Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I read this as the vet (or someone saying) MB could not simultaneously claim the horse was in full training board (i.e., charge for full training board) and also that any loss of condition was from LK not riding the horse.

This ignores that fact that depending upon the training arrangement, yes, you can claim both those things. If you pay for, say, 3 trainer sessions/week, but you don’t ride any of the other days, the horse could lose condition. It just depends on the arrangement. ‘Full’ does not necessarily mean 5 or 5+ days/week.


That’s how I read it.


Yes, I always figured they were happy enough that nothing much was investigated, because an investigation done properly would have revealed more about what happened than the Kanareks would like. Its also why I think Jonathan Kanarek was at the scene. I think the police response to the scene was more of the same non-response to the 911 calls they had been providing all along, and a desultory cleanup and arrest of the “proper” person at the scene was what they were after, and Kanarek was there, at least initially, to make sure that happened.


This is something I wondered at some point, too, that they were actually only there to get a grift on, and see how they could make some money out of the stiuation, doing bad deals to keep the horses on the cheap, see if RG could scam MB out of insurance money coming in for repairs on the house, then doing a law suit for bad faith on the way out the door. I still would not be surprised to find out RG went back and turned the water on that winter which burst the pipes, but who knows. Its an easy enough way to damage a house. But I think the whole thing was a grift, not a well planned grift, but that this is how they operate, look for money and set themselves up in situations where they coul dscam somebody out of it. Then she got really pissed when MB wanted to get rid of her, and then she caught winde of how MHG wanted her out, and suddenly she wasn’t playing them any more, they were getting rid of her and she was pissed at MHG being so active in wanted to get rid of her and she wanted to ruin them, not just get money off them. Needing to win, I think it snowballed and everything they did just raised the stakes for her to one-up them and ruin him. As in “We were supposed to take him to the cleaners, not Him and MHG cut us off!” Something like that.


I recall some photos of the interior of the house where Robert Guy Goodwin had “worked” on it coming up during the trial. Not impressive.

I also wonder if they weren’t stripping the place of copper the day Michael showed up at HIS UNOCCUPIED house before they could finish damaging and destroying it.

I wouldn’t put it past Lauren Kanarek to have discussed how to do this and then tell the building inspector/fire marshal/insurance adjuster that MB had done “something” that led to its loss and therefore it was insurance fraud.

I mean, she talked about messing with other things that would lead to a loss of power (and thus to NO WATER TO THE BARN) and forcing MB to buy a BIG ass generator - so why not go even further?

ETA (Feb 16, 2023 @7:13 am EST) a screen shot of that exchange from Exhibit I


Wow, I hadn’t even thought of that. There goes her love and care of horses. Extra stupid as her own horses at that point would have been affected. But equally bad if the plan was to get her horses out and have all the other horses suffer no water.

Just really despicable stuff.


What was she saying, That the building inspector would get MB out of the house then they couldn’t get back in and they would be homeless?

And yes, there was something about the insurance adjuster that she really wanted MB to be acused of insurance fraud. Its far more likely that they had done something which they thought they could foist onto MB that he had comitted insurance fraud. I wonder what they were up to at that point?


I’ve heard the “JK was there” theory a few times now, not ruling it out at all, but wouldn’t that have come up in MBs trial? Unless he was inside and MB didn’t see him …


You make a good point.

Which would mean they had already told Michael that they were going to sue him. Which would have made this allowable information in the criminal trial.

They do appear to have a long history of threatening to sue people to get their way.


I’m not on board with the JK was there theory, but I am thinking the fawning over the police from the K crowd could be b/c bad police work was to their distinct advantage here. It hadn’t occurred to me before.


I believe there could have been influence with the PD by JK long before the shooting, setting the stage for what the police should think and do when called. Why else were they always so nonchalant? Why else would MB not be allowed to speak with a higher up? Who knows what the backstory could have been given by JK? JK is a master of insinuation.


This has been thoughts all along, since the Kanarek side has always praised this shoddy police work, there has to be a reason for them praising the shoddy police work and that was the only reason I could come up with.


Yeah, when they make a deal about something, theire’s usually a reason, like praising the shoddy police work to me means it was particularly influencial in what the K’s wanted, however that came about.


As I was so threatened, and as I showed by posting LKs threatening to sue PMs to me, I can confirm this as fact.


@omare, with the new thread I thought maybe you missed my question to you in the other thread. Here is a screen shot of the post so it is easier for you to answer it here.


It makes me wonder if that kind of behavior is an indication of a personality disorder of some sort. And LK developed her own PDs in response (perhaps as a defense mechanism?).

I also recall on one of the old threads that someone said that KK struck as her somewhat simple-minded or “child-like.” If so, it seems someone like that could be fairly easily manipulated by those close to her - and esp. if the individual was on some sort of medication to manage a mental health condition.

At any rate, I am not sure that KK was nearly as involved in the plotting, etc., as JK was. I would almost be willing to give her a bit of a pass, except for the fact that she transcribed the recordings and may possibly have (at LK/JK’s direction), edited the versions that were sent to SS. That is a malfeasance that I cannot forgive, esp. if those edits were embellishments to bolster LK’s accusations of MB as a bully or fraudster (or abuser of minors), while white-washing her own behavior.

I truly hope MB’s team is successful in obtaining copies of KK’s transcripts, although I suspect they have either been destroyed or the K’s have “hidden” them and will continue to claim they don’t have them and/or they shouldn’t be asked to turn them over. In other words, Delay-Deny-Deflect-Deceive.


Not horse-themed, but I’ve always thought the title should be “The Family That Preys Together.”


If he was there he would have had to leave before the cops came, otherwise he would be a witness and a record of him being there would exist in some capacity.


I’ve been threatened with one myself. I laughed and laughed and that was that, didn’t hear a peep about it when she next targeted me to tell me I’m fat :joy:


Because of the totally amazingly wonderful police work that was done, right?


I am not in the group that thinks Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) was actually there at that moment, but my feelings on him not being there do not even slightly stem from the fact that the police do not have a record of him being there.
The police work was so shoddy, they have no idea who was there and who was not there.