Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Hey, @hut-ho78!

Maybe I missed it. Did you ever back your claim that I am the master baiter and goader? When did that happen, exactly? If I am prone to such behavior, I want to be able to re-evaluate and make a change.

Thing is… I can’t think of a time where I have baited or goaded, although I do let others get the best of me, so it’s certainly possible I have done so on rare occasion. But I cannot imagine that I have baited or goaded with such frequency or consistency so as to be called a master. Can you help me out?

Please and thanks.

(And no, this isn’t me “baiting” or “goading”, this is me asking you, since you’re here and active, to please back up your outrageous claim.)


No I have not been there. Thank you for this information!

I don’t know if it was a permanent exhibit, but when I was there some years back, they had a display about animals in the war.

They had a slideshow with tons of pictures of different animal mascots surrounded by a bunch of very tough looking soldiers who were grouped around the animal and smiling at it. I stood there and watched that slideshow for a long, long, long time.


I have mixed feelings. There are quite a few children’s books that have been changed through the years to get rid of questionable language- Little House on the Prairie for one. Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was changed in the 1970’s with regards to how the Oompa Loompahs were depicted.
I don’t know the easy answer. I have seen many librarians recommend to just let the books die out on their own accord. I think it is more of a money issue than anything else. Hey we can still sell them if we tone down the anti-fat amti-female rhetoric.


I hope everything goes well!!


While heroes do not brag, and many veterans do not talk about what they did while in the service, they’ll still usually say I was assigned to x brigade/battalion/unit/ whatever may apply. Or say I was assigned to y or I was stationed at z. :woman_shrugging:t3: It’s not bragging or anything, just a fact that can be easily stated. Even those that I know who have had more “secret squirrel” careers still have some sort of answer that they can give.


Haha see above post!

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Um, when have I, or anyone here ever sucked up to Michael Barisone??? Huh? I’m not here because of Michael Barisone, other than to give him support, but because of @Inigo-montoya’s daughter. I’ve said from the very beginning I post here, and will continue to post here as long as necessary to be sure questions are asked and your daughter’s “story” is questioned. Michael Barisone is not the subject currently. The Kanarek Family is the subject and why/how do they continue to run from accountability?


According to the NJ Municipal Courts Website…

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for possession of marijuana on 05/27/1995.

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for possession of Quaalude/Methaqualon (Description:POSS CDS/ANALOG - SCHD I II III IV ) on 05/27/1995. He was found guilty on 9/12/95. Looks like he possibly paid a fine related to this. There is a note in the system “COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS/DISMISSED ON RECORD 7/7/98”

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for CRIMINAL TRESPASS-UNLICENSED ENTRY OF STRUCTURES on 05/28/97. Looks like he plead guilty in November 1997.

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for Simple Assault on 05/28/97

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for AGG ASSAULT-ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER on 05/28/97. It seems charges were reduced, and later dismissed

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for CRIMINAL TRESPASS-DEFIANT TRESPASS on 07/10/99.

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for AGG ASSAULT-ATTEMPT/CAUSE SBI (serious bodily injury) PURP/KNOW/RECKLESS on 01/29/2001. Looks like the charges were later reduced to SIMPLE ASSAULT-PURPOSELY/KNOWINGLY CAUSE BOD. INJURY

Robert Guy Goodwin was arrested for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF-DAMAGE PROPERTY on 01/29/2001. He was found guilty, and disposition comments state “DEF TO MAKE RESTITUITION OF $300.00 TO LPD”


I sincerely am curious… when did RG enlist? Did the Marine Corps decide to overlook his arrest record? They do overlook certain charges for certain people. It depends on the time frame of when someone enlisted, what is happening with recruiting, etc

What rank was RG when 9/11 happened? Where was he based at the time?

Oh… last thing… what were the terms of his discharge?

You claim that RG is a hero and cite his military service. Many people have many questions about his service. There are details about all this that seem… contradictory and confusing…


bolding added.

Maybe he bought into her “woman of unlimited means” puffery, and thought she was a great source of revenue — not just training, but sales commissions, buyer of retired horses, etc.

Trainers don’t train amateurs because they’re wunderkinds — they train them to bring in revenue. Some wealthy amateurs sponsor their trainers by providing expensive horses, etc.

LK was also mid to late 30s and attractive.

exactly what are you implying?


Yes, I did call out @eggbutt based on something your daughter lied about and then I had egg on my face. That incident actually led to our friendship. So, don’t you call me a coward. I’m lucky she forgave me, as I was pretty nasty.

That said, I also continue to call her out and she continues to call me out when we need a little check and balance. Because that’s how normal people operate. Normal people care about each other enough to say “hey, back off.”

Wake up call, @Inigo-montoya: normal people can disagree without going scorched earth or having “enemies”.

I’m about your daughter’s age and I don’t have enemies. Not a single one. When someone does something I don’t like, I either work it out or walk away and leave them in the rear view mirror. Because that’s what adulting looks like.


Islamabad is in Pakistan.

Learn more about geography, and try harder next time.


You’ve definitely baited and goaded me, @erinmeri.

Quite frequently in the last 24 hours, in fact.

Warning. Danger. Pull up. Operation thread lock imminently successful. Don’t fall for it. PaPaRider is the bait. Put on your ignore suits…


@MHM and @Sdel Florida. Testimony. Winter prior to LK going to NJ. A month to train with MB or VK for a month. MB had a clinic. They rode in the clinic. I think the horses stayed at MB’s brother-in-law’s farm per RG but he wasn’t certain. LK and RG stayed in a trailer somewhere (from coth posts). See first 8 minutes RG testimony.

I didn’t say anything about summer of 2018 in this post because yes, it was already stated that VK was not at HH in the summer of 208 when LK was there.

The trainer who took Lauren to FL was Donna Kelly. Lauren was a fairly new student for her. They went to attend several clinics with various BNT’s, Barisone among them. That’s how they met. MHG and Barisone were already a couple at that time.

It is true that Donna Kelly refuses to discuss Lauren with anyone. Robin Brueckmann, Lauren’s trainer prior to Donna, also refuses to discuss Lauren.


What Division was your dad in? My dad was in the 9th Division.



@Maria and @cheval_convert, I am not telling you how to post, but might I suggest you start another thread in off topic for this very interesting discussion about your father’s service history? It is likely to get lost in this thread and it is such a good topic, I bet you will find others to join in.