Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The number one rule of running a barn. One never says, “I have a stall(s) available.” It’s always, “I might have a stall available in the near future.”


Thank you! I lost track of all of RGs names… :crazy_face:


Don’t forget “Speedbump”! :joy:


He has so many, it does get confusing at times.

It would have been so much easier if someone (Lauren Kanarek maybe) had not used Robert Guy Goodwin’s facebook page to threaten people on the 48hours page so they then had to turn around and change his name on Facebook to Jim E Stark.


LOL. Nope.

She was spewing about how she was being threatened and bullied by MB and whatever else she could come up with before she was shot. Her plotting and scheming factors into the extremely tense atmosphere she was trying so very hard to create all around her as opposed to just moving.


I would say in my experience with many BNTs in the land of dressage over the years, especially a client who has multiple horses in training will not get the BNT for every single ride. It simply wouldn’t be possible to coordinate all that with a client’s availability over multiple horses, every single day. That’s why they have assistants.

The lesson schedule is one thing, but the professional rides/hacking/walker time/turnout is a carefully orchestrated ballet that waits for no one.


She did the extreme 180 long before there was a gunshot. In case you somehow managed to be oblivious to all her social media posts and her campaign of terror in the months leading up to August of that year.


And with those texts it’s very clear that she was crafting a situation in which to pressure them to pay out a $ettlement in order to get her to leave.


Is he still going by Jim Stark on Facebook?

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That’s an excellent description. And that’s before you even factor in a show schedule.


Yes he is.


In the post extolling his excellence a year before he shot her, she stated that she trained with him “daily”.

It’s up to the trainer and client to negotiate whether the client is taught 100% by trainer, 50% or 20%.

It sounds like she was being trained predominantly by Barisone himself in 2018. If that was “the deal” whether by written contract, oral contract, or just by the routine established in 2018, it is understandable she would feel cheated if she was no longer being trained predominantly by MB himself in July 2019.

Obviously she was well aware of how dressage training with a Michael Barisone worked, since she had been training with him for well over a year.


I know I’m still 800 posts behind but had to reply to this.

I would bet serious money the Ks will never offer to settle because that would be admitting they lost and they don’t like to lose.


exactly…Or I can put you on the list if something opens up


Training at a BNT, you mustn’t forget that there are also other clients there to train. There are also other horses for them to ride. So if you want to engage with the BNT, schedule your time, show up and ride.

If you want any trainer to be totally yours at your beckon call, you are going to be paying a heck of a lot more than $5,000.00 per month for that individual service. $5,000.00 per month for a middle of the road trainer wouldn’t cover it, and you expect it to cover it for someone of MB’s caliber, for multiple horses.

Ummmmmm, I don’t think so.


And how much do you wanna bet that Lauren Kanarek was showing up for her lessons regularly when it all started, and then she started to nap thru things. Even she admits she missed lessons and such.


It appears as if you are placing blame on him for her deciding on retribution when she wasn’t getting what she wanted. In most training situations, when things go south, you leave. You don’t go FinishTheBastarding.

From what I understanding it was her habit of not showing up which brought her down a few notches regarding her having favored nation status.

Who knows maybe MB trained her less because she disgusted him and just looking at her face made him want to upchuck. Who knows?


How much do the contracts cost for a trainer to train and show exclusively for one farm/owner? I would think you would need to own quite a few horses for a well known trainer to be interested in working for you.
I have heard of a couple of arrangements like that locally to me of racehorse farms and a few show horse breeding farms but around here most trainers need multiple clients.


That sounds like a bad business model that no one should ever implement. Clients walk, all the time. Around here, I’ve seen the same horses under a different trainer every year, chasing scores and ribbons and bigger shows. I kid you not, one horse has been trotted down the centerline by a different GP rider every year for the past 5 years.

Being hired as a staff trainer or staff rider (a la the European model at the various stallion stations) is different. You are a salaried employee. An independent trainer couldn’t afford to put all their eggs in one basket.