Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Ok cool.


I loved that Judge. I campaigned for her on horseback and it made it to the paper. Put two big campaign sides on my trusty old QH, one on each side and rode through towns.

She won her Civil Court seat by a close margin of a few dozen votes. I used to tease her that it was a HORSE and not her bench record that got her there.

Later she ran for and won Supreme Court and has been a Justice presiding over matrimonial cases for about 23 years now. She will be forced to retire soon at 70.


Oh for Pete’s Sake! It’s got nothing to do with where Daddy O is actually standing. It’s an old phrase and Patio rhymes with Daddy O—nothing more!


Or share the bombshell transcript of the murder plot waged against LK


Hey @CurrentlyHorseless, you must have missed this post from last evening when you were catching up today.

Now that we know there has been an appeal filed for the original Krol hearing and all… that kind of ruins your theory that Taylor could not have done anything incorrectly because there is no appeal.


I think they just can’t afford to hire attorneys.

Whoever it is that pays all of Lollypop’s bills apparently isn’t willing to shell out some cash for JK and KK to hire an attorney to deal with those pesky subpoenas.

On the subject of Lollypop’s $$$$ …

I wonder if the person who funds Lollypop’s lifestyle also funds her healthcare? I assume Lollypop has an independent health plan via one of the ACA exchanges… because obviously she doesn’t have an employer provided plan… and her income seems to be above that which would qualify her for Medicaid, and she doesn’t seem to be disabled and therefore doesn’t qualify for Medicare.

If she IS on Medicaid, while simultaneously enjoying the sport of dressage, and riding 6 different horses who are all kept in full board in Loxahatchee…

Does that seem appropriate? I see a bit of an issue there… but I am by no means an expert on Medicaid.


But, does she have any reportable income?


Just because she doesn’t report it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t income.

The IRS digs into situations like that all the time…

I sure hope for Lollypop’s sake… and whoever it is that is paying all her bills… that everything has been done correctly when it comes to her taxes, and any declarations she has made regarding income if she is actually currently on Medicaid.

This whole lawsuit might prove to be a real headache for her if she winds up getting audited because of it.


This post got me curious as I hadn’t heard of or considered medicaid fraud as a thing.

I’m sure LK is too smart to engage in that behavior as there are substantial rewards offered to whistle-blowers who report such fraud it seems, according to this link.

And that would be suicide to do if you live a public life making many enemies.


That is my question also. I’m betting not. I suspect she is not on Medicaid because it is really hard to qualify for but gets her insurance on the exchange, paid for by her family.


What an interesting link!

I had no idea there were bounties to be had by whistle blowing when it comes to Medicaid fraud!

Oh well. I’m sure it will all be fine for Lollypop, because of COURSE she hasn’t been doing anything improper with respect to her reported income.


Backing up a bit, to the event where each K Krew approached Tarshis…

Did anyone see pics from that event? Of the audience in the area the K Krew was seated?

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I suspect you are giving Lollypop and her family more credit than they deserve when it comes to doing the right thing and the smart thing…

That’s probably because you are a nice and ethical person. :slight_smile:


Yeah that would be quite dumb for sure.


For sure if one is living Thug Life one ought to keep a very low profile under the radar.


On a book tour, I believe.


Mommy and daddy can give her cash each year. I think it’ s $16,000 each. Not income to her nor deductible for them.
She can live in daddy’s house rent free as long as it is not declared as a rental on their Sch E.
She can ride his horses that he pays expenses.
I suppose the IRS could call the house and horses as her income but I doubt it


Well, she is about to be deposed, and supposedly provide documentation, and eventually testify under oath on it. I hope everything matches up….


That’s a wee bit over 6 months of $5,000 monthly horse board payments being at HH.


That’s all true. I assume JK would have to be the person paying all expenses for the horses as well then. Board, vet, farrier.

Didn’t LK testify at the criminal trial that she pays for her horses with her own money? Or am I misremembering?