Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Holy baloney! She’s just telling on herself now.


You would think he would have gotten sweet lil Lollypop to stop posting early on, you know, to help the criminal case itself, but there is a big BUT.

Most of us function quite successfully in society with its moral and social constraints because we assume, very correctly I might add, that the rules apply to us as well as all others.

The Kanareks seem to very confidently feel the rules never apply to them. EVER.

This is a classic example of what not to do or how to behave when functioning as a human.


Seems like our friends skedaddled. Regroup! Regroup!



I wonder what is brewing for next week, other than the Krol hearing? Hopefully we get to see a response to the GAS motion.


Functioning? The K’s and their - ehr - familiars - are a far cry from functioning well has humans.



This amused the H.E.Double hockey stick out of me LOL

Clerk 1 Lawyer 0


An attorney that doesn’t understand that in a one party consent state, they actually need consent of one party IN THE CONVERSATION to record, not the consent of a party that is not having the conversation. What state bar did he pass? The tapes have been excluded from everything because they’re ILLEGALLY recorded.


Scary idea considering……


I have no doubt he knows what the law is and instead was trying to Slick Willy a bull**** answer hoping he could get over and fool people.


Or maybe he’s just really not all that bright. Its not like smart thinkers have shown themselves in that family. I’m still a little stunned by the “assist principle” thing. I can imagine the typos in the audio transcript. And the daughter Lauren isn’t a real big thinker if her plans to make money off of MBarisone show anything.


Oh no. How horrible. We mustn’t have anything in the Barisone threads that would fall outside of good etiquette. /s

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He’s talking about getting criminal charges dismissed if LK were ever criminally charged for the recordings, KM. LK was never criminally charged.

Criminal charges are different from a civil suit.

Clerk 0 Lawyer 1

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You’re so clever, where do you come up with these ideas? Thank goodness you are here to explain it all.

And you’re both back! And Together!


Thanks, VHM, for dropping the claim that I ever said or implied that it was acceptable to cyberstalk or harass minor children.

Re: your calling Seeker a liar. It seems unavoidable that the surgeons had to remove a significant amount of damaged tissue and sew up what was left. IMHO for someone to call
a mother a liar over a discrepancy as to whether all or much of the breast tissue was removed is … callous.

I have seen many, many statements written here that I strongly suspect are lies. I don’t go around labeling the poster a liar unless I’m in a position to know for certain the statement is untrue.

Several posters have thrown the label liar at me in instances in which I have not lied. Calling someone a liar in instances in which they’re clearly not, or in instances in which things are uncertain, is smear tactic #5 on these threads.

But it shows us who you are.


I’m not a lawyer, but neither am I an idiot. Oh, were you being sarcastic?

Any non idiot would understand that IM was talking about criminal charges, and not a civil suit.

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The part that amused me most was, The tapes will be played.

I didn’t hear them, did you? Apparently the entire prosecution legal team knew it would be very dangerous to play the tapes. If Jonathan Kanarek was so eager and confident of the tapes being made public, why is he still not complying with subpoenas regarding the tapes and transcript the lovely Mrs Kanarek allegedly transcribed?


Bolded by me.

Oh the irony, and lack of self reflection by this poster is absolutely stunning. And not in a good way!




Reminiscent of another poster….