Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

This is a civil trial. It will all be allowed.


Yes. There likewise can also be a motion floating around.

As a clerk we often would have to have add ons to the calendar and then show the related cases on the Judges copy of the calendar. Each item is numbered so next to #5 on the calendar might be a penciled marking made by the clerk that #s 24, 56 and 72 are also this same case.


You are wrong. It’s open season. Case in point Depp v. Heard.

They will not separate.


I have. Loved it! I agree. He’s brilliant.



Lollypop might be aware of a scathing response that either Deininger or Silver has already prepared when it comes to the recent motion by GAS to limit her deposition…

But we may not yet know about it.

I wonder if that MIGHT be influencing any of the agitated posting patterns we have seen on this thread recently?

I could see a possible situation in which MB’s legal team decided to sit on a particularly scathing response until AFTER the next Krol hearing happens.


WOW!! 79 likes as of 12:25! Amazing!


OR (in my case)… all of the above.

But showing remorse seems to be seen as a sign of weakness… and thus, sadly, it is unlikely to happen when one believes they are so much smarter than everyone else. A little humility/self-reflection would serve LK well.

*I’m in no way saying that she is exclusively at fault for the shooting…before someone comes along and plays Twister.

Great analogy!


But why tag me? I’m capable of reading the number of likes without being tagged.

Are you just goading me?

  1. @Minnie did an excellent job of encapsulating the majority/mob narrative. She gets bonus points for dialing back on the pure hate component.

  2. I do not think the posters in these threads are representative of the general public.

  3. While the dominant narrative here is that LK through her behavior “caused” MB to “snap” and therefore caused him to shoot her, I think there is zero % chance that the defense will succeed in establishing that LK caused MBs insanity.

  4. Given 3., I don’t think the defense will try to establish that LK caused his insanity. Of course the defense will try to imply that LK “drove him insane” to make her a less sympathetic victim.

  5. In Deininger’s answer to the suit, he does not claim that LK drove MB insane.

  6. I would not have posted on Minnie’s posting you hadn’t goaded me.


Why do you think this?

That defense sure seemed to work at the criminal trial.


You and others of your minority beliefs were tagged because what you believe is in the minority. There is no sense in tagging someone who is already aware. As they were using this incident to visibly demonstrate a concept, it would be a logical conclusion to tag those who still needing convincing.

I’m curious why you are so needing an explanation of a simple tag?


Oh ok I googled but it told me otherwise, thanks.

I think you’re right that the defense implying that her behavior caused the mental break made LK a less sympathetic victim, along with all the other effort to make her appear unsympathetic.

However, the jury in the criminal trial was only charged with determining whether or not MB was insane at the time he shot her. The verdict of NGRI does not indicate the jury determined that she was the cause of his insanity.

I’m always puzzled that the Barisone crowd considers the verdict of NGRI a great success of the defense. The defense did not successfully negate the prosecution’s case of actus reus. What the defense succeeded in establishing is that MB was insane at the time he shot LK. Period.

Trying to establish that LK “caused” his insanity is very, very different from establishing that he is/was insane.


And to your mind, neither are the commenters on Youtube/Law & Crime (cause they’re pretty much on board with the Coth’ers) ??


LK causing the insanity WAS the defenses major position. That’s why they called into evidence testimony and witnesses as well as documentation to attest to that.

And, most notably, that evidence and testimony as well as LK/RG words and behaviors on the stand CONVINCED A WORLD




Shh. You’re interfering with their hand clapping to resurrect Tinker Bell. I mean, sure, Lauren Shay Kanarek is decades removed from childhood, but play along.


And she is still actively convincing the world of her inappropriate behavior via SM!!


Every stupid word she utters or writes doubles down on and reiterates her very significant all encompassing massive culpability for this event unfolding as it did.


Predatory behavior isn’t likely to go over well with the civil case jury.

despair, preferring to drive a victim into the depths of depression and in many cases driving them to suicide - sounds like the narcissist who brought the case.

I bet seeing happy people who are succeeding in their profession really infuriated Lauren.


Would the cool quarter of a million dollars they supposedly got from RC(less lawyer’s share) cover the amount of men’s expenses?

I’m thinking not.

At this point they can’t say"Just kidding, we’re good" and go on their merry destructive way.

In for a penny in for a pound