Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Hey Jonathan, so nice to see you posting again. I am surprised that your not lawyer GAS is ok with you posting here. Oh, I get it, you probably did not tell him since he is not YOUR lawyer and all. That does make sense. And there is so much stuff already out there, what is one more post on COTH in the mess?
Have you sent any letters to this new judge yet? Why did you, a lawyer, think that was an OK thing to do? Was it just shocking that Judge Sceusi was honest enough to share your letter with everyone else? I know that is not the type of person you are used to dealing with. I guess we will all learn soon enough what this judge is like.
Are you going to just continue to ignore your subpoenas? Why are you, a lawyer, willing to be that disrespectful of the court system?
Have you and the family bent the ear of any other witnesses lately? Why would a lawyer think talking to a witness right before a criminal trial is OK? Seems so strange that you told him that you did not think Michael was at fault.
Is your lovely wife, Kirby, going to hand over those transcripts the subpoenas have been asking for?
Tell me more about the recording you are referring to in your second post. Are you going to hand over that recording and the transcripts for it?

Darn, I am so glad you are back. It will be great to talk about all your facts again.


Back to Rosie biting RC when the inspectors asked her to post the notices, where was Michael when this happened? We’ve assumed the Kanareks were meeting with ED.


My favorite part of that is the part about the judge giving her a 49% because the horse “decided” to piaffe instead of showing a collected trot. The rest of the test must have been remarkable. :roll_eyes:


If he answers these questions I’m buying lottery tickets.

ETA: and eat the larvettes we sell at work.


Dang it I have stuff to do today, I can’t just sit around with popcorn for hours :rofl:


Wow! HH and CH have the big gun helping them now. They can take a break from their nonsense and be cheerleaders now.


Yes! I read that too and my first thought was - this totally tells you what kind of person Judge Taylor really is and what type of people he likes to surround himself with.
It does make how he treated Michael’s situation much more clear. Supporting/praising people like the Kanarek’s seems to be his MO.


Welcome back Daddio! Glad to see you here. People have a lot of questions for you and your lovely wife.


I bet he’s going to turn tail and avoid speaking on the thread now. He just wanted to crow loudly about RC. He couldn’t contain himself.

What a dignified pillar of society this man is. :roll_eyes:


And it’s 1am where I am! But I’m sure IM is composing a thoughtful and comprehensive reply to @trubandloki’s questions - just hope CH is along soon for a cosy-up.


Yes, why not? RC didn’t even testify that she brought the gun because of things going on at the farm. She testified that she brought it because she considered the drive risky because she drove at night by herself.


I am wondering if anyone received any personal messages?

Someone was certainly triggered by something. I wonder if things didn’t go well yesterday?


It’s showing me he’s been typing for a long time, I hope we get a manifesto :hugs::rofl:


He does like to run his mouth.


Who uses a phrase like “a cool quarter million dollars?” In Welly World 250k is the kind of chump change parents spend on YR horses for their kids.


If it’s true that RC settled “for a cool quarter million”, she certainly had bad legal representation;
although, I know some people settle cases just to avoid the stress of litigation. Unfortunately, that’s what these serial litigious people count on.


“A cool quarter million” :joy:


The child who is, what, 43 by now?


MB’s situation really, really needs to be exposed by a competent journalist.


You are really clueless. You go on and on about an ex party letter and the fools on this page believe it.
My letter was sent to Judge Sceusi’s clerk, not to Judge Sceusi, to be distributed to all parties.
But don’t take my word for it, ask his clerk.

Some poor poster, misled by your misinformation, went on to tell her mother ( an attorney) about the “ex parte letter” and her mother was “shocked.” Get your facts.