Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If you can’t figure this out on your own… :woman_facepalming:t2:

Eta with your Google law degree.


Maybe @hut-ho78 saw this post from the dearly departed rubyroo and somehow extrapolated that since RR posted on YouTube ALL of coth has?

YouTube has 2.6 billion users with 122 million daily active users, yet HH is convinced that all the comments on the law & order YT channel (that has 4.48 million subscribers) are from coth members?

Oh dear, I fear that she does not know how the internet works.


Why am I not surprised that you are an Elon musk fan.


Ponder, ponder as I eat my hay…
Why what is that thought you are ponding today?

Restraining orders for harassment on social media

Humm looks like Yes, it’s a thing and Yes it has been granted in cases.

But I am just a horse of course and for the record never posted on youtube or is that utube,


I did answer.

I came on the forum as an internet nobody with no association to the Kanareks. On this thread my first posts are discussing the case, and are not emphatic.

Very quickly I was quite viciously attacked (in my perception), and the fact that the anti-LK crowd was attacking me and venting their hate at me polarized me and made the discussion personal. I wasn’t permitted to stand on the sidelines and contribute my opinions. I was hated and mocked alongside LK.

It is very clear that your hate is directed at not just LK but anyone you associate with LK - her family, and anyone who even tentatively expresses empathy for her as a victim.

But what do I know?

They’re probably already regretting it, which would explain the tremendous tap dancing around their subpoenas and depositions.


So that wasn’t you sport fishing?


What? No.

If the jury in the criminal case had been made up of EIM members, MB would have been found NG on all counts.

The narrative of the EIM is that there is no evidence no evidence ! that MB shot her. There was a poll prior to the verdict in which posters overwhelmingly predicted that the verdict would be NG.

Nope not me, myself or I.

Just a horse of course


I am an Elon Musk fan, as it happens, but that’s irrelevant to the question I posed.

In a situation in which someone’s discussing and broadcasting his flight plans puts his life at risk, it appears that first amendment considerations preclude Musk from getting a court order barring the kid from posting his flight plans.

How would MHG get a court order barring LK from “discussing”

? And?

I have figured it out. It was a rhetorical question.

Musk cannot get a court order preventing “discussion” of his flight plans because of the first amendment to the US constitution.

MHG cannot get a court order preventing “discussion” of her by LK because of the first amendment of the US constitution.

A court order preventing “contact” whether IRL or virtually? Probably. But “discussion”? No.

ETA It appears that @Eggbutt is declining to clarify her claim, or provide proof.

Perhaps she’s decided this is a good time to actually ignore me.

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Update for the Boyd Martin fans. It looks like they had a fabulous time on the vixen hunt yesterday!



@BatCoach I would like credit for naming the horse on the seal of NJ Sidebar though… because ya know, getting credit on this Barisone thread for saying things on old Barisone threads is important. I’m saddened that we no longer have the option for signature lines on our posts so that I can make sure everyone I interact with here knows that I am the one that named Sidebar. I want credit!


What did I do?

I just want to say that I do NOT hate anyone. Especially people I have never met in real life. One exception is a recent past president of the US. However I digress, I have empathy for people, I have sympathy for people, I scratch my head about people, I even say WTF about some people. I get my knickers in a knot. I laugh. I ponder. I wonder. I seek out facts. And at times I make blunders.

Oh my goodness I am human.

I am a facts person. With that in mind, I do not see facts with regard to MB shooting LK. I see a lot of possible scenarios, but no facts.

I see Taylor not following the law with regards to Krol.

I see the K’s not addressing subpoenas in the timeframe the judge ordered.

I see the K’s not scheduling depositions in the timeframe the judge ordered.

I see one delay after another.

I have seen the horrible things written on sm by LK with regards to MB and MHG.

I just saw someone out a COTH poster using her real name, something that poster has complained about in the past.

I don’t know why I writing this, just babbling I. My DayQuil stupor I guess.

And just for the record, I have never posted on YT, Law and Crime, twitter, my space… I do post on FB.

Blah blah blah blah blah


Proven and granted!


No contact orders can come into existence numerous ways, not just by court order.

We know the answer to this.


Yeah… I would like to see examples of that nonsense and the newest pet conspiracy theory as well. Maybe a couple of people did that but not everyone as HH maintains. HH - do you realize that the Law & Crime followers on YT far outnumber those who post in such threads at COTH? We are extremely inconsequential compared to that horde. Do you also realize that when a trial is in session, they will be all over it - as well as the more casual posters who only participate during an actual trial?

I do have a YT account… I have posted on horse vids, flyball stuff and some concert and musical videos. Sorry to disappoint some of “y’all”, but I have never posted a word on YT about anything to do with any trial, anywhere. Hell, I was not even following along on the trial as it happened… and only watched it a bit at a time after the fact. I did go check out LK’s rants and accusations that she was posting on every trial thread - and the reactions to that and the trial in general. The positive, “you go, girl!” comments were very limited at first - and then became sparse as the trial continued.

In your perception. With all due respect, your perception has led you astray.

You(g) are more than welcome to “stand on the sidelines” and contribute opinions. Or even to stand in the middle and use a megaphone. I remember you swooping in here rather like YD and using many of the same tactics - which is why some comparisons and speculation started.

Hated? Who here hates you?

The bolded is yet another straw man - you are so fond of accusing others of using them that I am puzzled about your constant abuse of them.
Your need to use strong words to paint yourself as a victim of sorts goes against many of your posts and past posting style.

Disagreeing with someone… is not hatred.
Having a different opinion than someone… is not hatred.
Suggesting to someone (LK, KK, JK) that they stop posting, threatening and attacking others as they are just messing up their case… is not hatred.

You should check out the threads at the beginning of this tale - when many of us were sympathetic to LK (even though I had seen her bizarre rants and behavior all over FB), seeking answers and asking questions.

But many of those threads just disappeared - as LK descended on them with her flame-thrower and scorched earth techniques.


… stirring the pot, increasing the heat and then stepping back and crying foul when you(g) get splashed by a tiny drop of hot oil… is a bit odd.


Why did you mention a COTH participant’s real name?