Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Does anyone remember what threats were made to LK’s barn and how would we know about that?


There were none. Typical self serving mischaracterization of the general conversation.


There weren’t. I believe HH is twisting the meanings of words. For instance, any conversation discussing whether the new barn’s owner were aware of LKs acts has been morphed into the suggestion that they will be contacted by someone here.


Projection without proof just weakens your argument, but that’s not surprising is it?


I believe the pearl clutching du jour is that people commented that someone should give the current barn (a long time ago when it was a newer situation) a heads up about with whom they are now dealing, especially as the owners have young children and may not want people with LK’s and RG’s issues around minors. This was even before the recent discussion of those two searching for the whereabouts of and trying to ‘friend’ on SM the minor children of MHG.

That must now be being spun into ‘threats’ against her barn.

Many others disagreed and said either (i) leave the current barn out of it, or (ii) they know what they are doing, let them make their own choices.

Funny that the discussion of giving Paradigm a heads up is now being framed as ‘threats’. Not sure how that would work. :thinking:

Even more interesting: to the best of anyone’s knowledge, no such contact was made. HOWEVER, someone from the ‘pro-LK’ camp DID IN FACT contact @BigMama1’s barn/trainer AND her employer with threats.

Talk about projection…


I agree with @FitzE 100%


Didn’t JK/IM threaten some BNTs down in Florida because they wouldn’t take LK on as a client?

By the way, cutter99, I like your personal designation of “Head Writer and Head of Advertising Sales for the EIM.” :wink:


That’s what I read. I have no personal knowledge though.


I believe someone mentioned that that was the gossip in Welly World a wee while ago.

But, again, there have been ACTUAL VERIFIED IRL threats to BigMama - going even a step further than barn-related and contacting her employer as well.

You’d think that would rate more pearl clutching than mere discussion of contacting Paradigm, but sauce for the goose is never sauce for the gander with certain folks, eh?


One might call that a type of… wait for it… STRAW MAN. :roll_eyes:



Oh look, accusations of things that never happened.

Really hope we see a response to the GAS letter soon.


Well, fingers crossed for KROL tomorrow.


Who will make that determination at Greystone? Will Judge Taylor take their word for it? Didn’t a psychiatrist already make a determination that MB was no longer a danger to himself or others, but Judge Taylor didn’t take the doctor’s recommendation?


I think that is correct. He based his denial on a footnote in the report that referred to a committee having a different opinion. However, and those who know please correct me if/where I’m wrong, in making that decision, Judge Taylor acted contrary to Krol hearing rules in that:

  1. None of the members of that committee worked with/examined MB; and
  2. He relied on the opinion of someone who was not present to be examined at the hearing

CLEAN muck boots? What is this of which you speak? :wink:


I’ve previously asked you for proof of these “threats against LK’s current barn” (you also said previously that there were “threats against LK’s current trainer”), as have others, and you’ve ignored those requests - yet you posture and cluck like a wet hen if people don’t respond to your requests.

I’ve been here since the start, and I can’t remember any threats against LK’s current barn or trainer. Again, can you please provide proof of these threats?


They can’t. I’ve been here from the begining as well, and I can’t remember any threat against LK’s current Barn or trainer. Never, ever has there been a threat suggested, or made, against her barn or trainer.

However, LK did contact someone’s employer, and trainer making threats against them, if I am correct.


Sweet fancy Moses!

I did not realise until seeing your quote the jaw dropping irony and lack of awareness of accusing people of making ‘threats’ to LK’s barn (a thing which did not happen) in a response to the very poster WHO WAS ACTUALLY THREATENED by someone connect to or supporting the Kanareks, including trying to negatively impact her IRL employment (something which none of the main players LK, KK, JK, or RG would ever have to worry about b/c they are not employed).

SMH. You cannot make this up at this point.



It’s just a really serious thing to say, “threat” and “threats” are serious and legally actionable words, and I’m very surprised that they’re being claimed. Also surprised that the person making these “threats” wasn’t reported and banned (as they should have been).

Surely providing proof of these “threats” is the least that can be done so we can have that person removed from COTH.