Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I’m sorry, but I disagree. The daughter was not charged with anything, it’s not the judge’s job to “scare straight” observers in their courtroom.


But here I am, a full two days later and Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya still has not answered my question about his text here he laughs at making someone homeless. He said he would answer on the 8th.
Do you suppose this proclamation is as accurate as when he said he had given the information required to answer the subpoena to his lawyer?




Failure to correctly gauge public opinion across platforms as being heavily in opposition to Taylors behavior is either wishful thinking, outright deception or delusional IMO.


It is absolutely fascinating that some of these posters rely 100% on what a brief news article summarizing what occurred is the only thing that happened during an event.


This is what the Daily record said about the shooting.



How much weight do you put on her posts in YT?

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Well, we know now that he wants all that excluded apparently from the civil trials so why even acknowledged it here? These folks are desperately trying to hide their own actions!


Krol hearing requirements are much more pertinent for Krol hearings than federal HIPAA laws, which are very general.

I would think an attorney would emphasize the state laws pertaining directly to Krol hearings and not bother with less specific federal laws.

If the laws on Krol hearings did indeed clearly state the hearings were closed, and Deininger shoved that in Taylor’s face, how could Taylor tile otherwise?

I wasn’t there. I’m not in communication with JK, who according to Eggbutt, was there, so I don’t know what was said.

ETA: edited to add the “not”!

So funny.

You claim you regretted giving my post “so much of your time”, so you went back and spent more time deleting most of it. LOL.


I am way behind, so sorry if this has been answered and the talk has moved on. In an update on the Go Fund Me Page. LO brought a shirt to the trial for MB to wear, however it no longer fit and looked worse than the shirt he did wear.


I feel like you are getting two different things confused here.

We, well at least I, and I assume also you (because I believe you that you are not communicating with people and were not there, which I have said so many times but you seem to ignore), do not know what was said at the hearing.

We only know what was said in an article about the hearing.

As we both have experienced, articles pick and choose what they say, not always using the details we boring old random people think are the most important.

I would guess the attorneys not only emphasized the laws pertaining to Krol hearings but ALSO discussed the federal laws. I do not think it has to be a one OR the other thing. It can be both.

I am not sure what “tile otherwise” is supposed to be. I am not making fun of your typing error because I too make typing errors. I am simply saying I am not able to figure out what you meant to say.

There are other Krol rules that Taylor has ignored, not just this one. So the fact that he has ignored this one too is not overly shocking, though highly disappointing.


Rhetorical question?

I’ll answer anyway. Obvs it’s up to you whether you get further details from LO.

Hm. Seems like CH is tossing out a … STRAW MAN… there. Perish the thought.

For reminders:



Thank you for reminding us of this detail!

I had forgotten about that.


That’s part of what the article said. Read the next two paragraphs.

I meant to say “how could Taylor rule otherwise” if the NJ laws on Krol hearings did indeed clearly state that the hearings were closed and Deininger cited chapter and verse of the state laws on Krol hearings. It would have been a slam dunk.

It’s funny in a bad way how posters can make such wildly inaccurate statements, also known as lies, and then just ignore the responses with very clear evidence that they were making stuff up.

Regarding the YouTube comments, I don’t think they are terribly important other than as a general reflection of public opinion, which might indicate the likely views of people who could be selected for the civil jury.

Particularly when you exclude YouTube commenters who are aliases for Kanareks, since they probably will not be chosen to be on the jury. :roll_eyes:


There is also a rule in there that the first hearing has to be at 3 months and Taylor made it for six months.
The rule is very clear. Taylor ignored it.

Lots of things are a slam dunk, but some how Taylor has ignored them.

And maybe it is not obvious to you, but I am truly trying to have a sincere conversation with you about this.

The rules are there. They are very clear. Taylor has ignored them.

An appeal has been filed, because Taylor has ignored them.


Okay, so you don’t think YouTube commenters are an accurate reflection of public perception.

What about 48 Hours viewers on Instagram? Surely more representative of the general populace and their perception.




How ‘bout Facebook?




Twitter? Granted, it’s kind of a cesspool…

Comments on some random website I have never heard of?

That’s just a random selection of internet comments from random people, most of whom apparently watch one of America’s most popular news magazine programs.

I haven’t been following along with online commenters other than here, but it is pretty ugly having just perused those sources for you. I honestly didn’t realize how overwhelmingly negative they are.

And some comments are far worse than ANY I have seen here… even on Instagram, which is usually pretty darned tame.

ETA: Edited to fix links. For some reason the TikTok links aren’t working… I tried. :woman_shrugging:


This kind of thing is just outrageous.

And if Taylor is completely ignoring the laws that are so clearly written in black and white, what else is he doing in areas that might have any sort of shade of gray to them?