Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

As far as motions filed, correct me but didn’t GAS say that if there was an objection to his motion, he would request oral arguments? So is it possible that right now, the lawyers are negotiating the objections with each order or something? Before an objection is filed? What possibilities are going on behind the scenes?

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Yes, let’s just forget how Taylor spent the whole trial preventing Bilinkas from getting in exactly what LK did to MB……and then allowed The Stache to just put it all out there, and heavily emphasize how he should have been afraid, while he completely ignored the witness because it was the state’s witness.


Only you can allow yourself to be “goaded.” Nobody else is responsible for your feelings, actions, and reactions.


Heads up, Boyd fans!


I’m adding the link to this video for the Boyd fans.



So, the ladies will, in essence be chasing after Mr. Martin all morning. What a lovely thought. Only in horses


Probably not just all morning. Lol.


I was taking a break but since you tagged me (once again complain complain then where did you go, you aren’t paying us attention), what I noticed about her post is that even though her opinions are strong (and I don’t agree with all of them), she expressed them kindly. They were critical but not deliberately cruel, taunting or baiting. Well done @minnie. I hope you are an example to those who agree with you that one can post strong opinions of behavior without personal attacks.

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Why didn’t you answer her question @cutter99? What was it you said about reading comprehension? I didn’t ask why you tagged me because I think those of you who tag me and others just crave attention.

People need to stop drinking Bloody Marys three times in front of the mirror.


Where I live, criminal statutes are separate. But you are probably correct. I may research it,but I believe you.


I was hoping you would find something we all missed!
Thank you for your input!


When are y’all ever quiet. I take a break. Wow, I even took one for two years and it goes on and on and on. Plus, I get tagged and baited and taunted.

If y’all cared about MB, you would not be encouraging his delusions about LK.

If y’all cared are mental illness, there would be compassion for all parties.

If you truly believed that MB shot her in self defense, you wouldn’t be attacking her character and her family’s characters to say she deserved to be shot.

If you truly believed the judge was vindictive, you wouldn’t be sending in complaints.

If you truly believed I was wrong in my comments, you would scroll on by or, confident in your own assessment, politely explain why and move on, not give up on rational thought and go to name calling.


Agree. Proving someone has a flawed character is still irrelevant to their damages if someone shoots them.


Or eating Ho Hos.


The medical profession doesn’t make the decision to keep or release MB. The court does as it tries to balance the individual rights with the safety of the individual from self harm and the safety of the public from the individual.

If MB is released too soon and commits another violent act, that comes back on the court (Judge Taylor), not the medical professionals. See State of New Jersey vs Fields 1978.

I hope MB has been able to work the steps and his supporters have found room in one of the semi-controlled residential homes that Judge Taylor noted has not been found to be available before, so he can continue healing.

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@CurrentlyHorseless note how happy @trubandloki is that you are commenting.

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@CurrentlyHorseless here is another one. It’s all about attention. Smh.

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As far as character evidence-would it not be limited to the usual rules for introducing evidence at trial? I am guessing (not lawyer googling here for back up :)) that one would have to show “relevance”, be prohibited from heresay, whether it can be used to impeach a witness, etc. and find the correct ways to introduce it/lay the foundation. Being a litigator requires all those skill sets of knowing how to get certain evidence in the record.

