Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I don’t remember if she said she had been diagnosed with it, or she just claimed it. There was one FB(?) post where she said something to the effect of “I’m not responsible for what one of my multiple personalities might do.” And there may have been another post where she referred to her multiple personalities - I feel like I saw a screen cap of it on one of these threads, but am not sure.


If that is true (the diagnosis) the Kanareks are even more culpable by not stepping in to stop the terror and force her to move on.


I believe this is likely the regularly scheduled meeting with the mediator that NJ civil system likes them to have. I have not looked up when the last mediator meeting was, but it seems about right for them to have one scheduled again.


How is Attorney Lane M. Ferdinand involved? Did I miss that name somewhere in this case?

Crowded court systems in many states now have mandatory mediation in order to expedite the conclusion of cases. This is true for NJ, the state I was employed in and the state my civil case is located in. Where I worked every single civil and small claims case has to go to mediation - no exceptions.


Do you think Lollypop dials in to mediation meetings via Zoom? Or would it just be the attorneys meeting with the mediator?

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I think both he and John P. Graves are RC’s attorneys. I’m guessing one is her personal attorney and the other one represents the carrier for her professional liability insurance.


Good question! And I am wondering how many ex parte communications JK has sent to the mediator. :thinking:


We only know, because we have seen it with our own eyes, that she has repeatedly referenced or stated the existence of “multiple personalities” in her social media posts and content, including her Pinterest board.


Courts prefer zoom to bodies being present in the court house.


I wonder because there is another diagnosis that sometimes has overlap and is frequently confused with DID. Plus I doubt her veracity.

DID gets a lot more sympathy than the other one (which generates more fear).


She is a self admitted narcissist.

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Interesting. Multiple personality disorder is a passé term from the mental health field that was used decades ago, but is still referenced in pop culture, movies, etc.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is now a recognized diagnosis in the DSM, I think. But definitely requires a medical diagnosis. Most commonly linked to people who suffered profound trauma and abuse at very young ages.

Full Caveat… I’m not a psych professional… but I remember studying these specific disorders and related controversies in an abnormal psych class in college :slight_smile:


Yeah - but narcissism and DID do not go hand-in-hand.


Absolutely. NPD and DID involve totally different disorders. And are not commonly comorbid.

NPD is MUCH more common than DID.

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Given her behavior and the fact that she openly admitted to being a liar in court testimony, I don’t doubt she could and would use a fake or genuine mental health diagnosis as a “get out of jail” card for her antics. She had the gall to post the following statement on her Instagram back in October of 2021, “Truth does not mind being questioned. A Lie does not like being challenged.”, which provides some interesting context with what we now know about her.


No, DID and NPD dont do together. I have never read her claim that she has DID. She has said “multiple personalities” which I too k to be her claim she can do whatever she wants to people any time she pleases, and she has claimed NPD. I may have missed the DID but I did see the “I am a narcissist” declaration many times.


She uses “we” a lot in reference to herself…


Just one of my favorite lines from Silver:
“She continually acts as if the Rules of Court do not apply to her and seeks to make up new ones as the case progresses.”


When this has been discussed in the past I believe it was determined that these mediation meetings are just the lawyers.