Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Alpaca! Ooh-la-la!


I bet this one has has a better sound system!


My bet is, Yes.


I sure hope that someone, whatever advocate, can raise a simple ‘human rights’ case.

The conditions he is enduring there are punitive and negligent, IMO, serving no purpose other than a satisfied and smug Judge - certainly not a ‘court-ordered’ program of treatment/rehab designed so that he can meet the Krol requirements.


But I doubt that he’s ignorant of the failures due to such shortages.
It’s his own biases that can knowingly consign someone via sentence to a despairingly inadequate facility.


I suggest the EIM rendezvous at 4 AM EST tomorrow so we can arrive refreshed and wide eyed.

My neighbors and I have been busy making posters this afternoon in case we need to march outside the courthouse!


Video or it didn’t happen.

So is there any way to tell if the hearing is still on?

Just so everyone doesn’t all pile into the big bus with the signs at 4AM for nothing.


I think this sounds paranoid and insane.

We aren’t LK - we don’t make people our targets and harass them, threaten them, cyberstalk their kids, sneak around their property at night, file false reports, or come up with campaigns to ruin their lives. Nobody on COTH was attacked by other posters, and certainly nobody was made to post in frustration and anger. If some people chose to do that, they have to live with the consequences of their choices, such as getting banned.

Secondly, lots of us initially had sympathy for LK and pushed back against the victim blamers like DH. It was only when more details came to light, the manifesto and other messages were revealed, and LK started posting here herself that people started to understand what a significant role she played in the events leading up to the shooting. And once the information about the forensics (or lack thereof) and the gaping holes in LK / RG’s stories became known, it because increasingly plausible that MB may never have fired or even held the gun that day.

Those are the reasons support for LK waned, not because IM singled you out.

Why would anyone have cared who IM “acknowledged?” You may be sitting under the table hoping for a crumb of his praise to fall near you, but nobody else cares. It was very obvious from the get go who he was and what his motives for posting and spinning a certain narrative were.
People disagree with and respond to the content of people’s posts. If your little group were all posting similar things, is it any wonder that people disagreed with all of you?


That may be the point


That, to me, was alarming. I can’t see any reason to engage with a pre-teen on social media, especially not in the era of SafeSport. I’m a non-parent, but I am wary of accepting friend requests from children, even relatives. It seems strange to try and justify this behavior.


There would be decent grounds for a human rights case in some countries, in America, I’m not so sure.


and satisfied and smug Ks.


This is an article that references the March 8th hearing. I have not seen anything else posted that it has been delayed.

We would just have to drive the bus over to Greystone and protest there. We need a good protest song too.


THIS ^. A thousand times THIS ^. I became aware of LK on FB as a friend who had moved to that area of NJ alerted me to her, saying she was BSC and I had to read her rages and ramblings. I was told that they were similar to what our barn in WA had gone through with our Trainer Beyotch From Hell. I did read them - saw how she was allegedly begging for rides for her horses to get out of there… but was equally announcing she would not be driven away and how smart she was etc. etc. I was meh about the whole thing as the horse world is full of people like TBFH and this one was thankfully nowhere near me. LK’s disgusting tirades directed at Gal Joey (who sadly had issues of her own) were all too familiar… and TBFH could have posted them using the exact same terminology.

Then the shooting happened - and for a while I was sympathetic and wondering what happened - as DH was on a tear about LK. And God only knows how credible DH is. /s

When DH/SW is after someone relentlessly like that - you always need to take a closer look as 95% of the time she is just enjoying another vendetta and trashing away with glee… and the person is nowhere near what she claims they are. So LK had that in her favor.

Once LK starting posting again on SM - the curtain was pulled back and the view was no longer obscured. The pre-shooting tirades, insults and rants reappeared. I still posted here advising her not to post at all (as did many others) as she was hurting any case she had with every sneering syllable… but that was not about to happen…

And sadly, DH was right. As much as it pains me to admit that…

edited because it is not Trainer Beyonce From Hell…


Exactly. If people called out their fallacies, that’s because of what they posted, not because anyone was attacking them. Its the content of the posts that are contested, nobody, not one person has threatened them, pursued them, or givven any cause to feel afraid. That’s what Lauren Kanarek does, not COTH. Just because you can’t support your position and opinion with facts and people don’t back down from requiring citations for your claims doesn’t mean you are being threatened. That’s a nasty claim.


You are forgetting a lot. There were threats against LK’s current barn. The attempt to organize complaints against Judge Taylor. The anti-Semitic attack on JK. Calling posters immoral and worse, accusing them of being relatives of the Kanareks or Goodwins for having a different opinion.


The criteria for MB to be at Greystone is to keep him safe from himself and keep others safe from him. He wasn’t just deemed to be a danger to himself or others, he commuted a violent act and nearly killed someone.

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You want to back up these claims with some proof? Hard to remember all the things you listed if they never happened.


Too many people remember. Fake denial doesn’t work anymore.