Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

a reasonable person does not dig their feet in and refuse to leave.


Wow, back in early July!


My husband took Lamictal (PTSD-C, BPD, Bipolar Disorder) and it was a game-changer. The raging dropped significantly and quickly.

So glad it helps you - there is nothing fun or easy about trying to get the right meds, in the right dosages, at the right times.


Under the New Jersey civil court rules they have until 8 days before the “return date” which if I am correct in assuming that is the date set for “decision” (March 17) that would mean that they have until March 8 or 9 to file a reply brief.


It’s 8 days before a court date.

But a motion can be served 8 days before a court date upon the parties but not filed with the court until the day before so its possible to have stuff filed amongst the parties that the court doesn’t know exists yet.


I think it developed more organically than that. She doesn’t impress me as having much forethought.

It was just one big snowball that kept rolling along until there was a straw that broke the camel’s back and I have no idea which straw that was :woman_shrugging:t2:.


Below are screen shots of @minnie’s incredible post from yesterday, stating what many of us feel and believe. Please note the number of “likes” @CurrentlyHorseless, @hut-ho78, @Inigo-montoya, @Seeker1.

If this any indication of what people truly feel about the things that have happened to Michael Barisone in the last 3 1/2 years, the civil trial is going to be a hoot, and not in a good way for Lauren Kanarek or any of the Kanarek family!


I did notice that. I believe it’s a record on this thread and reveals how many people are reading along but not posting. @minnie summed up, clearly and concisely, how the average, reasonable person (there’s that term again) views this case.


And that should make certain people sit up and take a hard look at their actions and how they are perceived- if they actually had the intellectual and emotional intelligence to do so!


Why did you tag me, @cutter99?

I saw @minnie ‘s post and refrained from responding.

Are you asking me to comment on her post?

Now let’s take that high number of likes for Minnie’s post and perspective, and think about what that might mean if the civil case was ever to make it to trial, with a jury determining who gets paid what.



Once again @CurrentlyHorseless, with no surprise to anyone here, you have missed the point.

And once again CurrentlyHorseless, reading comprehension should be encouraged!


No. She is saying that the tagged people should NOTE THE NUMBER OF LIKES to that post and use that as a gauge as to how any potential jury might also feel. A litmus test of sorts.


See how easily understood that was @CurrentlyHorseless??? While you claim not be willfully obtuse, the other option makes you look worse.


For the love of all that’s holy, can we PLEASE stop quoting the super long posts!!! Make your point and move on. We don’t need to scroll through pages and pages of LOOOOOONG quotes. Please.


I get easily confused on some of this technical procedural stuff.

Sooooo… are you saying that Silver or Deininger might have already written a response to GAS’s motion about the deposition, and circulated it to the other legal teams involved in the case… but they might wait until 03/16 to file it with the court?


I think the defences biggest issue in this civil trial will be separating what can be used as evidence and what will be considered character evidence and not allowed. As I understand anything along the lines of character evidence would be disallowed due to its prejudicial nature.

Any thoughts on how they may separate the two in a trial like this?

You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to realize what the majority view is re this whole debacle and the resulting civil suit(s). I don’t just mean the majority view on COTH either. It’s across multiple social media platforms, and no, it’s not some mob influence and/or conspiracy. What does that say when an overwhelming amount of individuals, not associated with anyone here, feel disgusted by the victim/LK? Or just in general feel very little sympathy for her.

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s not jealousy, it’s not the pleasure of hate, or whatever the next “theory” will be, it’s just that people don’t like sh*tty behavior. Or they’ve been in a similar situation where they’ve been close to or reached their breaking point. Or they’ve dealt with very difficult individuals in their lives…or they are conditioned to feel repulsed by human evil.

It’s also entirely possible to recognize wrong doing ON BOTH SIDES.

One side has been quiet (MB & Co), so no comments there, but the side that hasn’t been quiet literally got shot “center mass, twice, point blank” and so on, and seemingly hasn’t learned a damn thing from the ordeal and shows zero remorse for any bad behavior.

Even if something isn’t my fault, and I get injured or whatever, I still may modify my future behavior(s) as a result. Just as a learning and an adulting thing. Maybe I just have some level of preservation and lack a high amount of arrogance, I don’t know.

Maybe LK has changed a bit, I don’t know. I don’t know her. Even though she’s a victim, showing some remorse (for her harassing behavior) actually would’ve been of benefit to her, I think, vs whatever she was/is trying to pull off. But, showing remorse may in turn, admit or show fault, and we can’t do that!

*I’m in no way saying that she is exclusively at fault for the shooting…before someone comes along and plays Twister.


@Mondo, I have to ask if you’ve seen Season 3 of After Life?
The man is a genius imo


That only applies to criminal trials, not civil.

No one will be protecting Lauren in the civil trial. Her behavior is on trial there.