Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I’ve seen it happen once in a while, but I would think it would involve a pretty significant sum of money to make it worthwhile for the trainer.

And probably an ironclad contract so that there are provisions in place for either party to exit as needed.


The ones I know about have a contract for a certain period of time that included salary and housing. Both sides would really have to get along with each other or it could go bad quickly.

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The Hunt Horse Complex in Raleigh, NC has been known to have a horse or two in the bathrooms on several occasions. And, yes, there were signs put up prohibiting horses from entering any bathroom. I wonder if the horses were able to read the signs?



And why were the horses in the restroom? And how did they fit through the door?

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I tried to use my Google law degree about horses in bathrooms but all I could find is this:

1. Men can’t eat ice cream while riding a horse in Cotton Valley, Louisiana.

2. In Colorado, Utah, and Washington, D.C., fishing from horseback is illegal.

3. In Pocataligo, Georgia, horses are not allowed to neigh after 10 PM.

4. You cannot open or close an umbrella in the presence of a horse in New York.

5. No lassoing fish from horseback, if you live in Tennessee.

6. Your horse is required to wear diapers in public areas in Charleston, South Carolina.

7. In Burns, Oregon it’s the law that horses must pay admission to enter taverns.

8. Between March 1st and October 20th in Burdville, Vermont, no horse is allowed to wander around.

9. You can get jail time for riding an ugly horse in Hartsville, Illinois.

10. Careful not to take pictures of horses on Sunday in McAllen, Texas. You can get up to 3 days in jail for disturbing the animal.


I like no. 3 there should also be a time in the morning that no screaming from the horses is allowed.


I have no idea! The bathrooms at the complex are large and also have showers, so it would be easy for a small horse to get through the door.


I can think of a few horse shows in New York where they should post that sign.


Actually, now that I think of it, I believe I’ve heard a story about somebody bringing a horse inside a restroom to braid it, because that was the only place on the property that was warm. Maybe that was it!


Still way behind and may I just say “wow!” Now I know why the thread blew up over the weekend.

But to answer the above, I don’t think there is a sponsor. I think she makes her living suing people. Often enough their insurance settles rather than spending money on lawyers to keep LK in $$$.

Who does that, sues people as a source of income? Oh wait…


My point is that she apparently loved training with him in 2018 when she was training with him “on a daily basis”. The monthly fee, inclusion of the apartment, and expectation of head trainer sessions is whatever LK and MB agree on.

If at some point she was no longer getting trained predominantly by MB, as she seems to have been historically, that’s a very significant change in their “deal”. It is understandable that she would think that she’s not getting what she was paying for. Who knows what she and RG thought they were owed for the renovations. Who knows what they were of promised in terms of free board tor Jay T as part of that purchase.

It appears she was in the process of leaving, but felt she was owed significant amounts of money, and had been bullied by MB/MHG. If not for the various sloppy side deals, the two parties could have parted ways much more easily.

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If I remember correctly, back in the day (2018) Lauren Kanarek was praising Justin on Facebook about her great lessons as much or more than she was praising Michael. So back then the deal included riding with Justin and it was OK.


Hmm. Interesting. I wonder what changed in the interim?


Lauren Kanarek appears to have had a temper tantrum about not getting her way.

I mean really, who can think that if you are frequently not showing up for your lessons that someone will hold a lesson spot for you? That is just crazy.
But it appears that Lauren Kanarek thought everyone should just do what she demanded of them.


So, @trubandloki , you’ve given no explanation for why you claim the “ha ha, maybe they’ll be homeless” text was from JK.

Perhaps should delete your posts using that bogus claim to harass him.

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It’s pretty obvious that Lauren’s problem was that MHG existed and had more say in how the place operated than Lauren did.


But wasn’t MHG already there in 2018? Before LK ever arrived?


@lazaret do you want to take this on about New Jersey eviction process and court orders? My posting of the New Jersey links is not ending the endless belief the police can act as private rousters.

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Sure LK thought. LK felt. LK wanted.

All bullhockey. Everything she wanted, everything she thought was clearly fragments of hallucination wrapped in bloated ego with a side of stupid salad.

Your statements all have their genesis in the faulty assumption that she was a golden student, on time and present - religiously. A student of such character and steadfastness that they would never compete with others in their neverending venture to dominate as teachers pet. To be the prima ballerina despite being absent the dedication to do so.

Sure, LK was a pristine presence there and all the meanie mean mean people were dastardly beings to not appreciate and worship her awesomeness.

The truth is she wasn’t owed a gosh darned, rootin’ tootin’ thing. She was a toxin and a malignancy that had to be gone. Her biggest problem is that she showed everyone what she was, and they came to believe her.


Keep in mind she didn’t act alone. Her father and male companion supported her behavior, urged her on and conspired with her to destroy a man, his life, his business, his relationships, his goals.