Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I think the KanarekKrew believes that they are smarter and more clever than anyone else. What a shock it must be to finally realize that the IEM comprises people far smarter and far more clever. resorting to the use of invective against COTH members signals the desperation in their “voices.”


She also, along with her family, appears to have possibly been considering causing harm to the people and animals on this farm with things like the power (generator) and the dryer… Which could have had disastrous, dire consequences.



Probably at the suggestion of former LE farrier who warned that people like LK and RG would use anything, from anywhere (such as cars parked in their vicinity) to cause distress in the people at the barn.
Like a gun, everyone was aware RC carried on her trips up to NJ.



Like I said before, sometimes the truth hurts!


Just a little reminder….

The text of the FB comment LK made on RC’s page after getting out of the hospital….

“ In America, it’s forbidden 🚫 by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.Dwould know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesn’t mean the forensics lab can’t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.
[snip long winded drivel with random caps]
making it impossible for you to have been “barn manager,”) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst.”

I suspect the part about the punch in the face was something MHG’s kid said because IM said this….

Oh, and right before the trial LK did a dirty edit and posted a long ranting screed where she claimed MB called CPS himself knowing that the kids wouldn’t be there when they showed up in order to justify going down and trying to murder her. If that isn’t evidence of someone making stuff up to suit a narrative they wanted to push, I don’t know what is.


I find it to be quite shocking that the K Klan would talk with MB’s attorney about…COTH…that is WEIRD!


I would guess that the conversation happened at some time before all the Kanarek problems were evident.
I can totally see Mr. Tarshis having that opinion of an online bulletin board. I do not find it negative that he feels that way.


“Allowing a child to say” - I’m sorry, how do you stop them from speaking? Are we supposed to muzzle children until they are 18? That is the sort of comment that gets addressed afterward.

“I understand you were upset but…”


Thank you.

I knew I had not posted as you claimed… at least you finally went back and checked that.
Just a reminder to all of us not to be in such a rush to condemn, sneer and point fingers…



Not only that…it is something I would consider a normal childish expression for a boy that age, who was certainly aware of the tensions on the farm and the stress his mother was experiencing and was wanting to do something to alleviate it and knowing they were powerless, would say.


Yes, the irony and hypocrisy of those comments coming from IM is extremely amusing! :smile:

As is his praise of “3 sane people” and decrying “the forces of hate, misery and victim shaming” which is something LK happily - and often LOUDLY - indulged in… nevering like she had never nevered before. :wink:


Agreed. Thinking that the kids were not aware of that tension and would not feel it and react to it is ridiculous. I am sure RG was only seeking to comfort them when he was trying to find out where they were…



Oral contracts are just as valid as written ones. Contracts can be created in all kinds of circumstances so long as the required form of the contract exists.

In order to file a legal eviction you first have to do several things, which were in the process of being done and promptly complicated when someone decided to get everyone evicted from the property. Presumably the order marking the premises as uninhabitable could be expected to have the same effect, until such time as it was ignored; the enforcement of that order never took place as the event in question happened first. In other words, arguing about the eviction process is moot here because nobody was supposed to be occupying the domicile, by order of the building inspector.


That does not preclude the existence of contracts kept in the safe, though. As Lala lamented, MB did have other clients besides her.

And, IIRC, Lala was crowing about being able to forge signatures, so it isn’t outside the realm of possibility that there was some thought about creating one.


I have been thinking about this post by @Inigo-montoya since it was made.

Does it mean that the KKlan made a trip to Welly World or Virginia to make sure the moderators and editors in chief knew about the EIM?

Why is the KKlan so concerned about a bunch of middle aged women with nothing better to do on an online forum? Why find us such a threat?

Is it a poorly veiled threat of some sort? Don’t behave or keep talking and see what happens because the moderators and editors in chief know who we are?

If I get in trouble on COTH, will it go on my permanent record? Will it cause my partner to leave me? Will it make my cat puke in my bed?

Supposedly, our boy Inigo had a career in the financial industry. Maybe the Interwebz is still too new for him to be familiar with, but he doesn’t seem to understand that content creates clicks.

Then clicks create income from advertisers. It is a fairly simple concept actually.

Magazines are a dying industry, proven in the fact that more disappear every year. Digital content is where it is at @Inigo-montoya, and train wrecks sell!

What also makes Inigo think that if the discussion about the Barisone case were to be shut down here, it would not continue on some other venue.

There is a host of creative people here, with myriads of talents, in many different forms at many different levels. There is always social media, and always individual websites.

How many have seen entire websites dedicated to individual true crime cases? Face it Inigo, you and Lauren Kanarek are internet infamous, and the internet is forever Jonathan Kanarek!

I wonder if the KKlan puts this much effort into shutting down comments on all the other venues out there that cover the situation.


Wait – CH QFP’d my post? Why, thankyew, CH! :joy:


The manifesto from Lauren’s FB page says she has her agreements in writing and recorded.


So…I wanted to repost this. It was in response to a response about my claim that RC and MB probably put RC’s gun in the safe, because that was the responsible gun owner thing to do, that was made when RC’s PTI article came out. By all accounts, the gun was generally kept responsibly. JQ was banned when Lauren was.

And what was testified to? The gun was indeed put into the safe…