Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Whole post above so no one accusing me of editing something or taking something out of context.

Some of these comments are just…well…the only polite word I can come up with is - weird.
And though I want to ignore Hut’s weird ramblings, these are just too much to ignore.

Do you some how communicate with Michael to express your thoughts on Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin?
I am guessing the answer is no.
Neither do we. Well, maybe I am speaking out of line for the rest of the people, but I have to assume that the vast majority of the people here are only having discussion with other people here and maybe some friends. They are not calling up Michael to tell him what they think of Lauren Kanarek, or how crazy they think it is that Jonathan Kanarek thinks it is funny to make people homeless.
No one is reminding Michael how truly horrendous it is that a middle aged drug addict and her drug addict assistant with a crazy long rap sheet was friend requesting two minor children all while posting vial things about their mother on the same social media platform.
The discussion here is not encouraging or discouraging or anything-ing Michael.

Did you type this wrong?
Oh wait, you are the type of person who feels that one should just walk away from evil and let evil do what it wants.

We have politely explained. We have provided proof. We have shared facts.
If we do not respond then you proclaim that you are correct.





And the jury didn’t believe Dr Schlesinger. They believed the doctors Simring and Hassan.

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Ahh who said I had a Google law degree? Not me.






No one on here even talks to MB, as far as I know. So…

And I don’t think he’s reading along either. So who is reminding him?

Many of us have exactly zero connections to MB aside from being involved in the same sport.

I actually think that MB made some mistakes and also demonstrated some poor behavior during this whole debacle. So I’m not exactly his number one fan, or really a fan at all, but I do feel bad for the guy, to some extent re a few things.


No dear. That is not me chortling that I have scared people off for the evening.

IIRC, Dr. Simring said in the criminal trial, “She gaslighted him until she drove him crazy.” Or something like that.

I know, I know - you are going to express your reservations about whether Simring can be considered a “reputable psychiatric expert.” But I will remind you that he frequently testifies for the prosecution and, if memory serves, for that very same DA office. So my questions for you are:

  1. Is he “reputable” only when he is a witness for the prosecution, and not for the defense?
  2. Or is he only “reputable” when he is siding with the K-Klan?

No one did. They are handing them out here. Coth law school.


He also said MB told him he got the gun out of the office which was hearsay. Do you only believe him when it fits the movie in your head?


LK has a long way to go then before she reaches true “cohort” size. She has, what - maybe at best a dozen or so foot soldiers? :grin:


Oh, we are friends now?
Or are you using cute names?
Be careful with that, your friend CH does not like it when people do that.

Is it evening where you are? It is not evening here yet.

And I do not know about scaring anyone anywhere.

What I do know is that Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya, has refused to answer a subpoena since July. I know Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1 is also ignoring her subpoenas. I know that Jonathan Kanarek thinks it is funny to make someone homeless, out of their very own residence. I know that Jonathan Kanarek, Kirby Kanarek, and Lauren Kanarek think it is OK to approach a witness right before a trial at a public event. I know that Lauaren Kanarek lies to get her way. I know that Lauren Kanarek is too lazy to get up and turn off the tea kettle. Jonathan Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin, and Lauren Kanarek think it is fun to destroy the electrical and the generator to the barn where her horses live, clearly she did not consider that her horses might need water.
Oh, the list is endless.




The wind must be really picking up and blowing plastic bags around the field.

I am just a horse of course.


I wasn’t referring to anything about LK at all. I was just saying that in hearing the word cohort I immediately think Roman army unit name.


Hey @hut-ho78 , where/when did Judge Taylor mention anything about semi-controlled residential homes that were not available before?

Edit to add tag so Hut is sure to see my question.


This is what I was wondering. What did I miss? A convo with the judge nobody else was privy to?


Oh, I get that! It just struck me as funny because some posts have referred to LK’s supporters on here as her “cohorts.” So I was commenting that she seems to be falling way, way short of the 480 “soldiers” needed to form a true cohort.

It was just a tongue in cheek observation. Carry on! :laughing:


Who knows. I am sure that @hut-ho78 will fill us in, so we will know where Judge Taylor brought this up.


[quote=“trubandloki, post:6460, topic:782326, full:true”]

Perhaps that info was revealed to a select few at the same time that darned police report was. :wink:



I’m what way and how is ANYONE encouraging any thoughts Michael Barisone has about Lauren Shay Kanarek?? Does he have a computer to read these threads? Does he call and speak one on one with any of us?
Oh, I get it…instead of Barisone somehow telling any of US what to post as has been implied in the past, we are now telling HIM what to think! Make up your mind.

As far as any of “you” being tagged in major posts such as Minnie’s, it’s not for you to reply but to be sure your attention is drawn to the post to perhaps absorb what is said. Everyone knows how the three of you will respond so save your energy.

I do, however, want an explanation of your absolutely ludicrous post.