Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I am still in a mood about this so bear with me, can someone please tell me that there is nothing suspect about someone looking up someone else’s children that they have a beef with on the internet to engage those children in conversation or supposed friendship?

To my simple mind, this is common sense. You DON’T.


All the things they did crossed the line of normal behavior but contacting children is a line not to be crossed, ever. It’s frightening. No wonder MB spiraled, he was trying to protect his family, boarders and business. Just imagine being in his and MHG’s shoes with little to no recourse from LE. How many more days could they have tolerated before going though eviction proceedings?


Plus she was not a resident - she was a GUEST. One who had overstayed her welcome.


Wasn’t there something that stated just a couple of days after LK was shot, RG was somewhere ‘far away’ from the hospital with no reasonable excuse for being there? I think it was speculated that he was buying and/or using drugs in that location.

I could be wrong about what I am remembering. I AM elderly…


What have LK, RG or any of the Kanareks done that is socially acceptable? This is normal behavior for them! [Edit] It’s long past time for them to be held accountable for their actions. Maybe they would find it appropriate if it’s called “Finish the Kanareks”!!! /s


Let’s just say he was in what some would call “the seedy side of town”. There are several things he could have been doing there.


I can’t speak to what he was doing, but yes, just 3-4 days after the incident, he managed to get two separate traffic tickets in two separate locations within five hours of each other late at night.


And that was just a partial list off the top of my head. I’m sure it was far from comprehensive.


You think it’s fine for some 40 year olds to add minor children on Facebook? That’s creepy as heck.

There isn’t a single reason to do that. It’s not like they knew the kids since birth.


I haven’t caught up, but maybe Lauren Shay Kanarek isn’t an USEF member because if she isn’t a member, they can’t ban her?


Oh, the chestnut mare? That is the barn owners mare, and she Hates anyone who gives another horse attention.


Lauren is a member, she just hasn’t completed the SS requirements before competing.

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No ody cares what you prefer.


I know you don’t.

In the past, the mods have edited out the label “sycophant”, and closed the threads if there’s too much bickering.

Do you care if the thread is closed?

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That approach has been tried by previous people who were suspended from attending shows, without success.


Oh that’s right. That’s up by the airport, up by The Meadowlands, isn’t it? Wasn’t he with Jonathan? I could be wrong about that.


While all this is true, there can be situations that put judges at risk.

I judged a show about 20+ years ago, in a park in Philadelphia. The crowd there was a little different than you typical horse show crowd, maybe a little or a lot behind on typical showing trends, a very rough crowd of exhibitors and spectators. I saw roached manes straight from the 1970s, and parade tack on the Western horses, very crude training techniques and ways of presenting horses.

There was a competitor with a nice paint horse, who was actually there with a truck and trailer, which was rare as most rode their horses to the show grounds from the various barns in and around the park.

This girl (maybe early 20s) brings her horse into the ring for halter, and he trots passed me to the other end of the ring with his penis dropped the entire time. She sets him up in line, and he still does not retract his penis. She proceeds to kick him in the belly to get him to pull it up, and doesn’t even attempt to hide it from me! I excuse her from the class.

Next class is showmanship. Same deal. Horse completes the pattern with his penis down the entire time. I do not place him and pull the woman aside and tell her either one of two things are going on, 1) her horse has a physical issue with his penis or urinary tract and needs to be seen by a veterinarian, or 2) he is drugged and dropping his penis as a result. Neither is a good situation and I do not want to see the horse in the ring again if his penis is down.

She took him out, told her boyfriend what I said, and tied the horse to the side of the trailer, where he stood for at least 4 more hours with his penis dropped.

I continued judging, and finished out the day. I was actually in the secretary’s stand, when show management and I noticed her boyfriend skulking around.

As I left to walk back to my truck, he approached me as soon as I got to the far side of the show ring, mooing at me like a cow to insinuate I was one, as I walked out. I asked him if he wanted to talk about the situation like an adult. His response, “How dare you disqualify my girlfriend’s horse! He was the nicest horse here! You just didn’t like him!”

I told him exactly what I told her and that I watched the horse throughout the day while I was judging, and that it was hours before he retracted his penis, and they were wrong for not taking him home and calling a vet to see him, or he was drugged. I then told him I leaned towards drugged. He looked flabbergasted, but did not deny drugging the horse either.

About that time I was able to catch the attention of show management, who walked out to deal with the boyfriend. I asked them to keep him busy until I got out of there and got lost in Philly traffic so he could not follow me.

This is my long winded way of telling you that people do attempt to intimidate judges if they do not get the results they want. This was not a world’s qualifying show in the grand scheme of things, just some little saddle club show in northeast Philly! And this was long before the days of social media!

I used to judge about 50 shows a year, and this was the most negative experience I had. Most exhibitors wanted feed back of any sort. Most wanted to be better showman. Most wanted the best for their horses.

And then you have the exhibitors that are totally ego driven, and it is all about them, and they want to win at any cost. Those competitors will be a thorn in your side, will bad mouth you to anyone who will listen, and complain to whatever association or associations have issued your judge’s card. And now in the days of social media, stalking and bullying, possibly worse!


I have no idea where either location are or who he was with that late at night. It’s just one of those oddities to me.


Only passing contact? In summer of 2018, MHG, MB, LK, and RG were all living in the same house. Maybe JH as well.

There appears to have been no tension in this “barn family” occupying the farmhouse that summer. The children would have visited MHG in that setting.

If the children are routinely staying at the farmhouse with the whole crew, including RG, they are already far better acquainted than an internet friend relationship.

I agree that if the friending occurred when both sides were in great hostility mode, it’s way over the line.

But if it occurred in summer 2018, when MHG was permitting her children to visit the farmhouse in which they all resided, that’s different.

When is this friending supposed to have occurred?

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I think a few of those competitors exist in any sport. Unfortunately.