Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

So let me make sure I understand you correctly…

You think that the jury in the criminal trial:

  1. Determined they believed MB was insane at the time of LK’s shooting


  1. MB’s attorneys failed to make the case that LK was the actual cause of MB’s mental break?

I disagree with you. I think that’s a matter of wishful thinking on your part.

Oh… and I think it will be MUCH EASIER for MBs attorneys to make their case in civil court… if they choose to follow that strategy a second time.


I hope that if Judge T tries to use the civil suit as a reason that MB should be kept confined because he does not believe MB could handle it, the attorneys stress to him that they are very confident about MB’s position in the lawsuit.

They could also congratulate the judge on the completion of his medical degree because without one he shouldn’t offer an opinion on a medical condition.


Oh look, it is happening again…and again and again and again.

This has been explained to you so many times. Too bad you ignore it and then pretend something else was said.








I’m thinking someone should maybe work on not just reading comprehension but counting skills. Skip the board here since someone seems convinced we’re not being fair and are prejudiced, and go count the people on all the YouTube/podcast comments from those who know nothing about these forums. If counting skills are up to par, I think you will find over 95% agree with the majority here. That is public opinion, and it isn’t going to get better.


Yes, that’s correct. The cause of MBs insanity was not at issue in the criminal case.

Why do you say “if they choose to follow that strategy a second time”? MBs lawyers have filed their answer to LKs suit — they filed it, then amended it. They can’t keep their strategy a secret and just pull it out when the trial starts.

I have not seen a clear statement in the Deininger answer saying one of MBs defenses is that LK “caused” MBs insanity.

If the “cause” of MBs insanity was going to be litigated in the trial, LKs lawyers would be putting forward other theories of the cause of MBs insanity, right?

Do you think it is possible to determine the cause of someone’s insanity? More to the point, would a reputable psychiatric expert claim that it is possible to determine the cause of MBs insanity? What was the cause of John Hinckley’s insanity? Seeing a movie with Robert De Niro?

Literally EVERY site on social media shows the same result: The public, by a soul slapping, overwhelming majority, the likes of which is rarely seen, favors MB and his defense and sees LK as the causal responsible element to it all.


Yes, but that’s because of the Mob!!1!11!


So tell your cohorts not to tag me if you don’t want to engage me, @trubandloki !

1 Like

Did your Google Law Degree not include this part?




All that tag did was ask you to notice the number of likes.

Not go off insisting no one has answered your incorrect thoughts once again.

Good try, but nope!




Why does it matter so much what CH believes?
Y’all contribute to the round and round by consistently bringing up their name. Unless you are having a conversation with them, stop bringing them up. Let them hold on to their minority opinion.


Whenever I see the word “cohort” I think of this

Because I study history


Except that statute is in the criminal statutes and refers to crimes, etc. While I believe LK’s actions and demeanor will be thoroughly allowed, this particular statue is inapplicable. I think. But I do not practice law in NJ.


If you just want to get under their skin, then I assure you, ignoring them is a better tactic. Last time we managed to actually ignore them we got a YD flounce and grumbles because how dare we discuss hamsters and share recipes.


That says a mouthful right there.


Thank you.

The way I read it, NJ has only one set of standards that apply to both.

I am not making any google law degree claims and I would love for you to correct me on this. Though these rules make it very clear that Lauren Kanarek’s actions can be discussed, something that specifically refers to the civil side would be wonderful.


And reinforces that fact that her behavior has not changed at all since then.

  1. I think the cause of MB’s insanity was most certainly an issue during the criminal trial. Dr. Simring’s testimony, as well as multiple other witnesses, all spoke to it.

  2. Yes… MBs attorneys have answered Lollypop’s suit, and filed counterclaims. However… discovery isn’t even remotely complete yet. I think trial strategy will not fully develop until AFTER discovery is complete. I specifically used the word “if” when talking about this… because I think there will be MANY MANY more options on the table for MB’s attorneys during a civil trial than. there are during a criminal trial. That’s just my impression of the case at this time.


Their biggest challenge might be deciding where to draw the line to prevent information overload on the jury.