Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Sounds like you know something that the rest of us don’t know. Care to share? Otherwise, silence can’t say anything or convey inference. As far as the upcoming Krol hearing, I just pray that Taylor sees the light and does the right thing.


Very well then. I predict tomorrow Krohls hearing will establish a date in 3 months to set the next hearing for a release date based on the outcome of testing protocols and records between now and then. If MB passes the next hearing will release him.


Hey @CurrentlyHorseless (I tagged you).

Why are you upset that we are not talking about a topic that this thread is not about? You jump up and down and puff your chest when Mod 1 reminds us to get back on topic, and threaten us with thread closure and tag mod 1 for not following the rules. But if you look at the title of the thread it is the civil suit, not the Krol hearing.

Do you want to discuss any of the things from my list of things related to the civil suit and how the Kanareks are not acting like the plaintiff in a civil suit typically acts?




When you are in the minority, I suppose it could have felt like that but I believe the reality is that 95% of the posters we were just trying to understand how you can defend the actions of this horrible family.


Not a straw man… no more than in many/most of your posts. And yet I do not constantly accuse you of that. This seems to be a particular focus of yours… all you want to see is straw man here and straw man there… straw man, straw man everywhere.

I did not praise Equkelly. I said that IM praised a number of people, including Equally and me.

It was my perception at the time, that there was a huge ramp up in the attacks on Equkelly, RND, and me in an effort to provoke us into posting something bannable. Equkelly let herself be provoked and wrote something that got her banned. I dropped off and survived.

You are insisting there was a conspiracy of some kind based on praise from IM - and that is simply not true. Your perception at the time was inaccurate - but now that explains many of your posts and comments if you actually believe in such a conspiracy and hold praise by IM in such high regard. There was no “survival” needed.

I don’t know what Equkelly was posting on other threads, and I believe you if you’re saying she had a history that contributed to her being banned.

Yes, there was a history there. In many threads. And yet right up there ^ - you insisted there was a conspiracy to get her banned. That might have happened anyway without any input from Barisone threads on her part…


I think Taylor is going to be like he has all along and make the hearing open even though it is supposed to be closed and allow the Kanarek family to be involved even though they are not supposed to.
I also think that Taylor is likely to confine Michael for even longer than that (you say 3 months, which is what legally the time from the first hearing was supposed to be and he did not follow that) because Taylor does not like following the rules in place for Krol.


I’m really struggling to find the right words here, but how is it that such absolute power of discretion is available to Taylor without protocols, checks and balances? He (Taylor) seems to weild personal biases and act on them as he pleases.

I guess it’s just “the system”?


I’m assuming that by then media attention just might “re-focus” Taylor.


He is the judge representing the courts and he has tremendous responsibility and decision making authority in this instance.

He also has responsibility to follow the law.


My thoughts exactly.

Where is the oversight for Taylor? Does he just get to be king of his courtroom until he drops dead of old age?


I think if he doesn’t release him or at least present a definite, obtainable plan for MB to follow for release that wide spread media attention would be needed.


Particularly the part about trying to find an innocent explanation for LK and RG attempting to track down the location of MHG’s kids and contact them through social media.

That seemed quite unfathomable to most on the BB.


I agree, if Taylor has control, why doesn’t he facilitate the availability of the counselors needed for MB to progress through the steps he requires?

It is unconscionable that he’s holding MB to a standard that is impossible for him to achieve.


Yes. Complete catch-22 situation.

From Wikipedia:

“Joseph Heller coined the term in his 1961 novel Catch-22, which describes absurd bureaucratic constraints on soldiers in World War II. The term is introduced by the character Doc Daneeka, an army psychiatrist who invokes “Catch-22” to explain why any pilot requesting mental evaluation for insanity—hoping to be found not sane enough to fly and thereby escape dangerous missions—demonstrates his own sanity in creating the request and thus cannot be declared insane. This phrase also means a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.”


So much this! There’s a cruel perversity in Taylor’s directions. The ‘steps’ MB (or anyone else in these facilities) are on a ladder that clearly has no rungs.

I suggest that Taylor was/is quite aware of that.


I can’t even stand the look of him if I go back to any of the trial vids. Hope he’s ready to retire soon!


It is especially sad when there is a solution that Simring recommended of releasing him and have him do individual therapy.


Hopefully the hearing hasn’t been rescheduled. Wouldn’t the court notify the EIM of that? When does the EIM bus leave for Jersey?


Taylor has to be aware, right?
I mean, don’t they always say, ignorance is no excuse… ???