Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Yes, but they don’t approach them first. You go to them.



CO = Corrections Officer around here.


I can imagine I am a horror to your family for insisting the truth be told. You know it and I know it, don’t we? Do you actually think I care what you think of me or anyone else on this forum who continue to question what your family did to another human being the summer of 2019? And we are the horrible ones. Dear, dear. There is no one on this thread who can hold a candle to what your family has done to others.

So many questions for you Jonathan, if you really are Jonathan and not Lauren. You two post and berate so much like each other.

Have you and Mrs Kanarek turned over the recordings and transcripts yet? Funny, no mention of the cool quarter million dollar settlement tonight, at least not yet - I’m just catching up.


It was @Seeker1 - if you scroll over the bubble it gives the full name of the poster.

Maybe she had to stop mid-post to yank the keyboard away from IM. Since he is going on about how we are cowards and how eggbutt is “an absolute horror of a human being” does not bode well if he wants to remain a coth poster. Why he even wants to post here is beyond me though.

Edited to get IMs quote bashing eggbutt word perfect.


And don’t use too much on new boots/shoes. Crack and flake.

Huh! Learn something new every day. :slight_smile:


Buckle up folks… :smirk:


No argument there. Talent and dedication are good attributes in amateurs.

However, the most important attribute of an amateur boarder and client is their ability to pay their bills and perhaps be a source of funds on side deals such as paying commissions on purchases or buying up your retired horses. Perhaps buying an expensive horse for the trainer to campaign.

It’s not necessary for an amateur to have talent to be an attractive prospect to most trainers.

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This is a gif of @Virginia_Horse_Mom contemplating the Pakistani Taliban hiding Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in the early aughts, and wondering why it took the US so long to find him.

In my neck of the woods, trainers who solicit clients from other clients quickly become persona non grata. Word gets around and the trainer is not invited to clinics with BNTs or social events and is pretty much given the cold shoulder by other trainers. One place I boarded at wouldn’t allow another other trainer on the property after she tried to solicit away several clients. There was a pretty testy exchange between the two trainers at the sign in table when that trainer showed up to watch one of her students ride in a clinic with a VERY BIG NAME TRAINER/JUDGE. It made for a rather unpleasant morning. :frowning:


My goodness, IM and HH and CH certainly are clutching their pearls today. I wonder what has them so worked up. :thinking:


I wonder if GAS is aware of IM’s posting habits on the BB yet?


IM has been drafting something for quite awhile. He must have quite a lot on his mind. Feelings he needs to get off his chest. Etc etc.

I assume the courts were closed today in NJ. I doubt there’s any legal news yet. It’s all… interesting.


Small name trainers don’t do this either. It’s client poaching and nobody would risk their reputation on stealing a low-level nobody amateur client lol.


Maybe someone else is having a turn using the @Inigo-montoya login tonight. The posts don’t sound very lawyerly…more like aggressive drunk / drug user to me.


Well, you didn’t understand my reply.

To say that a trainer will take on an average talented amateur because the amateur is a reliable source of board and training revenue, especially if she is of unlimited means, does not contradict your point that talented juniors and amateurs are also valuable.

I do ride. I have no problem hiring whatever trainer is in my price range, and it’s not because I’m super talented. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m super reliable in paying my bills.

Re bolded: There’s an example of baiting and goading. You’re welcome.

I guess there is no question now….


Is this a sad attempt by @Inigo-montoya at doxxing? Oh dear. I think similar posts have gotten others banned by @Moderator_1 before. Is he suggesting that dear Trub is actually Lara Osborne? Something really has him rattled today.


I’m guessing HutHo still refuses to believe Inigo is JK :rofl: