Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

So here we go again. :roll_eyes:

Her “alleged horribleness” was what drove him insane and his insanity at the time resulted in a shooting in which she was badly injured. It doesn’t matter whether he deliberately shot her or whether she was shot in a tussle over the gun, the fact remains that she was the catalyst.

And despite Taylor’s efforts to prevent much of LK’s “behavior” from being brought up in court, Mr. B was able to present enough evidence of her “horribleness” toward MB that the jury believed MB was insane at the time, where previous to LK’s campaign of “horribleness,” he had been a successful, law-abiding, respected member of the community who had built a notable career and business. The defense witnesses that appeared on MB’s behalf drove home that point as well as the fact that despite setbacks such as an expensive divorce, MB was weathering the storms of life - until LK launched her campaign of “horribleness” against him and broke him.

Add to the above the probability that at least some jurors weren’t totally convinced by the convoluted and contradictory stories told by the two lying drug addict grifters who were the only eye witnesses - one of whom gave multiple glimpses during her testimony of her “horribleness” toward MB.

Ergo, the jury deemed MB to not be criminally liable because of his insanity. And I and many, many other people believe that if the jury were polled and spoke freely, most or all of them would state that they fully believed LK was the match AND the powder trail that led to the powder keg SHE had created.

All the evidence that we know about so far points to the fact that it was LK’s “horribleness” toward MB that drove him over the edge. The criminal jury recognized he was over the edge when the shooting occurred, and the civil jury will recognize that it was her “horribleness” that pushed him over the edge. I have no doubt that Mr. D and Mr. Silver are going to absolutely convince the civil jury that LK was more than 51% liable for the incident that led to her injuries. They are going to expose so much of LK’s “horribleness” - along with the fact that her parents were aiding and abetting her - that the K’s are going to regret filing that lawsuit.

(If necessary, I can make a flowchart to make all this simpler to understand. :smile:)


Perfect post. Now, sit back and wait for the push-back and word salad from the usual posters!


May I ask WHY?


This. Absolutely this.


Good find! I am particularly struck by the sentence I highlighted.

I truly hope that point is used in the appeal.


It absolutely should win on Appeal.


Some folks are either too dull-witted to “get it,” or they like being willfully ignorant because it absolves them of the responsibility to use logic that may lead to them changing their mind on a particular point. But what it really does is show how slow-witted and foolish they are. :roll_eyes:


That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. The fact that you think we (g) created hundreds of fake YouTube accounts is absolutely hilarious.

I know you’re very attached to this conspiracy so I won’t bother refuting you, I’m just going to laugh at you.


There’s another substantial leap.
You might consider taking up steeplechasing.




Anti-hero? :joy: I was just taking responsibility for my part in the term and pointing out IM had nothing to do with it. If you have decided that since I left “elderly” off that I can’t claim it, I don’t care. You did prove up that IM did not start the name. I’m much relieved by your post. If it can’t take the credit then I can’t take the blame and IM is now vindicated. Even though now you say I can’t take the credit, my apology stands.

Seriously??? Weren’t there posts here saying oh no, no one is negative against the judge on YT? So evidence, which is always demanded, was posted including posts from the female Kanareks. Rather than slide back from the statement that there are no negative posts on YT, you double-down and decide it is all CoTH posters setting up fake accounts. Do you really think before posting?


Equus asinus comes to mind, if you’re looking for comparisons to this thread.


I did the Elderly Illegal Mob donation :joy:
And I’m not even in the mob. Or maybe I am :woman_shrugging:t2:


Y’all have convenient memory lapses. During the trial y’all were posting on both YouTube and here and bragging about and chortling over your posts on YouTube. I doubt that has stopped. I’ve even heard some people here have devoted their Twitter feed to vilifying a shooting victim, LK.

Thanks for posting a couple of my old posts above. Except for the “illegal mob” comment, they state very well where these threads have sunk so low.


I think it is very unlikely that the defendants will convince the jury LK was more than 51% responsible.

Both KK and JK have pointed out the stress placed on MB by MHG demanding he “get rid of her” and threatening to leave if he didn’t.

Am I saying MHG “caused” his insanity? No, I’m not. I’m saying if the provocations that “pushed him over the edge” are going to be litigated in the civil case, LK would have have named MHG as a defendant. Not for conspiracy, but for causing the insanity.

She’s not named as a defendant because determining what combination of factors caused MBs insanity is not possible.

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Oh you are SO mobbed up.

And no one EVER leaves the fold. Alive.



Nope! Never did! Another blatant blanket assumption! Who exactly is “y’all”, Huh? Explain and provide proof or admit you love to exaggerate and provoke!


As a reminder:


I agree 100%, OMG.

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