Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

A tardis?


“Sycophant” has been edited out by the moderator in the past.

“Syncophant” has not, as far as I know.


Because it’s bigger on the inside!


The continuing trajectory of the tone in your posts.


Sycophant means fan. Follower. Ally.


I don’t know. I think JK is a “fixer” and keeps his family thinking they have more money than they do. I think things like “the name on the door” keeps them feeling high-falutin’ and is a cover for him tyring to keep alot of balls in the air at once. I don’t think he’s all that bright, either, and is probably letting a lot of important issues slide trying to keep LK happy and not bring the family crashing down, like not getting contracts for LK, like writing those astoundingly idiotic briefs and letters to the judge. He may be a narcissist, or he may be a clown, trying to keep the naricissists in his family feeling like they are on top of the world by giving them “the name on the door”, by playing golf with judges, by buying tickets to VIP tents, but he’s more of a clown than a big man about town, if I am not mistaken. Narcissist or fixer, who knows.


A Tardis really is Schrodinger’s box, isn’t it. Good observation.


Not exactly. It means a person who follows in an excessive or servile way to gain an advantage.


I get the feeling that there is a great deal of guilt involved with the relationship with their daughter. I hate to think of why.

Maybe it’s just, like you say, keeping all the balls in the air.


Or, maybe LK was the recipient of some kind of legacy from KK’s family, and that’s the family money. Maybe they are keeping her, so they can continue to benefit from the money in some way. Daddio on the Patio (DOP) may use that money to keep alot of balls in the air. It may not be guilt, but a more basic need to keep her busy so they all don’t sink.


Let’s get the discussion back closer to discussion of the case vs. getting into psychoanalysis of family members. As addressed in the trial, LK has made multiple public references to various psychological issues in relation to herself, so that’s fine to discuss.


Yes! I’ve wondered that too!

1 Like

OK, thanks.


I don’t normally participate in discussions anymore, but have kept this page open to check on updates to the court case. I check in and read a few posts to see if there are updates.

Felt the need to chime in with my perspective on assigning “responsibility” percentage.

For many years Michael was operating 2 farms with all the responsibilities of mortgage payments, insurance, maintenance, utility bills, feed bills, farrier, vet bills, employees, working students, lessons, training clinics, preparing clients and horses for competition, scheduling, etc. That’s an absolute ton of responsibility and pressure and he’s juggling a lot of balls and handling it just fine, with probable periods of cash flow and time limitations occasionally causing a little angst, but not enough to derail him.

Then along comes Lauren and weeks (months?) of attacking him online, trying to sully his reputation, threats and her own admission she intended to ruin him. With a business so heavily dependent on reputation, and all his responsibilities to his family, his employees and all that he’s responsible, it’s absolutely understandable he wasn’t eating well, sleeping well and had increasing anxiety and panic. Complaints to safesport possibly initiating an investigation, possibly putting him out of business (and everyone who depended on him) would be enough to send a lot of people over the edge and having CPS show up on his doorstep made him snap. The proberbial “straw that broke the camel’s back”.

I find Lauren and Rob’s description to be totally implausible. I think it far more likely that he was attacked in some way before the shooting. Why was his phone sitting on the table? Why were Lauren and Rob’s phones sitting where they were not even close to them?

This whole situation is tragic for everyone involved and everyone associated with them. And it was so senseless, except for the fact that Lauren delighted in tormenting and attacking people and had gotten away with it for so many years and with so many people that it didn’t occur to her that someone might just attack her back. I’m sorry she was shot. Frankly, I’m more sorry for Michael than her, but sorry just the same.

If Lauren had just accepted the fact the barn and Michael were no longer a good fit and the situation was deteriorating rapidly and left, none of this would have happened. But she wanted to “destroy him”. A reasonable person would have left. She had places for her horses to go. None of her excuses for not leaving were plausible. She just wanted to destroy him so she refused to leave. And look how much damage she caused to so many people because of her actions.

Since her actions were the reason Michael snapped and the only thing HE did wrong was during those minutes he was legally “insane and not responsible”, it’s all Lauren’s fault. And if I were on a jury and heard the whole sordid story that is what I would find.

As for Seeker1, I totally understand the anguish you have gone through and continue to go through. But as much as you love her you must be able to see her culpability in all this. And the family’s for enabling her.

And I think I read somewhere, don’t know if it’s true or not, that Lauren was not allowed in her parents home? And she didn’t go to her parents when she got out of the hospital? I haven’t followed the whole thing that closely in the intervening months so I’m not sure of these facts. But, if true, that seems to be kind of a disconnect. I’m truly sad for all involved and I’m also sad that Lauren hasn’t appeared to have an epiphany to change her behavior and hasn’t shown an iota of remorse for setting this train in motion.


Excellent post, Minnie. Thank you.


Quoted because this post cannot be liked enough. A very clear, concise synopsis @minnie! Thank you for your thoughtful post that puts things into perspective! Many of us feel the same as you, and you represented us very well!


Yup, from OMG cut from stem to stem on a vent flat lined twice lost 50% of her blood mutilated to…stay in a motel???


I know, all the pearl clutching about KK’s child and then she sent her to a motel afterwards. THere’s some kind of disconnect there. But alot of LK’s issues around medications weren’t going to be addressed at that time, so its likely she and rob needed to be on their own at that point.

I appreciate Minnie’s pointing out the scope of Michael Barisone’s business prior to LK. Interesting.


You have really captured most people’s feelings in a nutshell @minnie


For all the things that KK has tried to deny on these threads, I don’t recall her trying to deny these two statements.