Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

OMG how narcissistic of you! Those posters were objected to due to the content of their posts, not because IM had crowned them as worthy!

I don’t even remember IM crowning them as worthy.


This is fine but remember in kind that I (and maybe others) will likewise refuse to answer repetitive questions which have already been answered ad nauseum.


No, @smoofox. I have never “maintained IM was not JK”.

I have always suspected IM was JK from the beginning. What I have “always maintained” is that I do not know for a fact that IM is JK.

Straw man # I’ve lost count.

Thank you, KM. I look forward to you not answering!




December 2021.

Use the search function to search for the word “tide” as in “the tide is turning” in a post by IM.

I hadn’t remembered this until I found the post, but it was a response to you, @Knights_Mom!

So odd you don’t remember the exchange.

Malarkey. Total Malarkey. IM is and always will be a nothing, a nobody worthy of zero respect. His entertainment value ceased to exist long ago. This smug contemptible man has never influenced how I feel or interact with any human being. He does not have that power over anyone on these threads, although he and some irritants do believe he does. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.


When I was a newish poster in December 2021, IM was posting regularly. There were a number of us in the “empathy for LK/ push back on the blame the victim” camp.

The minority at the time included HH, Equkelly, RND, Sierra Mist and me. IM came on and said that with the posts of that group, “the tide was turning”. He specifically called out and praised each person by name, including me.

What he didn’t realize at the time, but realized later, was that his public acknowledgment of those posters put a target on their back.

IM had no such power - who he was was obvious. Some of the posters you praise - like Equkelly - were all over the forum in different threads with their flamethrowers out. They put a target on their own back. The all powerful and credible IM had nothing to do with that. Did he write their posts? Did he direct epic meltdowns, venom, flounces, reflounces and ultimate bans? No. The idea that you think he actually genuinely cared about any posters is puzzling.

I felt that RND, Equkelly and I were all attacked within hours of his post in order to get us to post in frustration and anger and get us banned. I dropped off in fear. RND survived (for a while), Equkelly was banned.

After Equkelly was banned, I think IM realized his expression of appreciation to those posters made the mob even more hostile to them.

IM did not give a rip about any other posters unless they agreed with him in the moment. You were not involved in any of the earlier threads. You did not see the venom and epic meltdowns from LK and a few others - including posters who were banned due to their own words. No conspiracies were involved as you suggest. No evil secret plots. You seem to want to ignore the fact that some posters were banned due to their own behavior - and not just in the LK threads.

HH and I are birds of a feather. We independently entered the forum and happen to have the similar minority view. Our cyber friendship has been forged from experiencing the same harassment and mockery from the mob.

Here’s what I find weird. You mock me with sea lion gifs and condescending posts and refer to me as a puppet, then seem to expect civil responses from me to your queries.

And yet you hasten to treat everyone like the very few who do that… you toss labels out and hope they will stick… you were condescending and snide (I should know, I can be that way as well) long before any sea lion pics appeared.

If, in the future, I decline to respond to your questions, it’s not because I’m dodging or deflecting. It’ll be because I don’t feel
I owe any answers, or anything, to someone who has consistently treated me with condescension and insults.

Insults and condescension come in many forms. Not all of it is as blatant as a sea lion photo. One tends to get back what one dishes out… introspection is preferable to projection. For all of us.


Ya’ll are humorless scolds. The sea Lion gifs are good clean fun.


EIM and…Antifa.

** snort **


Did someone say something?

Oh it’s YOU. Again.

Well now you know how memorable your posts are to ME.


I just spit out my coffee!! I’m still chuckling!


Straw man # I’ve lost count + 1

I did not praise Equkelly. I said that IM praised a number of people, including Equally and me.

It was my perception at the time, that there was a huge ramp up in the attacks on Equkelly, RND, and me in an effort to provoke us into posting something bannable. Equkelly let herself be provoked and wrote something that got her banned. I dropped off and survived.

I don’t know what Equkelly was posting on other threads, and I believe you if you’re saying she had a history that contributed to her being banned.

1 Like

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know about the next meeting of the EIM.

This month we are going to meet in South Carolina, since the weather is so epic!

Pack your sunscreen and bring your bathing suits!

Lots of fun things to do after we have our business meetings, where we will discuss but are not limited to the following:

  1. tactics on how to deal with currently clueless posters

  2. whether or not JK and IM are one in the same (hint: no one has ever seen them together in one place at the same time)

  3. how can we get posters banned from COTH if they do not agree from us

and most importantly

  1. current bathrobe trends for the upcoming Spring and Summer months!

Please private message me about your reservation, and have that credit card handy to nail down your room, and to sign up for all our fun events!

Space is limited, so you’d better act fast!


Actually I’ve enjoyed the sea lion gifs, especially the ones I can rate pretending they’re trying to pirouette and piaffe.

But they’re intended as a put down, correct?

Would you rather I bashed you for how you spoke about your alleged cancer diagnosis ?

I just gave you sea lions gifs instead. A few hand puppets. And a Lollipop or two.

You’re welcome.


Back to the case, folks.


Do we have to bring our own voodoo dolls or will voodoo dolls be provided? It’s no fun when everyone brings the same voodoo doll so maybe we need an assignment system at the very least.


Is there going to be a breakout sea lion training session?


Do we need a volunteer to be the sealoin. I have my outfit ready!!
