Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Do you think he faked his mental illness?

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Which is not


And you don’t see what might account for that?


You are so off base you are funny!

Did you watch any hearings that you are claiming he was well put together?

How fast do you think hair grows?

There were for sure grooming restrictions at the jail during that time. You can deny that fact if it makes you feel better. But it is true. (Hair cuts are done by other inmates but lock down prevents that.)

Michael was living somewhere other than the jail before the Krol hearing. True possibility that AK had different rules for grooming.

The movie in your head is being silly again. Maybe that is why your idol @Inigo-montoya acts like you do not exist.


According to whom?


I’m wondering how he managed to plan to grow out his hair and beard that way with perfect timing between pre-trial hearings and the actual trial. That is some foresight!

Unless he’s like those dolls - remember those dolls that had the buttons in the back that made their hair grow or go back in their heads? I loved those.


I recently read in the news this new scientific finding that human hair grows and grows consistently so. So what might look freshly coiffed in August will appear unkempt in October and look positively a wreck a year later.

Stunning fact, I know!


Oh my gosh, I had one of those. I loved that thing.
Though I feel like the button was on the front, like where her belly button would be.

Now we have to wonder if Michael has a magical hair growing and shortening button too?


This makes me think of all the people not in jail who went so long with no hair cut during Covid. I think one coworker went almost a full year. When he finally got it cut we were all shocked.


You could be right! It might have been in front. I loved mine so much!

That would explain the mystery of Michael’s hair. He just pushes the button for the look he wants for each appearance.


Ummmmm, Michael’s preliminary hearings happened before the start of COVID in the U.S.

In case you haven’t kept up @CurrentlyHorseless, COVID hit the U.S. hard in March 2020, and Michael’s trial occurred after that in March 2022, hence the lack of access to things like haircuts.

You understand this, right @CurrentlyHorseless, or are you once again just trying to muddy the waters?


I cut my own.
But I’m not in jail or mental institution and am allowed scissors, so…


No, they require a new complaint as far as I recall.


Well, this is interesting from their information page:
For example, misconduct may include yelling at court users/attorneys, hearing a case in which the judge has a conflict of interest or talking about a case with one party while the other party and/or that party’s lawyer is out of the room (i.e. “ex parte” conversation). I assume ex “party” written communication is also a no-no.


No. But I think his lawyers had him dress the part for emphasis.


It also happened right after the incident, when he wasn’t detained.
So, getting haircuts and shaves like he always would have.

The trial started… well after he’d been detained how long?

I mean, is it really a mystery to people that he looked better groomed early in his detention than he did years into it? Really?
Y’all are grasping if you fall for this line of bologna.


There were various hearing in court during Covid, after the initial hearing in 2019 and the trial.

Just to clarify things.

What did you think of the presentation of the two prime witnesses, then?


Before the addition of lamictal, I reached a point where I went over a week without showering, brushing my hair, or brushing my teeth. I stayed in bed and occasionally made it to the couch. Once I was in a better head space I started taking care of myself again.
That’s how deep depression works.
Moving to a facility that isn’t a jail would definitely put someone in a better mindset.
Judging him for that really makes me angry.


I completely understand, I’ve experienced the same myself, and wasn’t even that effected*

*such that I required medication.


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:7222, topic:782326”]

But… if the mental illness is real… and we both agree that it is real… then does it even matter whether or not the lawyers instructed MB to present a certain way in court?

Also… I’d imagine the attorneys instructed RG and LK to dress a certain way in court as well. RG was wearing a button down shirt and slacks, if I recollect correctly. From what I have seen with respect to online photos… normally he has a somewhat sloppier personal presentation.

Do you think that RG dressing up for court was an effort to influence the jury, and make them believe he was a credible and serious witness, who was actually telling the truth when he testified?

I do.

Do you think that was inappropriate and unethical trial strategy on RG and Schellhorn’s part?

I don’t. I think it’s to be expected.