Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit



Yet Taylor thinks he can legally bypass the Krol guidelines and recommendations of professionals. What a poor example of a Federal Judge, or ANY judge.

I suspect the press have expressed interest in what is happening with Barisone and Greystone. Taylor is at the center of all of it.


I guess @Inigo-montoya isnt going to answer me. My time in the limelight is fading. However, I do believe I received more responses than HH/CH combined!!

BTW, @Inigo-montoya, my lane here is just some random poster on a chat board. Firmly in that lane!


ahh there that is that famous IM charm!


If only Lauren had stayed in her lane the summer of 2019!


If you knew, you’d say.


IDK, but is “stay in your lane” in the phrase handbook for 70+ year old attorneys?

The ‘voice’ sounds familiar.


Imagine Dressage Judges deciding the required objectives of the test weren’t to their liking and began judging against the objectives. We all know the judge is the rule of law in the ring. How long would that judge last before they were no longer hired or stripped of their credentials??


Well, it’s definitely in the EIM handbook now!!! Thanks Jon!


Well let’s just think about the fact that IM is here fishing instead of crowing.

He’s discussing his linked in page instead of word salading us about how wrong we’ve been in our predictions. Love it


If JK knew MB was to be held for another3to 6 months he would be shouting it from the rooftops.
Either he doesn’t know or the decision is not to his liking


Edited to say thank you to @ekat for finding that this bill died in committee and though it has been resubmitted, it has not passed.

So I found this and it appears that victims are to be notified of any hearing including a Krol hearing, the results, and have the right to submit a statement.


Here is the bill.

And the law.
39:4-50.11. Victims’ rights

Victims shall have the right to:

a. Make statements to law enforcement officers regarding the facts of the motor vehicle accident and to reasonable use of a telephone;

b. Receive medical assistance for injuries resulting from the accident;

c. Contact the investigating officer and see copies of the accident reports and, in the case of a surviving spouse, child or next of kin, the autopsy reports;

d. Be provided by the court adjudicating the offense, upon the request of the victim in writing, with:

(1) Information about their role in the court process;

(2) Timely advance notice of the date, time and place of the defendant’s initial appearance before a judicial officer, submission to the court of any plea agreement, the trial and sentencing;

(3) Timely notification of the case disposition, including the trial and sentencing;

(4) Prompt notification of any decision or action in the case which results in the defendant’s provisional or final release from custody; and

(5) Information about the status of the case at any time from the commission of the offense to final disposition or release of the defendant;

e. Receive, when requested from any law enforcement agency involved with the offense, assistance in obtaining employer cooperation in minimizing loss of pay and other benefits resulting from their participation in the court process;

f. A secure waiting area, after the motor vehicle accident, during investigations, and prior to a court appearance;

g. Submit to the court adjudicating the offense a written or oral statement to be considered in deciding upon sentencing and probation terms. This statement may include the nature and extent of any physical harm or psychological or emotional harm or trauma suffered by the victim , the extent of any loss of earnings or ability to work suffered by the victim and the effect of the offense upon the victim’s family.

When a need is demonstrated, the information in this section shall be provided in the Spanish as well as the English language.

L. 1985, c. 442, s . 3.

Poor IM still hasn’t learned that if anyone here was privy to information about Barisone that has not been made public, they absolutely would not divulge it here! Barisone insiders know to stay quiet and unemotional!!


And “stay in your lane” was something told to him when he tried to find out what was going on today. He thought it was effective so he thought he would throw it around here. :rofl:


I wonder if the bill was ever passed

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Too bad it died in committee.


Damn, you’re good!


I didn’t see where the Governor signed it on the first link of the legislative session bill action but I attached today’s law which seemed to say what the bill intended. I had to keep editing to add links. I don’t know why. I’d blame it on my phone but it is probably an operator error.

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Oh my… well LK could sure give him a quick tutorial on that, couldn’t she?

What do you call posting information that is not true?


PrincessPopPop wouldn’t be able to attend the hearing…you know, covid and all, so would family members be allowed in this instance? So many questions…