Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

It had to be very difficult for his friends to provide appropriate clothing that fit especially since his residence had sold and some people were coming in from out of town. I’m sure the jail didn’t have fitting rooms. :grinning:
Guessing someone’s size when you haven’t seen them in a while would be very hard!


IMHO, the subsequently deleted portion of Eggbutt’s post indicated her communication with LO (beyond reading the GFM updates). I think that’s why she deleted it.

But her entire post, disclosing, among other things, that JK and KK were both present at the hearing, is quoted in my post, so everyone can decide for themselves whether her post does or does not reveal communication with LO.

And think about it, I bet they do not have those cute little measuring tapes available in the jail.


Odd, the things that a non associated party fixates on.


That could be a reason. Though I personally do not read anything there that makes me think that.
I mean…Eggbutt likes to pretend they know stuff the rest of us don’t, right? Aren’t you frequently poking them for that.

Or it could be some non-nefarious reason.

Like those reasons that you and others give for deleting things.

I have not asked @eggbutt, but if it was me I would say the first reason that comes to mind is - Why did I bother even trying, this is not worth it right now.

Or the ever common - They are going to twist what I am saying into something it is not and I do not have the energy for that right now.


Sometimes I have a hard enough time guessing my own size. Different clothing manufacturers sizes are all different.


You will see that my statement is not “wildly inaccurate” if you read the entire Daily Record article, not just the sentences highlighted by catzandogs.

Her statement that her highlighted portion is “what the article said about the shooting” is inaccurate, but I’m not calling her a liar.

Oh my gosh, so true! I have the same problem.


How do you know he didn’t? Were you there? Jaffer’s article is not a transcription of the hearing. You don’t know what he said. None of us do.


No, I think Eggbutt does know stuff the rest of us don’t.

The lack of intelligent thought is strong, with some of these posters. Honestly.

THe conclusion those posters are going to come up with now is probably going to be:
“Well, if Nancy Jaffer reported on the hearing, her report must include everything that was said in that court room, mustn’t it? Otherwise, I guess we just can’t beleive what Nancy Jaffer reports any more! Therefore, Deininger didn’t cite the current Krol law to Taylor! Unless you are calling Nancy Jaffer a liar!”


Federal HIPAA is law, you goose! OMG. YOu don’t get to pick and choose when to apply HIPAA. Do you live under a rock?


Legal peeps, for someone on Krol status, if medical people state that someone could be released with therapy and a judge is hesitant for reasons of public safety, could a compromise be worked out if all agree to it? I am thinking something like house/property confinement with monitoring device with scheduled hearings. Is this ever done?


What you have there in italics is not my position, @Ambitious_Kate

Please confine your efforts to stating your own position rather than trying to predict mine.

Thanks for taking the time to compile those links, even if a few people will choose to ignore them.

As always, you can tell which comments or reactions are from people who have never been around horses, and no have experience with loss of memory due to falling on your head or something similar.

Unlike horse people, who immediately say, “That’s happened to me. Four times!” Lol.


Duh, HIPAA is law.

A big part of what goes on in courts is wrangling over which laws apply in which situations.

Deininger made a motion saying HIPAA applies in this instance and the judge ruled it didn’t.

Judge wins.

Did you see my post about NJ law? It appears that the judge is not following that either.


Oh honey, this is such a bad look on you. Don’t you have another way to try to shut down the thread?


Because HIPPA outranks any NJ statutes regarding Krol hearings. Federal law > state law.

ETA: between my phone trying to turn HIPAA into hippo and my own stupidity i incorrectly typed HIPPA


Yes, but in this case the judge is not following either the Krol requirements or HIPAA.