Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Ye. The horse that needed the wrapping was Symphonie. I think the mare got there in June of 2019. She had been left in NC previously as best as I understand. I think the cellulitis was a chronic issue with this mare. Maybe why she was semi retired. There is video of LK riding the mare about two years before the shooting, when she was still in NC and before she bought the imported horses. The mare looked like a very nice, ammie friendly, suitable mount for someone who was essentially riding Training Level at the time, and might want to work to try and move up another two levels. Not a Grand Prix horse. Not at all. But a nice mare, who seemed quite suitable for LK at that stage.

Oh well. At least the mare was getting wrapping she needed. I hope the horse is going ok now.


I’m eight hours behind, but before I even start to read the thread, I’m going to take a second to say thank you very, very, very much for starting a new thread with all the relevant information at the top. Much appreciated!


Speaking of which. I saw a new annoying verification approach today where you had to slide the jigsaw piece into the puzzle. I’ve never seen that one before, and I would be perfectly happy to never see it again.


I have always thought that her posting adamantly that they had to wrap that mare’s leg AFTER 9pm was a way to establish owner’s permission for them to be in the barn after hours. Giving her rules just means she has to think of a reason why they shouldn’t apply to her.

What stood out to me on that texting transcript was her apparently sitting there hearing Rob’s tea water boiling, and he suggests she turn it off, then later in the conversation she mentions it again, and he’s all like, Yeah, gonna finish my cigg and be right in, because she damn well wan’t going to turn off the gas/flame/tea water for him. What a waste of a human.


I’ve met Symphony. Very sweet mare. She does have chronic cellulitis.


Poor thing. I hope she’s getting good care for it, wherever she is.


Hopefully there are other texts that clarify. If we are confused a jury would be also. Of course there is no way Deininger gave away any of his bombshells! The prosecutor may not have looked closely at all the information but I guarantee Deininger and Bilinkas have and that’s how they know there are gaps and chunks of missing recordings.


Plus that text makes it sound as if they are just discussing what reason to invent to sue MB.


Don’t forget the tiara!


Emphasis on the word “seem” there.


I definitely think the timing was.
Yes every 24 (correction, 12) hours is pretty normal, but you could do it at 8:30…
Iirc the barn was supposed to close at 9, but they insisted on being there after that to do this wrapping.


Let’s not forget the whiplash effect a few threads ago when she alternated between telling everyone she would pray for them, and then posting things that seemed to be quite the opposite of prayers shortly afterwards.

It was like watching a tennis match, but with only one player going back and forth.


The short time I “knew” LK she always treated horses well. I’m positive Symphony receives proper care.


Oh, I think for sure some of those message recordings and texts Deininger and Silver are saving for a rainy day, and did’t give out too much as recent samples on the filings yesterday. if I was LK and JK, I’d be all testy about just how “broad” the subpoenas are, too.


I was going to say, from what I’ve seen, she takes good care of her hroses, or, rather, she has RG take good care of her horses, but really, I think she does do the best for them from what I’ve seen. I’ve never met her, but its just the impression I’ve gotten from online, once you edit out her ulterior motives and bizzare lies and ego, you are left with happy well cared for horses.


That’s a possibility later in the summer, but I think the original reason was neither she or RG could/would get to the barn at or before 9am.

My god, that’s practically inhumane! /s


That was something else, wasn’t it? It left me wondering if she did that in real life and what she could possibly be like to live in the same house with.

“I told you to clean up your room, you ungratefull brat, and if you don’t do it right away, there’s that cold shower I promised you waiting! And, honey, I have supper on the table and we’re all waiting for you so we can say grace. Its that roast chicken you like so much, with my special yummy gravy for the mashed potatos!”

Sort of thinking of Ron Weasley’s Screamer he got from his mother at school, dressing him up one side and down the other for taking his father’s car and being seen flying it by muggles, then a sweet note to Ginny “How are you, dear, mummy loves you”.


I wonder if there is any mention of the brown recluse or black widow spider bites in those texts? You know, the ones that prevented her from riding? I’ve never heard of anyone bitten so frequently by dangerous spiders, particularly spiders that hide from humans generally. I wonder if those bites were an excuse for something else?


Maybe they just wanted to be there to change batteries on the recorders. There is no reason to be absolute precise as to timing the wrap change. If the wraps ate done at 9 am and 8 pm or even 7:30 all would be fine.


On this I cannot fault her as I don’t show up at 9 am either!

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