Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Per the lawsuit against the MCPO…

RG was searching online on 08/03/19 trying to figure out the physical location of these children, because they weren’t on property at that time.

Now that I understand LK and RG had taken a significant interest in the children PRIOR to this, and had been trying to engage with them on social media, etc etc…

This seems very predatory.

They could have just let go of whatever the heck they had in mind with respect to MHG’s kids. Kind of like how they could have just left MB’s property after it was clear things weren’t working out. Instead? They tried to track the kids down. Think about that…


IM did not say LK would never be charged. He said if she were charged, a criminal defense attorney could get the charges dismissed in 5 minutes.

She has not been criminally charged, so his assertion that a defense attorney could get the charges dropped in 5 minutes has not been tested.

What did he state in that screenshot post that has been shown to be wrong that caused you to post “clerk 1 lawyer 0.”

Also, I prefer “non lawyer” to “sycophant”.

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My guess is that they were going to try to engage the kids in a seemingly innocuous conversation with them, lure them into divulging information such as where they are staying and/or revealing other info that casts MB or MHG in a bad light. They were then going to use that information to taunt/frighten MB and MHG.

“BTW, we drove past that little yellow house the other night. You know the one with the blue shutters. And we saw the light on in XXX’s bedroom. It has a nice sturdy trellis under it.”

That lets MB and MHG know that the K’s know where MHG kids are, and they know which bedroom is which, and they hint that the trellis underneath it is strong enough to support the weight of someone climbing up to the bedroom window.

(Yes, the description of the house is total conjecture on my part but it gives an idea of how the K’s could use that kind of knowledge to scare the bejesus out of MB and MHG.)

The other possibility is to twist an innocuous conversation or situation involving MB into something nefarious and then imply they will use it against MB/MHG. “Gee, XXX said MB made a comment the other day about breeding. I wonder if CPS will think it is appropriate for a grown man to be discussing sex when minors are present.”



Plus think how well their plan (whatever it was) turned out on August 7th.

Thank goodness they didn’t find those kids.


It wouldn’t surprise me to find out they didn’t have anything in particular planned, just gathering ammo, like a pack rat picking up anything that might be useful one day…


It is the job of LKs lawyer to attempt to shut down any parts of the defense that he can. Of course he will try to shut down the claim that LK is at fault for provoking MB.

I interpret Stones attempting to limit the deposition as primarily a move to shut down that avenue of defense, and not primarily to make LK more comfortable during the deposition.

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I agree, GAS is just doing his job.


Do you think it will work?


Maybe. But they seemed to have advanced to the point of direct action by that stage.

I don’t even remember half of it, but someone compiled a detailed list of all their actions that took place in just one day on August 6th. And it was incredible to see it all laid out in black and white.

So who knows what else they had in mind by that point?


First, a lot of the stuff in the Deininger lawsuit against the police is “upon information and belief”. I don’t necessarily believe it to be true.

On the “friending” of MHGs children, if it happened, when is it supposed to have have happened? If it happened, and happened when tensions were high — after July 1 2019, I agree it’s way out of bounds.

On the other hand, if it happened in summer 2018 when everyone was getting along, it could have been benign.

CH, HH, and Seeker1 are so comical and entertaining. Almost as enjoyable as the baby hamsters but definitely not as enjoyable as watching Boyd on a loop! :relaxed:


I do believe one of the suits claims there was a plan being enacted, which included physical harm to Barisone and/or others on the farm.


Is that why you took me off “ignore”, Eggbutt?

It’s so much earlier than “forever”.

I do enjoy your Eggbuttisms, and have agreed with them all.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I was just told “someone” thinks I took them off my ignore list! Bless their heart. They still don’t know how quoting posts works! :rofl: :rofl:


Was RG actively using drugs in 2018?

He certainly had a multi page arrest record in two states at the time, involving charges for assault, drugs, and other things.

Do you think it’s appropriate for someone like that to send social media friend requests to 12 year olds that he’s not even related to, but only has passing contact with because of the barn his girlfriend rides at?

I don’t think there’s anything benign about that. I think it’s bizarre and creepy.



Applying Occam’s Razor, I’d suspect it is merely inertia.


Every one of those things is horrifying on its own let alone altogether. This is not how a normal person would respond. A normal person would have left. A question that has been asked from the get go, why didn’t she just leave?


Oh no! You didn’t mention the dreaded Occam’s Razor! That will certainly send the K’s into a frenzy! They had a conniption fit when I first posted the term!