve hours, for cellulitis, iirc.
They were fanatical that it couldn’t be done earlier than, I think 9?

While there to wrap/unwrap, you check the schedule or ask when your horse is supposed to get worked.


Is it possible that was an excuse so they could justify being there late, being an intrusion and snooping?


You know what strikes me? Usually when you’re a pleasant client, you can get the Trainer/staff to help you out on additional services. Even when said services are onerous. When you are a jerk? Not so much…


Wasn’t that horse semi retired?


Now, I finally get what was going on. This was a poorly designed lawsuit based on feeling slighted that MB wasn’t riding her horses, when she didn’t show up and put any time on them herself, and trying to get the vet to say in court that her horses were in full training, which according to the vet, they weren’t, and actually he would say that she isn’t riding the horses, that’s why they lost muscle. So she’s looking for a reason to sue MB. And apparently MB’s attorney told them that training is still going on, and they think they should call MB on it and ask to come watch the training.

I don’t think LK and RG have the same concept of “training” as MB does. For example, wouldn’t a training ride on one of their horses be done by JT or an assistant or working student? If she had “training” with MB then wouldn’t it mean she would have an on-horse lesson?

I’m confused what they were expecting. I don’t think at this point MB was giving any more training to her, and had given up and teaching her or training her horses, mainly, in my personal take, because he wasn’t getting paid to do any training but that’s my guess.

I would think once you contact an attorney and I have to lawyer-up, I’m pretty much done with you and want you gone, I’m not training you any more, and besides you didn’t show up for your lessons, so what is it you want?


Undivided and total doting attention coupled with praise and undeserved recognition.