Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

What judge would want to sit and score her test? Wouldn’t/shouldn’t they worry about personal harassment, retaliation, and a public smear campaign if she doesn’t like her scores and fixated on them?

If I was a judge, I would be nervous scoring anything she did. Look at this woman’s history in terms of harassment and mental abuse of people.


If memory serves, it was in the lawsuit filed by MB against the Keystone Kops.



I am not a member of USEF or any discipline related organizations.

There are kids in the barn where I ride, and when I teach, I do occasionally teach kids.

After SS was enacted, and I became aware of the requirements through discussions here, I was very careful to include a parent on texts or make a parent aware of the conversation; and I certainly didn’t friend on kids on social media. If they sent me a friend request, I accepted.

It has nothing to do with USEF and SS directly. It has to do with recognizing that the social contract regarding minor students has changed and I needed to adjust my behavior accordingly.

But back to the KKlan - I find it interesting that after violating multiple rules for interaction with minors in the barn, LK 1.) accused someone else of doing it and 2.) refuses to take the SS training that addresses all the problematic behavior.

Just makes me go “Hmmmmmmmm.”


Thank You!


He is gorgeous, you were lucky to have one another,.

Who is the photo bomber? That’s a great face…


The judge’s job is to give their opinion (score) on what they see in front of them on a given day. No more, no less.

Any judge who has been doing it for more than five minutes has developed a pretty thick skin about exhibitors who think the judge got it totally wrong. Lol.


More projection. With a capital P.


Stranger than thinking it is OK for two middle aged adults (Lauren Kanarek and her laundry man Robert Guy Goodwin) with a grudge friend requesting the children of someone they are posting vile stuff about on the same platform they are sending the friend request on?
Because that is one of those things that CH has posted that is hard to top, sticking up for/explaining away Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin doing that.


Thanks for finding that information.

It’s still just horrifying to think what sort of plan they were brewing up for those kids at that point.



But… have they been on the receiving end of psychotic online smear campaigns, persistent fixations and cyberstalking, threats of lawsuits, and questionable SafeSport complaints … all because a certain athlete has decided to blame someone else in really crazy terms for any perceived slight?

All of that is LKs modus operandi. It’s beyond the normal complaints from disgruntled competitors that judges have to routinely shrug off, I think.


Really! Do you think they had more than cyber stalking in mind? Maybe just scaring them enough to torment MHG and MB? I can’t imagine them showing up at the family reunion :grimacing:.


Small quibble… He wasn’t just her laundry man. During summer of 2019, RG was an active drug abuser… who also has a multi page arrest record.

Anyone on these forums is welcome to pipe up now and share if they are comfortable with their own 13 year old, a related 13 year old, a friend’s 13 year old… or just a teen they know from the barn and are friendly with… anyway…

Is anyone comfortable with that hypothetical 13 year old getting “friend requests “ on social media from an adult male who uses drugs and has a multi page arrest record in two different states?

This is so basic and messed up and frightening.



But how many judges would even know who she is, much less know her history? And put it together in the moment while she’s in the ring in front of them?

Plus she would have to actually participate in a show before it became an issue.


What in my post was “unequivocally wrong”, KM?

So, I wonder exactly why LK thinks that all USDF tests should be video recorded? At least, I’m pretty sure that was her position at some point….


I get what you are saying.

I agree, the bigger issue is even getting to a recognized show. And it doesn’t seem like she has done that in a long time. And it certainly seems like she’s unlikely to this spring or summer. She’s going to be VERY busy with her legal affairs, and focused on them, I’d imagine.


Hmmmm. Maybe because IF she gets a bad score, she wants to have the option of going online and ranting about “recordings” and evidence “bombshells” and how she plans on suing such and such judge, and the case is a slam dunk.

Just a hunch. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t think anyone can even begin to guess what they had in mind.

Think of all the things they did that nobody would dream of until they happened.

Placing illegal bugs all over someone else’s property.

Sneaking around in a ninja outfit.

Calling the housing authority to come out over shoddy repair work- work done by RG, no less!

Getting the barn declared uninhabitable so everyone staying there had to sleep outside.

Making false claims to Safe Sport, resulting in an investigation by child protective services.

Texting each other about knocking out the generator/electricity on a barn full of horses.

Conspiring to drive someone off their rocker and off their own property.

With all that in mind, I don’t think there is any way to guess what they had in mind when they were searching for the location of those kids.


You owe me a keyboard :sweat_smile:

Some of you are so damn funny :heart_eyes:

I agree though, big ixnay on the ice athbay!

(Edit to add: responding to kms comment about the sinking boat)


I was responding to a post by KM in which she posted the screenshot and said

“This amused the H E double hockey stick out of me. LOL

Clerk 1 Lawyer 0 “

She is saying IM, the lawyer, is wrong in that post. But what has IM said that is wrong if she is interpreting his words as applying to criminal charges?

Since everything he says has been true about what he was talking about - criminal charges - I thought KM was saying she’s amused that the civil complaint on the recordings had not been dropped.

So yes, I thought KM was talking about the civil counter suit not having been dropped yet.

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