Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

6 horses in boats? That could be very pricey. :rofl:


Lol. Autocorrect fail AGAIN. :woman_facepalming:



Fair enough. We each come to this discussion with our own biases in terms of information we focus on. The lawyers focus on legal details. :slightly_smiling_face: I have a professional background related more closely to accounting matters… I keep on puzzling over the money angle of the whole case, and noticing details about it that don’t add up to me.


You can discuss Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) ignoring their subpoenas and court orders.
You can discuss Lauren Kanarek wanting to put limitations on her deposition in the civil suit that she filed.
You can discuss Jonathan Kanarek thinking it is funny to make someone homeless.
You can discuss how Lauren Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark, and Jonathan Kanarek were plotting to destroy the electrical system and the generator to the barn (where Lauren’s horses still lived).
You can discuss Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin searching for the location of two minors all while friend requesting them on social media.
You can discuss your thoughts on Krol hearing.

Lots of things you can discuss really… Why not discuss?


So much doesn’t add up to me re this case, I don’t even know where to begin sometimes :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:


My niece was a “semi professional” ballet dancer as a teenager. It was very much like being a working student. She didn’t get paid, but no longer had to pay tuition at the dance studio. She had named roles in the performances including one title role her senior year, generally helped around the studio, and taught or at least assisted with lessons for younger children.


No kidding.

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So weird… that ad spells principal the way one would spell it if they are an admin person at a school. Which is not how Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) spelled it.
So good try, but that is not what was on the resume.


Maybe… just MAYBE…

She made a typo on her Linked In account.



I suppose there could be. After all, at one time I was the Assist. Principal Horn in the Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra.


Hint, the Principal is your pal


The fly has found the big black bus and has snuggled up to a heat vent. Most of the Elderly Illegal Mob has dozed off from the big lunch they had. Nothing much to report. I don’t think @trubandloki was approached by anyone interesting or important!


I’m sure it will wake up if something important happens!



I am still waiting for the promised discussion with Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya. He has not explained anything to me yet.

Hey Jonathan, you said you would explain today. I am still waiting. Why is it funny to make someone homeless? Doesn’t your lovely wife, Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1 volunteer at the homeless shelter? I would think she would help you see how making someone homeless is not funny. But, that aside, you said you would explain today.

I am right where I always am on Wednesday and you have not stopped to see me and did not ask me to be anywhere else.


I believe the focus and curiosity about Kanarek income is because they have always made it such a significant point. Money, money, money. Yet, none of the group seems to have any viable employment, so it is a subject of interest.

My mother used to say people with money, particularly “old” money, never, ever mentioned money. She correctly pointed out the nueveau riche were always gauchely discussing costs of things. My mom was a very wise Southern Lady to the nth degree.



All of it.


Well, IF there was a hearing today, it must not have been significant from the Kanarek point of view since IM hasn’t been here crowing about anything and, yes, he has been on in the past 30 minutes.


Another thought regarding money and multi-millionaires.
Ya know… people who inherited multiple millions from a prior generation, or who invested well, and made multiple millions in the process.

Oftentimes… people who are worth several million react to situations defensively… they think about protecting their assets. Because they have a lot to lose.

So if a situation involving a subpoena or two came along… they would call the family attorney they use for all sorts of things, and maybe get a recommendation for a good attorney to use, or just use the family attorney…


They would have a really clever lawyer respond to the subpoena issue. Because… they have millions to lose. And they do not want to risk being impleaded into the lawsuit with respect to MBs counterclaims concerning illegal recording.


If an ordinary couple of more modest means, who didn’t have a family attorney on speed dial, and who did have to worry about racking up thousands of dollars in legal bills… because they don’t actually have readily available disposable income to deal with that sort of unexpected expense…

If they were to find themselves in a situation involving two annoying subpoenas…

They might try and just get their daughter’s attorney to deal with responding to it for them. Or write up a response themselves, and get their daughter’s attorney to file it. Whatever. The point is… they might be focused on the smaller $$$$ issue of immediate legal fees, and actually be concerned about having to pay thousands for their own legal representation in this situation.



I wonder why he didn’t speak up when we were discussing his LinkedIn profile.

If it’s actually fake, and he had a prestigious career on Wall Street and made millions over the last 20 years…

I would imagine he would RELISH the opportunity to tell me I’m an idiot and that I have it all wrong.