Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Slight diversion for the moment… still seeking an answer to this allegation that I bolded above. I rarely if ever tag anyone… but @hut-ho78 , details please! You made an accusation of sorts there and I would like to know where to find this dastardly exchange that you speak of…


YOU get a bombshell and YOU get a bombshell and YOU get a bombshell!!! Everybody gets a bombshell!!!



The bombshell was that they threatened to sue 48 hours if they questioned LK about the incident.


Methinks someone never had a literature class where figurative and metaphorical language was explained.


The frustration must be palpable.


That really follows. The lack of literacy is…fetid.


I was totally thinking the same thing.


The bombshell was that the videos and audio recordings and text messages implicated the K’s of criminal behaviour.

The bombshell was that the text messages on the phones weren’t such an over-broad request for subpoena after all.

The bombshell was that Lauren Kanarek and her father Jonathan Kanarek plotted to make Michael and his family homeless.

The bombshell was that the K’s planned to sabotage the power to make Barisone have to buy a Big Ass Generator.

The bombshell was that the K’s used the housing inspection officials to fine Barisone.

The Bombshell was that Lauren knew that an eviction was coming and wanted to go to the HITS show first. She must have been furious when the eviction came before the show.


A couple of quotes from the article @3PonyFarm attached above:

“Superior Court Judge Stephen Taylor appraised Dougherty as a “selfless, honest, kind, generous, charitable individual” at her [ sentencing ].”

“The state Attorney General’s Office dropped a bribery charge, which could have brought five years in prison, in exchange for Dougherty’s [ plea ].”

Just to clarify, Judge Taylor was describing this individual as “honest” and only sentenced her to a year of probation. She, oddly enough, happens to be the wife of the Morristown mayor.

Things that make you go Hmm. Maybe I’m just cynical, but something appears rotten in the state of Denm…, sorry New Jersey. :roll_eyes:


Sorry if someone already pointed this out, but they didn’t rent any part of the house.



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No, they weren’t renters, they were stayers. MB used parts of the house to provide a place for students, and assistant trainers, etc., to stay, as he may have needed. Some part of some deal made him agree that they could stay there, I don’t remember the part of the house they had, but it wasn’t rented by them. I don’t even think they were paying anything towards it in kind. RG was working off some board in kind, by doing the bare minimum needed weekly of work to make up board, but there’s been no indication of any rent paid. The problem with letting someone stay on your property, even if they aren’t paying rent, is that after a certain amount of time, I don’t know what it is in NJ, pretend 30 days, you have to evict them if they won’t leave, even if they are squatters.

She had some agenda about getting rid of the other people in the house, I don’t know why, but she did, giggling about the assistant trainer giving up his apartment, and giggling about MB and his family moving out and soon to be homeless. But she wasn’t renting the house, she wasn’t even renting the apartment its self. The hosue wasn’t hers to occupy, and if MB wanted to come back into it, he certainly could.

She made some statement in the text messages about how now that he was out of the house, he couldn’t come back in. I don’t know what that was about, unless it was her just being nasty. It was his house. She and RG just occupied an apartment, what, up on the third floor or something?


I’m still trying to figure out to what she is referring when she talks about her “livelihood” and “career.”

ETA: I’m always late to the ball. @MHM beat me to it. :wink:


She has made various conflicting statements, in regards to her employment. The only straight-up “This is what I do!” statement was that she is employed by a “big healthcare provider in NC” as an event planner and she would never elaborate beyond that, nor has it ever been substantiated with any evidence. Other times, she has stated that “people pay money to fly her all over the country”, as though she was some sort of celebrity socialite or entertainer that people want to be seen with. People who have claimed to have knowledge of her murky past history, specifically of the time when she was estranged from her family after dropping out of college and running off to NC, have said she was an exotic dancer, which certainly explains the numerous pole dancing pins on her Pinterest and it would not be out of place for a semi-functional drug user to work in such a job, as such businesses in the area she lived in are known to have dealers or supplies on-site to provide whatever is wanted and it’s a cash-heavy/cash-preferred place to work, which makes it ideal for anyone who wants to use or sell drugs. As to her future employment, she has stated that she intends to become a successful horse trainer and Dressage professional, like Michael Barisone.


So funny how someone is unable to find information on the topic that she does not want to believe, isn’t it?


I just want to say that you never need to be sorry about giving your time to help us understand how this system typically works. You have been so generous with your time and knowledge.
Thank you so very everything.


@hut-ho78, Your little timeline here is missing a bunch of steps considering we are talking about Rosie biting RC. The inspectors were there because…gee…who called them again? Oh look, it is right there in those texts. The inspectors needed to have a notice posted on the door of Lauren Kanarek’s room, because Lauren Kanarek (or her representative) called them to come to kick everyone out and make them homeless. People were in the building, in the public areas of the building, because the Kanarek family called them there to make havoc.
Oh those little details you seem to forget or that you seem to think are OK to ignore. Go read Lauren’s texts and sleep well knowing she was intentionally working to ruin the lives of others and you think that is OK because people were doing the right thing and asking her to leave prior to file for an eviction. Wow. Just wow.
Let me repeat this tid bit - RC was in the house because Lauren Kanarek called for the inspectors and the inspectors needed the house posted.


So no vacuuming then?


Our resident contrarians remind me of a dog chasing its tail.


Oh Ekat, Ekat, Ekat!
Are you referring to the Ruth Cox who has already settled with LK for a cool quarter million.
The same Ruth Cox who you recently posted “has less than nil liability?”