Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You clearly don’t ride horses. “Trainers don’t train amateurs because they are wunderkinds”? Are you unfamiliar with the whole H/J/Eq business model for amateurs and juniors, especially? I’ll admit I don’t know the Dressage world so well, but a junior or ammy who can ride anything and win everywhere is worth their weight in GOLD regardless of discipline. They LITERALLY sell the horses. A horse with a record under a junior or amateur is worth a crap ton of money more than a horse who can only perform under a pro unless you’re talking upper, upper levels. If you don’t get that, you’re out of your mind.

I won’t even entertain the rest of your reply, because it’s utter nonsense.


I used cotton balls and warm water. I have used spit.

Yes, I’d like to see his DD214 with appropriate redaction of course, wouldn’t you?

I come from a family of US Marines. No Marine would have presented himself in a court room, under oath, as RG did. Period. End of that story.

I agree with CanteringCarrot, Stolen Valor is despicable and a slap in the face of all who have honorably served this nation.


And would you posit that files on the cloud can be deleted without leaving a record of having been stored and then deleted?

We will NEVER get rid if them if we keep responding. This has gone so far past annoying that it is not even funny. PLEASE refrain from responding. :grimacing::grimacing:


Just want to opine on this more. Dressage, H/J, Reiners, barrel racers, cutting horses, who cares… a horse who can do well with an ammy is going to command a higher price. An ammy who can get the results is an asset. Make sense, @CurrentlyHorseless?


Some train anyone if they thing money is in it. Oh wait. They take money from anyone. Training is iffy. They will also sell a rider a very expensive horse after they convince the rider to sell the safe horse with which they were actually making progress. Even the medium and small named trainers will do that one. Big name trainers just spend more of their clients’ money.

Some are honorable and great and outstanding. Some not at all.

The trick is letting it dry. Even when you think that it is dry, give it more time.

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I admit it, I am sad. @Seeker1’s bubble was showing that it seemed like Kirby Kanarek was going to post. But no post. And now the bubble is gone.

I figured she would add prayers for our souls and such.


He said he wasn’t a gun guy. There are military types who rattle off effective ranges and discuss the nuances of various weaponry all day long. Others just work to be proficient with their issued weapon. They may be in more of a support role and focused in that area or just not that interested in every weapon known to mankind. I did not take his comment to be amiss.

I think 4th Division. 22nd infantry. I am going to have to double check

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Are you sure it was her bubble? She has not posted for quite a while.

I’ve been fooled on that one before when I thought it was a bubble of one person, but it turned out to be somebody else with a similar icon.


Have you ridden with a BNT?


Has anyone been to the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, VA? It has fabulous bronzes!

The small rural farming town of Bedford lost more men per capita than any in the US on D-Day.


I can only surmise you’re pontificating on the latest Lauren Lamentation. You portray her as quite the clueless naive amateur who gets constantly taken advantage of.

And don’t try to pretend you weren’t telling her narrative for that person you claim not to know, speaking of things not previously written about.


Hey, we’re having a private conversation here and would appreciate it if you would respect our right to privacy! :wink:


I’ve been riding for 28 years, had multiple trainers, lived in multiple states working with multiple “big name” trainers and none of them solicited clients.


No, but DH and I plan on doing an East Coast road trip sometime soon. Will put it on our list of stops.



Of course Islamabad is in Pakistan.

Despite pretending to be a US ally, Pakistan was notorious for hosting and supporting the Taliban. Pakistan even had its own branch of the Taliban. It was called the “Pakastani Taliban”.

Learn more about world events, and try not to show your ignorance next time.

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