Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You are WRONG!
That is backwards to how a Krol hearing is supposed to work.
A Krol hearing is by default a closed hearing.


I have always said I believe you when you say you are not an insider or not a Kanarek.
Not sure why you forget that I have said that many times.

Your table turning theory is hilarious, but you do you, we like to laugh.

And so funny that you came back to post when no one had tagged you. You previously have said you would come back because you had no choice because people tagged you. So weird…just so weird.





I can see that perhaps the default is a closed hearing.

Has anyone heard from LO as to whether the hearing will be closed? (I’m not saying you’re LO, @trubandloki. I do not think you are LO.)

I read the GoFundMe update by LO. From the content of the update, I think she is managing expectations about the outcome of the hearing.

No, @trubandloki. I never said that I “would come back because I had no choice because people tagged” me.


If anyone was privately talking to LO, do you think they’d actually share that with you?


So you have talked to him?

Or you read minds?

How else do you know what he realized and when he realized it?





Not overtly, no.

But there has not been much discussion of the hearing on these threads, and it’s the major imminent event. What discussion there has been has been focused on the lack of psychiatric treatment and Taylor’s alleged unfairness.

I interpret the lack of optimistic chatter on the topic as suggesting that LO has shared information privately with some of you, and that she and you (g) are not optimistic that he will be released.

What you (g) don’t say sometimes speaks volumes.

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You could probably send her a note yourself, right? Isn’t there a contact option on the Go Fund Me? Why not ask her yourself? Why depend on one of us that you do not believe to get an answer for you?
Oh, you could ask @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek), he probably knows.


The irony is the term EIM aka Elderly Illegal Mob was created by much respected IM in apparent frustration. Rather than becoming offended we embraced the label and made it ours! Lemonade out of Kanarek lemons so to speak. So, I’m always surprised when one of the posters uses it as a sort of slur when it was her buddy who created it!


You are being funny again.

The movie in your head is way off base.

Maybe we have not discussed it because, as was said last time you insisted we were not discussing it, there is not much to discuss. We all know that Taylor is going to not follow the rules and do whatever Taylor is going to do.

We find it more interesting to discuss:
Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) ignoring his discovery subpoenas
Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) ignoring her discovery subpoenas
Lauren Kanarek trying to control discovery in the civil suit she brought
Jonathan Kanarek thinking it is funny to make people homeless while his daughter, Lauren Kanarek and her man servent, continue to live in their house
The long list of criminal charges against Robert Guy Goodwin and various members of the Kanarek family
Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin sending highly inappropriate friend requests to the children of someone they are openly saying vial things about on the same social media platform
Jonathan Kanarek, Kirby Kanarek, and Lauren Kanarek approaching a witness to the criminal trial at a public function and discussing the case with them




Quite the active imagination for one to have while chastising the same in others.

I don’t comment much on any upcoming thing because

  1. things are often rescheduled, like motions

  2. often no decision is made at that time

  3. often it’s adjourned

  4. when I did predict he would be out by Christmas I was ridiculed. Perhaps even by you. I never remember these things.

So now most of the time I wait for written things.


I’ll type this slowly, for those who don’t realize that Lauren Shay Kanarek is still alive,

Most Krol hearings are closed to the public, except for cases in which someone is acquitted of murder for reason of insanity.



I guess Welly World should be glad there isn’t a zombie running around and hanging out at the VIP tent……


If it is true Barisone has received little to no treatment and, therefore, can’t move up the levels, of course Taylor will use that to keep his friends, the Kanareks, happy. I doubt he or Schellhorn would make an effort to look into the pathetic lack of attention and treatment any patient receives at Greystone.

If 48 Hours has a few minutes to leave the defense of the law suit LK brought against them (she said she did, didn’t she?) maybe they can reach out to Barisone and investigate further. Goody, a possible second episode!!


There are so many things wrong, ludicrous, and ridiculous with this supposedly innocent inquiry and the underlying assumption, that a further response would be inappropriate.


Projection means you attribute to others acts that you do yourself.


I feel like this is an approach that maybe you should try out, since you believe in it so heartily.

“Don’t leave inferences to be drawn when evidence can be presented” - Richard Wright


I don’t want to jinx anything, but it might take that kind of public attention to make Taylor do the right thing and actually follow the law.


I agree with that 100%. Based on what was said, and what wasn’t said in LOs most recent GFM update, and the nature of the discussion here, there are obvious inferences to be drawn about tomorrow’s hearing.

We’ll get the facts tomorrow. Maybe.

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