Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Are you going to fake deny @hut-ho78 that you made up that Judge Taylor said what you claim he said about available housing?

We know you made it up.

We also know that most of the things you listed are not accurate too.


I keep losing service as the EIM Monster Bus weaves through the mountains on the back roads to NJ - being stealth is very important!

Let me pile on that no one here needs to warn or threaten anyone about Kanarek presence in their business or neighborhood. They do a dang good job of that all by themselves. For example, I can guarantee the BNTs who were threatened and harassed repeatedly by JK when LK first arrived in FL expecting the red carpet treatment, did in fact warn other trainers…no threats, simply warnings of the behavior of this family. What a shame no one warned Barisone in strong enough terms with examples of behavior 5 years ago!!


Sweet Fancy Moses!

I just wanted to say that, I never heard it before!

But Holy Canoli, the irony is something else. A big bag of projection what they themselves do? I can’t feature Making hat claim, unless they really don’t read other people’s posts, except through their own brown-pants stained colored glasses. I guess if its what you would do, you see that in everyone else.



There were no “anti-Semitic attacks on JK.” That’s grade A bull s*** .

There was a discussion about the history of organized crime in NJ , and different ethnic communities who were linked to it. JK happens to be Jewish.

Noting and discussing these facts? That doesn’t amount to an anti/Semitic attack.

I do recollect one pro-k poster freaking out about all this, however, and declaring she was going to contact a synagogue in Loudoun County and have the synagogue then contact COTH because she felt COTH was allowing anti-Semitic discussions on their forums.

That was utter crazy pants stuff.



Poor CoTH. I wonder how many pending law suits they have against them by the Kanareks for all they have allowed and promoted on these threads. Goodness, I’ve actually lost count of all the suits the Ks have said they were filing!!

Any word on a hearing today?


I am still very shocked that some people are willing to ignore some of the things done by Lauren Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin, and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), explain it away as OK and no big deal and it clearly has to be the fault of others but they then turn around can call a simple conversation threats and other such negative labels.

So clearly, we have posters here on COTH that think it is OK for an admitted drug addict and her admitted drug addict man, who has a long list of criminal charges, to search out and friend request minor children (pre-teens), and search on their phones for the locations of these minor children, but it is not OK to give a heads up to a barn owner with small children that these two people did this stuff to the children at the last barn they were at… Darn, I am glad I do not live in the same world as those posters who think that way.


There were no threats against the current barn. And if people feel Judge Taylor didn’t follow clearly established rules and want to file protests, how does that put a “target” on anyone’s back? You may feel discussion of the “Jewish mafia” was an anti semitic attack but it wasn’t, any more than discussion of the “mafia” would be an attack on Italian people. Speculating that you are relatives or insiders is not an “attack” either; you must be incredibly sensitive to characterize it that way.

Not one of the things you mention supports CH’s fantasy about everyone turning against people after IM praised them. Nobody even remembers IM doing that.


Good point


Pointing out that someone is Jewish is not an anti-Semitic attack. Your posts are becoming unhinged.


Now, to be fair, it’s entirely possible she heard judge Taylor talk about where Michael can go next in person. She’s so confident having heard it must have been 8n person if it’s true.


It’s another example of these posters not understanding basic language and terms. I feel like we spend alot of time on these threads just defining the mea.ning of words. And even then, they don’t get the meaning and rephrase things using the wrong terms still. So wierd.


There is ONE HUGE DIFFERENCE between having a breast implant removed and having an entire breast removed. As a double mastectomy patient myself, I take offense to Seeker1 claiming Lauren had a BREAST removed.


Can we all appreciate that the worst was being accused of being related to the Kanareks?


Does anyone remember the site for the live court hearings?

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It was Fat Dinah who originally freaked out, in concert with another usual suspect. One of them was super agitated over any insinuation in a portion of the discussion that JK MIGHT be connected to organized crime of some sort in NJ. Posts got flagged, and that narrow part of the discussion moved on.

There was a broader discussion of the history of organized crime in general across the U.S. and parts of Canada, and how different ethnic communities had been closely linked to it in specific regions at different times. It actually was a really interesting, typical COTH discussion, with posters from various regions sharing fascinating tidbits. But Dinah got outraged about the part of the discussion relating to the Jewish community in the mid-Atlantic region, and historic ties that this community has had with organized crime.

And… interestingly enough… this turned into another exercise involving threats to COTH in general, and apparently letter writing to completely unrelated outside organizations… such as the Loudoun synagogue.

Dinah also got outraged about people writing congratulations notes to Bilinkas… or something like that. And declared it was improper… and something else. I can’t remember.

What’s interesting to me now in retrospect, is that we weren’t even aware of JKs Linked In page at the time of this discussion, and how he now self identifies as an independent gaming professional who works at Casinos.

Anyway… enough said. I shall now sit and patiently await the inevitable reaction to this comment



But it isn’t showing any sessions at the moment. I wonder if they don’t start those sessions until 9 AM. :thinking:


I think the sessions during the trial usually started at 9 AM.

Would a Krol hearing be on a livestream, though? I thought it would not be available to the public since it involved private medical information.


I would assume not. Because a Krol hearing is supposed to be private.


Thanks for the link!

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I think the best chance of getting a good report on what happened with the hearing is probably going to be Nancy Jaffer. She attended the last hearing in person, and wrote a report shortly thereafter.

I think IM had something nasty to say about her after it as well. And her reporting. Or maybe he made those comments about her after the jury verdict related to the criminal trial? I can’t remember.

Does anyone know if she’s planning on attending this one in person? I certainly hope so.