Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

@hut-ho78 cannot even come up with that dastardly conversation that she insists shows that I am a terrible person etc. etc. … still waiting on that little morsel of information!

But I guess maintaining LK was a poor innocent lamb and the never-ending circular dog-chases-tail claims and and arguments are easier. The only time that LK was a victim was when she was actually shot… however that came about and whoever pulled the trigger - maybe MB. We have no concrete answer to that as there were no forensics to clarify any of that. LK’s statements in court were found to be seriously lacking - thus she was impeached. Until she was shot, she was in no way a victim… being manipulative, vengeful, and entitled.

Here I will pause to say I may not use the right terms in the right way - I am just a lowly barn scrubber and have zero legal expertise.


I am going to ignore the fact that your other quotes are not wholly accurate and just want to ask about the last item.

Are you really pretending this made up line is actually a quote from somewhere?


For the lawyers who have been so wonderful with their time - if the KKlan does not use their own lawyer and the subpoenas are/were discussed on Friday could this clear the way to showing the Lollypop parents do have guardianship of Lauren?
If they are/were her guardians could they use her lawyer?


Those of y’all saying $250K is insurance nuisance settlement are not taking into account that insurance companies don’t insure for crimes. Once she violated N J laws when she crossed the state line, coverage likely stopped. Then she willingly gave her gun to a man who then used it within a couple of days to commit an act that would have been a crime except he was insane at the time.

That was likely her money. It would not have been chump change to her.

Add to that what could happen to her license to practice her profession and her legal defense fees. She dedicated her life to helping people and got it so wrong in this instance.

Her testimony made it clear that though she carried the handgun for protection she would not have been able to access and load the weapon in a timely manner while being attacked.

Another tragic outcome.

Oh @CurrentlyHorseless, I would not want to interfere in a conversation you were having with someone else. I know how you get when others answer questions not addressed to them.
Thank you for considering me worthy but, sorry, that is between you and another poster.

So please, answer my question now, ya know, the conversation we are having.


I am always missing out on the good stuff. Were the insults from Lala, Im? I have CH and HutHo blocked so cannot see if they were the insulters either. Feel free to inform me by DM? Thanks in advance.


The judge during the first hearing and RG’s testimony. We have numerous posts here complaining about the judge saying it. You can hear RG on YouTube or the Jury Duty podcast.

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Ditto! Lol.


This kind of disagrees with what @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) said. He said that RC did not pay for any attorney fees for her case, so that leaves either the attorney worked for free, Jonathan Kanarek covered them, or it was paid for by her insurance.

Oh, and the fact that Jonathan Kanarek said outright that it was the insurance paying.



Sunday reminder.


So you have a long post implying that Michael said a whole bunch of things you put in quotes and the last random thing is something that Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin in theory said but you do not bother to make that clear in your post because you want people to think that it was said by Michael? Wow, that is even low for you.


I didn’t attribute posts at all. I didn’t think anyone would be that obtuse as the quote from the judge was recently discussed. I overestimated the audience. I’ll fix that. Thanks.

You are very good at over estimating your information making any sense to anyone but you.

I do have a general question, because I am truly trying to understand your stance.

Do you believe everyone who gets shot is the victim and it does not matter what happened before the shooting?


Fixed now. Used the edit function.

No. It does not show anything. The plaintiff’s lawyer can object to discovery on behalf of the plaintiff, which is what happened here, but it was not done in the time permitted to respond, which is one of the arguments being posited to have the motions to quash denied.

Judge Sceusi (sp?) did not totally quash the first subpoenas. He said they were overbroad and sent the defendants back to issue new subpoenas that were more narrow, which they did. And he gave LK’s parents 10 days to respond to those new subpoenas, which they did not. Now, way after the deadline to respond to those subpoenas, instead of objecting to any individual request for documents that the plaintiff (not here parents) feels is overbroad and stating why that particular request is overbroad (which in my experience would be the normal way of doing this), the plaintiff is once again trying to quash the entire subpoena and not have anything produced.


I am glad to know you know how the edit function works.
Thanks for that knowledge.


Of course not.

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So where is your line? Because I am having a hard time understanding it.


The case presents I think a difficult issue on where is the line in putting liability on the victim of a violent act. What is the wider implications of this case, outside of the individuals involved.

You have what you describe as an unlikeable victim of a shooting. Let us suspend arguments here and say there was no self-defense argument to be made, so the shooting was not in self-defense. The perpetrator/shooter (again let us suspend argument and allow the jury finding be used on who did the shooting) was insane, allegedly driven so by victim. Where is the line to be drawn. If a person’s acts cause someone to become insane and the insane person commits a violent act against them. will that person always be liable–is it just malicious acts or any act that can be considered “negligent.” If you are negligent and that causes someone to go insane and shoot you -are you possibly liable for your own harm? What if I owned a horse that knocked down a person and caused brain trauma/insanity and they shoot me in anger-am I responsible for my own harm because of my negligence caused the brain trauma and insanity? What about toxic domestic abuse situations? Or to be liable, do you always have to be an unlikeable victim? What if it there was no negligent acts but it could be shown the victim knew the person was on the edge and anything could be a trigger?
(I know now everyone is rooting for MB, but how many people have borderline people in our life that could be capable of violence and a possible claim of insanity-how much responsibility do the rest of us have to take for their actions?)

I suspect this case, no matter who “wins”, may prove the old saying that bad facts make bad law.


Yes….the same Ruth Cox who MHG testified at trial slept in the barn outside her horse’s stall way before she ever met LK. The same Ruth Cox about whom Barisone told MHG to tell to stop sleeping in the effing barn.
That Ruth Cox!
Did you miss the trial or are you calling MHG a liar?