Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Thank you for your very honest post.

It is scary that some people want to be so judgmental about this.


Judges get a lot of latitude but not total. They yell and scream at litigants all day. I clerked for one who kept a baby rattle in her desk and when litigants or attorneys would whine or act badly she’d break out the baby rattle as her gavel saying it better represented their behavior. Judges insults from the bench are often scathing. Like Judge Judy type stuff. That’s normal.

But say something against a protected group, or about a hot topic in the news or use a bad term or get into a power struggle with the wrong person and there’s trouble.

I read in one state that state’s top judge and a union leader forced eachother out of a job.


I believe at the beginning of the trial, Taylor noted for the record that the defendant was present and dressed appropriately. I don’t know if “dressed appropriately” is according to some sort of Morris County court guidelines, or if it is in accordance with Taylor’s expectations for his courtroom. :thinking:


My dad’s wrongful death happened January 3rd, 2020. His burial 5 days later. There was no Covid. His memorial service was the end of February 2020. There was no Covid.

A little bit into March there was Covid and I remember thinking if he had passed just a little bit later I wouldn’t have been able to do the events for him that I did. So for sure starting April 2020 There would be no more prison hair cuts.


Your reach to be uninformed continues to amaze me.

I watched every single “zoom type” hearing, as well as in person hearings on line. Barisone was a progressive mess in appearance. I went so far as to ask why and was told he had no access to grooming supplies, showers were not daily, and the clothing he wore was jail issued. Immediately prior to the trial, as in the day before, friends rushed out and purchased clothing for him, guessing at the size. Obviously the attorneys had other things on their mind than having Ralph Lauren stylists in to dress and coiff him! The clothing was too big, so a mad dash was made to get smaller sizes as soon as court completed the first day. I assume you are not aware that Barisone was brought to court in jail clothes and put in a cage to change into regular clothes just before court began each day.

While his hair was long, it was clean. He was clean. He was a complete emotional wreck coming face to face with the two humans who tried to destroy him, knowing full well that their Finish the Bastard plan could send him to prison for 40 years! Did you expect him to be jovial and relaxed?

Seriously @CurrentlyHorseless I wish you could/would reflect on situations and reality before making your judgemental posts.

Edit to add it is my understanding that when Barisone was finally moved to Anne Klein, one of his first requests was for a hot shower and haircut!


I seem to remember parts of it were referenced in a filing.


If so, why would HH find it so difficult to say that?


The letter referenced in a filing was Jonathan Kanarek’s ex-parte letter to Judge Sceusi in the civil suit, for clarity.

Nancy Jaffer’s article yesterday is the first reference to a letter, written by Lauren Kanarek, in the Krol hearings that I have seen.

There are no public copies of any of the filings in the Krol matters that I can find anywhere.


Not to mention that he likely had not been able to sleep much in the days preceding the trial. Worry, stress, anxiety, fear will do that to a person.


Thank you @ekat!!! So many balls in the air! You are a master at keeping them all “in their lane”.


I assumed it was referring to the materials LK (and KK/Seeker1 ?) claimed to have sent to AK. Before the first Idol hearing, maybe?
They, the Ks, were pretty open and proud of sending this material to influence MBs detention
I think they likened it to a victims impact statement.
LK nay have even insisted she was going to move present and make a statement??


Okay the baby rattle is absolutely hilarious.


All of it. Poor diet. Lack of exercise and sunshine. Lack of the outdoors for someone who carried out his professional career largely outdoors…

And yes, facing people who set out to destroy you, in a court where their plot may find its denouement… That can’t be easy to bear.


That’s my take on things. There have been 2 letters to judges (Taylor and then Sceusi) written so far.

I wonder if the Kanareks have gone for the hat trick yet, and tried writing a letter to Weaver?

I really hope they do. The impression I have so far of Weaver is that such a letter will not go over well. Especially if it’s pointed out in a subsequent appropriate and proper legal filing submitted by MBs attorneys, that the Kanareks make a habit of engaging in this sort of inappropriate behavior.


Does that mean JK’s letter (email, whatever) that he sent to Sceusi was also sent to Taylor?
Why would a letter pertaining to the civil case be given to a judge who is involved in the criminal case?

I have a meeting coming up but will do some digging after that as I seem to remember seeing something. It wasnt the letter as a whole, but rather references and quotes from the letter.


2 separate letters that spoke to different issues.


Funny, they can write letters and post on SM, but can’t find the time or energy to comply with legal subpoenas for months.


Interesting that people who have shown such vivid imaginations in other directions seem unable to imagine that scenario.


No. Sceusi disclosed it to the attorneys in the civil case.

It wouldn’t.