Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

No idea but Google gave quite a few articles including Linkd in explaining how to spot them, that one was 2018.

No one called breast cancer survivors cowards. I would certainly have picked up on that, being one myself.

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Any thoughts about LKs deposition and whether or not she is likely to say she is sick at the last minute and try to delay it?


So true. Thank goodness there were not any THREATS against the barn where Lauren Kanarek boards.

Good point. Kind of like Hut claims that Judge Taylor said that thing about housing and CH said that thing about the content of the police report.

But…then why does Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1 have a profile)? She is in the same generation as Jonathan Kanarek is, no?

You are brilliant.
That trophy would be prefect for @CurrentlyHorseless!

Did you even know that you would know who he was back then? Or were you using some impressive looking into the future skills you have?


2018, you say?


I have ESPN.




Fair enough. I just really don’t care where the money comes from. How would knowing that explain the whole situation? (Not being snarky or contrary, I genuinely want to understand.)


I was referring to the other article I mentioned, which was done by Linkd In.

Jonathan Kanarek was admitted to the NY bar in 1978. He apparently worked in the financial industry in New York.

It is not unusual to amass tens of millions of dollars by working as an upper level professional in the financial industry and investing aggressively and shrewdly.

Others have uncovered the information that Kirby’s parents or grandparents were involved in land development and/or oil in Texas. That is also a possible source of tens of millions of dollars.

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@hut-ho78: Can you give us examples of one or two of the threats against LK’s barn?


I’m behind again but pausing to say that, I’m sorry, but this is a bit ridiculous. There are definitely some things that have been said that I’m iffy on or made me a little uncomfortable, or that I disagree with, but absolutely none of these claims here are at all how it went down. I really think you might need to take a breath and re-evaluate how you are interpreting things.


Lauren Kanarek owns a barn?


Did we all completely miss the civil trial?? :woman_shrugging:


Waiting for this to get closed because people just can’t ignore.


If you google Assist Principle, there are job postings. It looks like a standard abbreviation.

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@eggbutt, what is the fly on the wall up to now? See anything interesting?


Strange, my google skills must not be as good as yours.
Google ignores Assist Principle and makes it Assistant Principal.


I think if we understood the real financial circumstances of each of the key participants in this situation…

We would see what was motivating all of them in much more stark terms.

LK repeatedly bragged on social media… over and over… that she was a woman of “unlimited means.”

Yet… she sure doesn’t behave or live like a woman of unlimited means.

She definitely seems fixated on money though. And flaunting it.

JK also seems to enjoy promoting the image that he has lots of money.

But what if he doesn’t?

What if there is no ‘there’ there for either of them?

What might that mean?

Here are some HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS to think about…

If LK and JK were both money obsessed, but neither had access to as much money as they would like, might that make them more inclined to pursue a sketchy scheme that might have resulted in a substantial payout, a settlement of sorts?

What if Steve Tarshis’ testimony about MB being a millionaire was 100% accurate… and the Kanareks actually saw him as a potential “mark” for such a scheme back in early 2019?

What if all the Kanarek talk about MB keeping on LK as a client for so long, because HE financially needed HER… has actually just been a matter of projection all along… and the truth was that the KANAREKS financially needed MB? What if they needed to play out some sort of sketchy scheme, to squeeze him hard for a sizeable payout of some sort before they went away? What if THAT is why LK wouldn’t leave, and why she kept on upping the pressure on MB all summer?

What if the Kanareks actually owed money to a third party? And they were a bit desperate to squeeze a payment out of MB? And that was motivating them in August of 2019?

And… what if JK isn’t the source of the money supporting LK’s lifestyle and horses… if not him… then what is the source of LK’s funds? What if she has been involved in prior conflicts of some kind with other wealthy people prior to having ever met MB… and these conflicts eventually resulted in large financial payments to LK… payments wealthy people made in order to get her to go away quietly…

if that last hypothetical scenario is the reality when it comes to the source of the funds supporting LK’s lifestyle… what might a jury in this civil suit make of that? Might they be more inclined to believe MB was set up this entire time, and decide against LK in the civil suit in a major way? I think that’s a distinct possibility.


I just cannot be arsed to care that much about the K’s money.