Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

So just for the purpose of clarification, you acknowledge in this post that JK is actually @Inigo-montoya.

Whew, glad we got that out of the way!


Just in to say I haven’t seen any turned tables lately.


All the while, shouting from the rafters that it really isn’t JK…

I mean, it’s a short list on the K side, and if it’s not JK then there really is only one other option.


SIDEBAR: Charlotte Dujardin had her baby. A girl. Isabella Rose.




I’m just wondering why you don’t ever engage directly with him and/or @Seeker1 when they participate in the discussion. You all never have any kind of dialogue on the threads.

I’m all fairness… I’ve noticed they never actually try and dialogue with you either. In fact… they never even seem to tag you, or recognize all your posts on these threads, and the way you have tried to defend their daughter for well over a year.

I have seen @Seeker1 acknowledge @hut-ho78… and you have also acknowledged @hut-ho78 … and this comes across to me as a more normal dynamic between two different posters.

But… the lack of interaction between you and @Inigo-montoya and @Seeker1 ?

I just find it strange.

I share many opinions and perspectives with @eggbutt, @Knights_Mom , @sdel , and several others. You know this :wink: But… one thing that organically happens when people have common opinions is that we tag one another on threads, reply to one another, and just generally have dialogue .

I find it weird that you don’t have organic public dialogue like this on the actual thread with IM and Seeker.


I have said that I find IM credible but I have never said he is beyond reproach— that’s you putting words in my mouth.

I agree that IM/JK is the ultimate insider— that’s a big part of why I found his posts credible — as an insider he would actually know stuff.

For example, he knew of and reported that the original Krol hearing happened before LO reported it.

Thank you for acknowledging that most people don’t actually think HH and I are insiders. The insinuations are just one of the many EIM harassment tactics. It’s so shocking that IM on one occasion turned the tables and used it on @trubandloki. (sarcasm) Are you puzzled as to why he choose trubandloki among all the members of the EIM? I’m not.

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Thinking about LO’s most recent GFM update, as lax as Greystone appears to be in their duties and responsibilities toward the patients they are charged with treating, I wonder if they paid attention to the fact Barisone is to have another hearing tomorrow? Think of them scrambling to throw a report together at this late date!

As far as the Kanarek claim that Precious is afraid of Michael and he should continue to be confined because of her fears, if she should have been afraid of anyone after her plan fell apart, it was and still is Barisone’s friends and clients who lost so much because of her. She certainly doesn’t seem the least bit intimidated about approaching his friends and relationships! I admire the restraint Tarshis showed when the 3 individuals approached him before the trial.

Regarding the Krol hearing, the criminal trial is over and LK has no right to be there or have daddy send in an alleged victim impact statement to inforce Taylor’s bias. Recall way back before the trial when Barisone told Taylor he wanted to remain in jail rather than being released due to the time limit for confinement without trial was getting close? Perhaps he was afraid of the Kanareks and the possibility of them trying to finish the job they started. Keep in mind he has no recollection of what transpired at the house 8/7/19 and as badly as he was beaten, he has every right to be fearful of them.

Regarding JK announcing anything about the Krol hearing before LO, has she ever announced anything other than her GFM updates? But of course some here hang on JK’s every syllable as absolute fact. Strange how many times he’s been wrong. I suspect they (JK & KK) lurk here when they think something is happening hoping LO has informed anyone on these threads who might slip up. Somehow I doubt she’s that foolish.


And have a bias. And a reason to bend the facts.
Decidedly un-credible.

To not recognize that is naive


If she is that afraid, then why would she and JK want to buy a house near MB’s farm in Florida? One would think that there are plenty of other areas with houses for sale.


Remember, that property was purchased before the trial when they obviously believed it would be a slam dunk guilty verdict. I’m sure they had, and may still have, fantasy that they will end up with Barisone South. Not gonna happen.


She could have gone back to her trainer in NC, where she was renting a house, that she claims loves her, and whom she claims MB poached her from, for instance. She threatened MB that she’d go back there when she wrote the manifesto…


Actually… Lollypop is the ultimate insider. She’s the one with direct communication with her own attorneys.

Are you saying that you believe that @Inigo-montoya is actually Lollypop and not really JK at all?

That’s an interesting thought, Ch.


Has thou summoned me from the darkness?



I doubt that trainer would have her. Remember she came back to NC for a while before heading to FL to rehab a horse at a premier medical facility in the state. She eventually moved everything to a dressage facility near the vet for a few months before heading to FL. She was driving almost 90 miles one way to visit her horses during that time. It was strange to me that she was that far from them as much as she says she has to be in immediate proximity to them.


I want to dialogue with you. Because you are a whole different person from me, but we share many opinions… so we interact on these threads periodically! It’s interesting and entertaining. I like dialoguing with people I share opinions with - imagine that! :wink:


RE the sentence I bolded- just because LO has not publicly posted something does not mean she is not aware of what is going on.

In case you have not noticed, LO has not been public about much throughout the entire situation, much to her credit. She is not commenting here, or anywhere that I am aware of, because she shouldn’t be, just like the KKlan shouldn’t be!

It shows that this is not some drama to be played out on social media. It shows that she has the intelligence and class to refrain from rolling around in the mud. It shows she truly cares about Michael Barisone and his future.

So you also acknowledge here @CurrentlyHorseless that JK is the “ultimate insider”. To what consequence is he the ultimate insider??? That he has had inappropriate contact with the judge? Has attempted to have inappropriate contact with a second judge?


Maybe not those exact words - but yes, you have made it clear many times that he always spoke the truth and was always to be believed.

I agree that IM/JK is the ultimate insider— that’s a big part of why I found his posts credible — as an insider he would actually know stuff.

For example, he knew of and reported that the original Krol hearing happened before LO reported it.

Aside from the fact that his posts were not always credible or factual - you maintained IM was not JK. So who did you think he was? What insider? LK?

JK reported the Krol hearing here to make sure we knew he was a VIP (very important insider) - but many of us had already figured out who he was just based on how he posted and what he posted about. He is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is… no 5D chess going on there.

Thank you for acknowledging that most people don’t actually think HH and I are insiders. The insinuations are just one of the many EIM harassment tactics.

And yet here you go again - back to the “many EIM harassment tactics” and your complaints about goading and taunting… when you also indulge in that.

It’s so shocking that IM on one occasion turned the tables and used it on @trubandloki. (sarcasm) Are you puzzled as to why he choose trubandloki among all the members of the EIM? I’m not.

Meh. I do not “puzzle” about any nonsense IM or KK has spewed here. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it at times. They do seem to be determined to make things worse for LK when they post - and if that is their hearts’ desire, have at it.

When IM makes a gleeful Grand Gotcha Announcement and mistakenly announces that a COTH poster is someone they are not - and taunts and goads them… where is your angst about those tactics?

You seem to be rather fixated on the EIM thing… as if you think it is an actual organized legal group of some kind. I find that rather strange, especially since the “EIM tactics” that you complain about have been perfected and favored by IM and KK here - and they are… what is that word again… credible.


I would dialogue with you too as even our reasons for such dialoguing is mutual and satisfying.

Commence dialogue sequence. Do you wish to initiate or receive first contact?


I find this endlessly entertaining the way the tough guys (g) seem to always whine when someone does to them (no matter how lightly) what they do to others.


OK. Let me enlighten you.

When I was a newish poster in December 2021, IM was posting regularly. There were a number of us in the “empathy for LK/ push back on the blame the victim” camp.

The minority at the time included HH, Equkelly, RND, Sierra Mist and me. IM came on and said that with the posts of that group, “the tide was turning”. He specifically called out and praised each person by name, including me.

What he didn’t realize at the time, but realized later, was that his public acknowledgment of those posters put a target on their back.

I felt that RND, Equkelly and I were all attacked within hours of his post in order to get us to post in frustration and anger and get us banned. I dropped off in fear. RND survived (for a while), Equkelly was banned.

After Equkelly was banned, I think IM realized his expression of appreciation to those posters made the mob even more hostile to them.

HH and I are birds of a feather. We independently entered the forum and happen to have a similar minority view. Our cyber friendship has been forged from experiencing the same harassment and mockery from the mob.

I am not “birds of a feather” with IM or Seeker, as I am not an insider or family member. I think IM and Seeker understand that if they were to interact directly with HH or with me, it would just fuel your (wrong) claims that we are insiders. I’m not an insider and I believe HH when she says she’s not an insider.

Here’s what I find weird. You mock me with sea lion gifs and condescending posts and refer to me as a puppet, then seem to expect civil responses from me to your queries.

If, in the future, I decline to respond to your questions, it’s not because I’m dodging or deflecting. It’ll be because I don’t feel
I owe any answers, or anything, to someone who has consistently treated me with condescension and insults.

But I did answer this one for you.