Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You are unequivocally wrong. I remember the exchange. It was before the criminal trial and IM was responding to my post about the illegality of the tapes/transcript of tapes.

Clerk 2 Lawyer 0 Sycophant 0


I think CH thought you didn’t understand, and needed to have it explained that JK was talking about getting criminal charges dismissed if LK were ever criminally charged for the recordings. Its as if she thought you couldn’t glean that from what JK said. She also helpfully added the tidbit that LK was never criminally charged! I didn’t know that, myself, until this moment! And, just in case any of us didn’t realize, she informed us that criminal charges are different from a civil suit. I don’t know why none of us knew this before, its so simple written out like she did. /s

I can’t stop shaking my head everytime she posts. What it must be like to be in her head? Its so odd. not /s


OK, I’ll bite: If its so obvious, and it is, why did you feel the need to explain it all to us? Your posts are just so…odd. . Did you think someone thought IM was talking about a civil suit when he talked about criminal charges against his daughter? Why did you think that? Nobody said “civil” except you, explaining away how it wasn’t civil. So?


I have convinced myself it’s all an act. So smug.


I don’t think CH is thinking about the same kinds of things you and I are thinking about. I don’t know what she’s thinking about but its one of the stranger things she’s posted.


This had nothing to do with criminal charges against LK as a first point but rather the inadmissibility of the tapes for MBs criminal trial.

IM then added that LK would never be charged herself in response to my assertion that not only wouldn’t the tapes be admissible in MBs criminal trial but that LK could potentially be charged too.

He was wrong on both counts. LK most certainly could be charged no matter what the tapes said AND the alleged location of the recorder was bogus and would not exempt her from those charges.

What he wrote about being a one party consent state was wrong in its application. The one party consent DOES NOT include whosever locker the tape recorder was located in but rather which people were participating in the conversation being recorded. He tried to B.S. that application of law.


You asked for Boyd Martin? Watch above….


I think I found the “bombshell”–it’s at (around) 1:07 above.


Good Gravy, that horse must have a giant stride, I’ve never watched one so fast before, he just went through that whole thing like a bat out of hell. Wow.


It’s definitely an act.

And @Sdel is right… the recent tone is very familiar.

I betcha a certain someone has a VPN.


Thing is, we all knew this, and those of us who were around when he posted it, remember the exchange. Why CH felt the need put out some kind of rewrite is inexplicable. I just can’t feature it, I guess I need to stop trying.


Thank you.


Pfft, that’s the only thing it can be. The smugness is odd too. To what end. I agree, someone has a VPN.


You still didn’t answer my question.

What are the possible circumstances you alluded to, circumstances which would amount to a benign reason for LK and RGs behavior on social media with respect to MHG’s children?

The truth is… there is no reasonable answer. LK and RG’s actions are repugnant. So repugnant… it’s definitely one of a few key factors that is going to tank her civil case.


‘CH’ is really stressed. Another Krol hearing is coming up next week, and Lollypop’s deposition is looming. Lollypop is going to be grilled in the deposition. Clearly she and her lawyer are dreading it and she’s desperately squirming to avoid having to answer any questions about all the insanity she pulled that preceded her shooting.

I fully expect ‘CH’ to keep on making noise for the next week. For sure.

For whatever reason, ‘CH’ seems to feel more in control if she rants at us on COTH.

Freaking insane. But she is who she is.


That’s probably the best approach. It will never make sense.

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At least come up with some new insults. Not only are these lame, they are so repetitive. It’s like your heart isn’t in it.

Here is an idea-talk about the case.


Repetitive. Get some new insults. These are boring.

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That was super cool. Thanks for posting it!!

It’s really incredible the way they laid out that course winding all around Bruce’s Field in Aiken.

I have to say the helmet cam videos are so much fun to watch. I may have involuntarily ducked my head when he went under the tree, and then again when he jumped through the keyhole at the end. Lol.


I enjoyed the Boydcam! Am also glad I ride dressage LOL